True Martial World

Chapter 692: Heart

Yi Yun was sitting under the sword palace tree.

This is a god. The Tao contained in it is very understandable. Although it is said that the realization of the Taoist Temple for three days is equal to the realization of the Tao for one year, the premise is that it can be used to understand the Tao.

This requires extraordinary understanding.

"How much do you think he can realize?"

When Yi Yunjing sat, the white boy appeared behind the gray-skinned sword spirit, and the gray-shirt sword did not return.

"If he can realize some rules, the debris is already good. As for the tree to make a sense, the branches and leaves are shaking, it is impossible."

The white boy gently shook his head. Yi Yun started too low. He practiced in the world where Tianyuan was located. Due to the limitations of the eye, he was only starting in all aspects of the law. As for Kendo, Yi Yun had never systematically studied. Just realized some little swordsmanship.

These swords are placed in the world where Tianyuan is located. Naturally, they are shocked by the heavens, but the contrast is true, but the difference is too much.

And this tree of trees is such a parasitic avenue. Even if the gods of the twelve emperors are sitting here, they must calm down and understand carefully, and they may realize a little bit. This is beyond the realm and knowledge of Yi Yun. many.

"The baby who just learned to climb, suddenly went to learn to jump, naturally it would be very bad." Shibai shook his head and turned and left.

The old man in the gray coat did not speak, he just looked at Yi Yun, and his eyes were blooming with no one to understand.

The leaves of the tree, a total of 3,000, each leaf, the rhyme is different.

The enlightened person sits under the tree and realizes that if he really understands, the tree will resonate.

Comprehend the extraordinary artistic conception, the leaves of the tree will rustle in the wind, as if it is a response to the enlightenment.

Further up, some people realize deeper and even make the leaves produce visions. The surface of the leaves is covered with a glimmer of light. Each vein is lit up. This is the halo of the avenue, which is very rare.

The more you comprehend, the stronger the halo, but this vision, even the geniuses of the 12th Emperor's great powers, is hard to ignite.

When the halo is strong to the extreme, it will spontaneously condense into a pattern, flying around the tree, and the sound of the vicissitudes, which is the sound of the avenues of the avenues. These lines will even fall and condense in the body of the enlightened, this pair For the enlightened, this is a peerless opportunity.

This is a further realm, such a creator, peerless arrogance is difficult to achieve.

Of course, the old man in gray has never expected to find such a descendant, which is almost impossible.


The gaze of the gray-haired sword spirit, Yi Yun did not pay attention, his thoughts, have been completely immersed in the sentiment.

Sitting under the tree, he felt that everything around him seemed to be gone, and his body seemed to be immersed in a vast ocean.

Every drop of sea water is a condensation of the road.

His eyes are closed, but another pair of "eyes" are slowly opening.

The warrior sees the world with "heart". It is the heart of the mind, the world of the mind, the world of communication, and the way of understanding.

And Yi Yun’s heart not only has his feelings, but in the heart of Yi Yun, he still sleeps in Amethyst. Amethyst has already been part of Yi Yun’s body. He has amethyst presence. He sees the world through his heart. Jing sees this world.

In the field of Amethyst, there is a stream of light around it. Among these streams, there are flashing lines, which are flying in the light and fleeting.

Above the Yiyun, the ancient trees are towering, extremely tall, which is much higher than the Tao tree entity that Yi Yun saw.

The breeze blew, the leaves rustled, and the sound of each leaf and leaf was clearly audible. This tree is completely integrated into the heavens and the earth. It is this world, and Yi Yun is outside this world, but he is a passer.

Life and death are dying, and it’s not just humans, but even other billions of lives are in the world.

Yi Yun listened to the wind, listening to the sound of the leaves, the mind was completely immersed in the amethyst.

At the time, Yi Yun seems to have a pair of insightful eyes and casts the tree.

Every leaf of the road tree, every stripe road above, Yi Yun can see clearly, even, Yi Yun's line of sight penetrated the trunk and saw the annual rings in the trunk.

This is the heavenly arrogance of the twelve emperors, something that cannot be done.

The ancient annual rings, round and round, are the condensed avenues.

This infinite number of years, I do not know how many years to experience, can condense a circle of annual rings.

"Three thousand leaves, one hundred and eight rounds."

Yi Yun saw all of this, but when he wanted to see the flow of energy in the annual ring, as well as the lines of his own, Yi Yun felt that his mental power was quickly consumed.

This is something that has never happened before. With the energy vision of Amethyst, Yiyun can see the flow of all the sources of energy, and the law of energy flow is the law. Yiyun can easily see through the law of the road. The tomb of the sword is the same in the secret of the female emperor.

Today, Yi Yun used Amethyst to see the flow of energy, but he felt that his spiritual power could not be supported.

Yi Yun took a deep breath and cut off the energy vision of Amethyst. He was not in a hurry.

Even if he only saw a little bit at a time and had enough time to accumulate, he could see the complete 3,000 leaves, the 108 round.

The rhythm flows gently, the wind blows the leaves, and the sound of the rustle of the road is utterly sound. This is the truth of life. It is the road tree standing here in the endless years, everything is seen and heard.

Yi Yun suddenly felt that he was shocked, like in a long river of time, unable to help himself, rolling over.

Passers-by have too much peek, but can't afford the feelings accumulated by this endless years.

The tide rolled, I don't know how much time passed. Yi Yun regained his mental strength again and again, and once again peeked into the rhythm of the rhyme, he saw the leaves of a leaf intermittently.

But it’s still hard to see clearly and want to comprehend!

Yi Yun suddenly understood that the passer-by was a passer-by after all, and the people who could understand it were extremely limited. They were all borrowed from the tree.

Feeling the way of the tree, watching the lines of the tree, may not be able to turn into one's own.

How to do it?

When Yi Yun suddenly thought of his practice of "Tai A Sheng Law", he used Amethyst to see the "Day A Holy Law".

Although the quality of Tai Tai Sheng Fa is low, when Yi Yun enters the secret of the female emperor, she knows that "Tai A Sheng Law" has a connection with Qingyang Jun, and Qingyang Jun’s Tao actually comes from "Yang Ning". "Yang Nerve" is one of the twelve Supreme Avenues that formed the initial 12th Emperor Day.

Although "Tai Ya Sheng Fa" is not worthy of Yi Yun to more understanding, but the method of Yi Yun Wu 曜 图 当 未 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 曜 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹

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