True Martial World

Chapter 670: Invitation to the Presbyterian Church

After leaving the secret of the female emperor, Yi Yun three separated.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi went to the Lin family, and Jiang Xiaorou went back to the abandon to see, this three years, she worried about her mother.

Lin Xinyi is also somewhat uneasy. If the blood-moon lord is born, maybe a **** hurricane will be set up in the Tianyuan world, and Lin Xinyi can do it before, that is, to inform the Lin family, once the disaster occurs in the Tianyuan world, immediately Abandon the foundation of the Lin family, take the family incense to the gods, and shelter from the limelight in the gods.

Of course, Lin Xinyi also knows that such warnings may not be of any significance. If there is really a disaster that cannot be countered by the Tianyuan world, it is a luxury to want to escape.

It was not until Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun returned to the Lin family to see the peaceful scene of the Lin family. Lin Xinyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, the family is safe and sound.

Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun, once entered the Linjiashan Gate, were immediately recognized by the disciples of the family guarding the mountain gate.

"Missy! Easy son!"

The gatekeepers are all young people in their twenties. When they see Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu appear together, several people are very excited.

In the past few years, the actions of Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun have already spread.

In particular, the scene in which they both teamed up to kill the candle dragon in the soul, was described by the sound and color, which became the pride of all the younger generations of the Lin family.

The former Lin family, because Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi were classified as betrayal of the Terran, and the martial arts alliance blasphemed the Lin family, the Lin family can be said to be swallowing, but now, the Lin family has become the transcendental existence of the entire Tianyuan world. Many families have shown their indemnity to Lin.

The Lin family juniors, when they walked outside the family, were also highly respected. This kind of practical benefit was naturally brought by Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi.

"Missy, Laotaijun has been waiting for you, Missy is going to meet her old man."

Several young people said that they could not wait to lead Lin Xinyi.

Seeing these passionate people and seeing the familiar family, Lin Xinyi has a faint sense of warmth.

Family... Maybe it's very utilitarian, it's cold, but it doesn't make people feel lonely. Especially in the family, there is an old lady who loves her.


Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi returned to the Lin family, which was a major event for the Lin family. For this reason, the Lin family specialized in banquets and washed the dust for Yi Yun and Lin Xin.

A few of the big forces that have made good friends with the Lin family have also sent some important figures to Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi. As for other families with a relationship with Lin, they are not invited.

This has made many families feel a little guilty.

They are not sure about Lin’s attitude. I don’t know if they are planning to wait for Yi Yun and Lin Xin’s rise to start accounting after the fall.

Once a force is strong, it is necessary to expand the territory. Even Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun are good men and women who have no competition with the world, but what about Lin?

Lin family rarely has such an opportunity, how can it not take the opportunity to expand?

And expansion, it will inevitably benefit the interests of other major forces, either to annex their territory, or simply merge their people together.

The big forces in the range of a million miles around the Lin family are in jeopardy. When they don’t know, they may want to relocate and even become part of the Lin family.

On the second day of Lin Jia’s clean-up of Yi Yun, some people sent invitations, and Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi went to Jiejianshan to discuss the annihilation of the **** moon and the development of the Tianyuan martial arts.

The signature is the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church.

"Jianjianshan? Tianyuan Presbyterian Church?"

Yi Yun stunned.

The extinct mountain was formerly the base of the **** moon, but now it seems to be replaced by this "Tianyuan Presbyterian Church".

"It is an organization formed by the existing great forces in the Tianyuan world. It is said that it is to safeguard the peace in the Tianyuan world and promote the development of the martial arts. It is actually a means for these families to protect themselves and divide the blood. Before they had ideas, you and the heart will join the Tianyuan world. Presbyterian, but you have been closed since then."

Next to Yi Yun, Lao Taijun explained that this time, the banquet, Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi sat next to the old lady.

"It turns out that..." Yi Yun slightly indulged. After the war, the winners always like to form organizations belonging to them, hoping to establish a new order that is beneficial to them.

However, the war has not yet won, and now it is too naive to think about the benefits of the **** legacy.

"Since they sent an invitation, it would be fine to take a look." Yi Yun directly replied to the messenger.

On the side, the old lady straightened her eyebrows. After the messenger left, the old lady said: "The swordsman mountain has already been different from the past. They invited you to go this time. It may not be a trap, but many forces, but I don't want to see you grow up."

Lao Taijun said, Yi Yun naturally knows that this is probably a banquet. He said: "I am reminded by the old lady that I understand, rest assured, I have a few hearts."

The most taboo in Yi Yun’s heart is the movement of the blood moon. As for this Presbyterian Church, Yi Yun does not care much.

And if you are on the **** month, although he is not optimistic about this Presbyterian Church, but if they only attract the goal of the Blood Moon in the Ming Dynasty, they should also play some role, because they are the most conspicuous targets.


After the end of the banquet, Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi went to the Sword Mountain.

The receptionist sent by the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church has already prepared the transmission array along the way. Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi used only one hour of effort, and they crossed the tens of thousands of miles and saw the towering mountains.

After three years, the Jijian Mountain has been completely different. Many of the buildings left by the Budo Alliance have been demolished. At the top of the Jiujian Mountain, a giant tower hundreds of meters high was built and went straight for nine days.

Building such a magnificent building above the peak is nothing to the military.

Obviously, this giant tower is the headquarters of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church.

Yi Yun glanced at the giant tower, but found that the tower had some similarities with the goddess of the goddess of the goddess. I don’t know what the elders of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church were holding, and they even adopted such a shape. Is it the eye-drop tower?

Beyond the giant towers, there are heavy arrays. Most of these large arrays come from the classical classics left by the **** moon. The power is extraordinary. Plus here is the nest of the Tianyuan Presbyterian Church. It is not impossible for them to lay ambushes in this huge tower.

Seeing this giant tower, Lin Xinyan’s eyebrows gently pick it up and said, “Are we going in?”

Yi Yun directly opened the energy field of view, through the large array of giant towers, through the energy source in the giant tower, after repairing into the big advance, with the power of Amethyst to see through several large arrays, there is no difficulty for him.

In the case of the big squad, he only took a good grasp of the time, he said: "Just go in!"

(To be continued.)

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