True Martial World

Chapter 896: The scene can't be controlled

"The three emperors came from afar, presumably mourning the young disciples of the Cher Princess and the Fox, and want to know their performance." Duanmu elder said faintly.

The gambling of the three princes of the white fox family and the princess of the purple spirit, they are also slightly heard of the elders who lived in the ancient emperor. Seeing that the three emperors Bai Yueqing came to the Luo Temple, these elders naturally knew that he was thinking, and he should not be at ease to examine the results.

"The elders of Duanmu really laughed." The three emperors fought a haha, trying to live up to the atmosphere, but looking at the two stiff faces of Duanmu elders and stone elders, the three emperors swallowed back in the second half, these words he I feel a little boring when I say it.

These two old guys have lived for a few thousand years, and now they are stuck in the sacred sacred shackles. They are even more strange in character. They usually retreat in the ancient emperor, and it is estimated that they have not laughed at people for more than 100,000 years. People who are only interested in pursuing martial arts make Bai Yueqing feel very boring.

"How is the purple spirit princess?" On the way to the Luoshen Temple, the stone elders rarely opened the mouth.

"Zi Ling Princess is very good. The king has heard that the talent of Princess Ziling is amazing. This time, I still feel amazing when I see it with my own eyes. Such a rich blood of the ancient demon is similar to the blood concentration of Xue's Tianhu. Beyond the blood, the understanding and qualifications of Princess Ziling are also excellent."

Bai Yueqing shook the jade fan, so it was easy to say, but when he spoke, his look was not very good, and the muscles in his mouth seemed to be a little twitching.

Originally, Bai Yueqing thought that the stronger the talent shown by Luo Huoer, the happier he would be, so that after their marriage, the blood benefits he received would be greater and the throne would be more stable.

However, it turned out that Luo Huoer really performed very well. It was just the kind of anti-sky, which made Bai Yueqing unable to sit still.

And Luo Huer's temper, when the White Fox family tried it, was not safe, and it was so upset.

Just say that the law ladder, the Rocky disciples are trying their best to climb up, the first level is very difficult.

However, this Luo Huoer, the law ladder is jumping and jumping, can not stop, which makes the original arrangement in the Rock's own family, the first day of the town, was hit by Luo Huoer Come out and see people.

Luo Huoer's talent is too high, and the three emperors feel that they can't hold her at all. How can this make the arrogant Luo Huo convinced, if she is not convinced, what marriage?

The three emperors see that they can't control the situation, and this will be a special trip to the Luo Temple, to see the progress of Cher.

"The talent of the Purple Princess is amazing."

The stone elder did not notice the expression of the three emperors, but nodded with satisfaction. When Luo Huoer was young, he had already seen it. They will not participate in the battle for royal power, but for the genius girl of this royal family, they are still the elders of the Rock family, and there is still a lot of love.

The three emperor's heart smiled bitterly, but still reluctantly attached.

I thought that when I made a bet, I was very eloquent. Now I have a look... I want to win.

"I don't know where Cher is now, is it being tested?" Bai Yueqing asked with concern, Cher is the key.

"In the original space to understand the law, in a few days is the original space disciples alternate, the three emperors can enter by the way." said Duanmu elder.

The three emperors smiled and waited.

There is no time in cultivation.

When the door of the original space was pushed open again, some disciples who had reached the alternate time opened their eyes and reluctantly walked toward the gate.

"There are very few people who have realized this time. I don't know if I have entered the bottleneck, hehe." Xiaomo Mo looked up, his face was wrinkled, and he had some headache holding his own small head.

She looked at Yi Yun, and Yi Yun still sat still like a stone, and did not know that he woke up halfway.

"I don't know if the Three Emperors are coming." When Xiao Mo just walked toward the gate, he opened his mouth in amazement. "His Royal Highness!"

She saw a man and a woman walking in from the huge hall of the original space. One of the handsome men of silver foxes was looking at the original space.

"Sure enough. Enlightenment in this place is twice the result with half the effort. They seized this opportunity better than the 50 years of practice in the outside world, even the effect of a hundred years." Bai Yueqing praised.

“The Fox family also has a similar trial location,” said Duanmu.

"My fox is a law ladder, and the original space of the nobility is different, each has its own characteristics." Bai Yueqing said modestly.

The Law Ladder is a series of long ladders composed of dozens of demon **** stones. It is located in the void and has the same effect as the original space.

Like the Rocks family, the resources of the Fox family are also distributed according to their strength. Luo Huoer has undoubtedly taken up the bulk.

Here, the Princess Cher takes up the big head. In this respect, no one else has suffered. Both sides use the most rigorous methods to select the best genius, and then use the best resources to cultivate, so weak. The gap between people and top talents will only grow bigger and bigger.

"Snow Princess is over there, she is now in the realization of the Three Gods Seal." said Duanmu.

Bai Yueqing looked at the white fox princess through the fog. At this time, the white fox princess was standing there motionless, and the beautiful figure seemed to solidify.

Anyone who killed the first ancient demon in the smashing stone squad has double enlightenment time, and the alternate time of the white fox princess has not yet arrived.

"Snow is getting acquainted, so she won't bother her. The king is waiting here." Bai Yueqing said with disapproval.

"The three emperors are self-contained."

Standing there, Bai Yueqing naturally became the center of the audience. Many Fox disciples did not rush to the original space for a time, but went forward.

Bai Yueqing's gentle smile, from time to time asked to encourage the last two sentences, so that those Fox family disciples smiled.

Xiaomo Mo looked at the distance. Although she worshipped the three emperors, she did not dare to go up and talk to the three emperors. She lowered her head and prepared to go out and practice.

"That said, the most important thing that the Rock family should pay attention to is the arrow bamboo." Bai Yueqing nodded and looked at the boy who was standing in front of the stone.

Bai Yueqing is listening to the shadow of the twins to introduce the situation of the Rocky family disciples.

"Yes, after the arrow bamboo, it is Luo Mo and Yi Yun." Suddenly said, "They also killed the first old demon before, Yi Yun is a little stubborn, and it is the same as the first ancient demon."

"Is it the same? That is the general."

Bai Yueqing’s fan was slightly stunned.

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