True Martial World

Chapter 912: Wan Mo Life and Death

The time for the adjustment of the forty interest has arrived. Yiyun is still a dark blue sky and endless clouds.

"Choose your opponent!"

Yi Yun’s ear sounded the sound of a feelingless array.

Yi Yun took a deep breath.

"I choose... nine tailed white fox!!"


The clouds were distracted, and a huge white fox head emerged from the clouds. The pair of black coixers, indifferent and ruthless, reflected the face of Yi Yun.

The fifth old demon, whose strength has once again soared, is the nine-tailed white fox. When it appears, it seems to be the only one in this world.

The scent of the body is like the tide of the sea, impacting the body and mind of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun clenched his long sword in his hand. This is the last battle of this refining demon stone!

"How come this Yi Yun's opponent is the ancestor of my fox family?" Bai Yueqing slightly frowned, as the totem of the Fox family, the nine-tailed white fox was used as the opponent of the refining demon stone, Bai Yueqing felt uncomfortable, Before, Bai Yueqing himself questioned Yi Yun’s killing of the ancient demon. The stone elders replaced the 冉 冉 成 with the nine-tailed white fox. Bai Yueqing could only recognize it. Who let him talk, but now... come again?

Bai Yueqing looked at the elders of Duanmu, but the elders of Duanmu had a hand and said: "Don't look at me, this is the nine-tailed white fox that Yi Yun chose. It doesn't matter to me."

Yi Yun selected?

Bai Yueqing sneaked a bit, but he had weak strength and no choice, but he wanted to choose a powerful nine-tailed white fox. Is Yi Yun still not suffering enough? Although the previous World War Iyi won, but it was also a tragic victory. If it was a smashing fish, how would it consume so much?

"His Royal Highness of the Three Emperors, this Yi Yun probably knows how it is impossible to kill the fifth ancient demon, so the broken jar broke, choose a nine-tailed white fox, and lose a good look."

Some of the fox disciples in the field spoke, and Bai Yueqing sighed: "Even if you know that you can't win, choose a weaker one, you can eat less, unless he intends to directly admit defeat, otherwise he may be nine-tailed at the beginning of the battle. The white fox is heavily wounded and even affects the cultivation later."

Bai Yueqing said faintly, he was looking forward to Yi Yun not to admit defeat too early, it would be too boring.

"This kid, the fifth old demon would have dared to choose the nine-tailed white fox. I really don't know how to write the dead words."

Bai Yueqing slowly opened the fan, and it seems to have restored the calmness of the past. After all, in the other side of the image, Bai Yueqing has already seen the hope of the White Fox Princess to kill the fifth dragon. Even if it fails to kill, at least Can break the gap between the fifth dragon, the white fox princess and Yi Yun, or will be opened.

Bai Yueqing was thinking about it, but he saw that Yi Yun, in the dark blue sky, waved his hand, and a row of flying knives was thrown away by him.

The bright flying knife, flashing the cold light, was so discarded.


The flying knife fell into the ocean, causing a small wave of waves, which soon disappeared.

"The knife is lost?"

Bai Yueqing was stunned. Originally Yi Yun lost more than 100 flying knives in the fourth battle. It is reasonable to say that he should now ask the corresponding number of flying knives to refine the demon stone to supplement his own knife array. Now, he actually lost the remaining flying knives?

"Yi Yun intends to admit defeat?"

The fox disciples said, Bai Yueqing frowned. "This kid is really awkward. If his physical strength is weak, he will directly admit defeat. However, although he is immune from the threat of serious injuries, he also weakens his martial arts heart. Without the military, he is brave enough to go forward. The momentum!"

Bai Yueqing is very upset, Yi Yun has just made a big splash, now a confession, the merits of retreat, the benefits are occupied by him!

Moreover, since Yi Yun has already planned to admit defeat, he also summoned the nine-tailed white fox to do something to play with himself?

Bai Yueqing was thinking, but suddenly saw that Yi Yun’s palms had a cold flash.

That is... flying knife! ?


Yi Yun handed a hand, the flying knife shot around the body of Yi Yun, all suspended in midair, the sword pointed in all directions.

A rough one, there are almost one hundred.

Haven't lost yet?

This is how it happened. Yi Yun’s hands were more than 800 flying knives. I just lost more than 700 mouths, but I still have a hundred remaining. What is he going to do?

The general knife array, one less flying knife has a flaw, and Yi Yun's knife array, only one tenth remaining, how to use it! ?

When people are not aware of it, the nine-tailed white fox roared and rushed to Yi Yun!

Nine-tailed white fox can not wait for Yi Yun.

At the same time as the nine-tailed white fox rushed, its body was shining brightly, and the surrounding space was distorted by the light of this road.

It is the field!

Nine-tailed white fox, in the field of opening it!

This is the field of the fifth nine-tailed white fox, and the field of the fourth nine-tailed white fox is no longer a level. Yi Yun spent 30% of his physical strength before, and he tried his best to break the last nine-tailed field and wanted to break it again. This time the stronger field is almost impossible!

Seeing that the field is open, Yiyun will be shrouded. Once it is swallowed up by the field, the winner will be separated!

At this time, people do not know what Yiyun wants to do. He does not evade the field or admit defeat.


Between the electro-optic stone fires, Yi Yun’s body suddenly bursts out, like a flood of flooding, which generally flows in all directions!

People feel that the power of Yi Yun is being quickly pulled away!

The only remaining 70% of his energy, in a short moment, was pulled away almost nothing, all flocked to -

Among the hundred flying knives around him!

Hundreds of flying knives were filled with the energy of the cockroaches, and the knives of the knives trembled as if they were going to burst open!

Yi Yun's hands and hands together, a hundred flying knives flew out, all gathered in front of Yi Yun, this moment, there seems to be a mysterious rune on the blade, these runes are bleak, looming, No matter how gazing, it seems that it is difficult to see the lines in the rune!

Hundreds of flying knives, merged into one, formed a circular knife array, flying fast.

Yi Yun used all his strength to push this round knife out!


The space seems to be torn, and the knife bangs the huge head of the nine-tailed white fox!

In the nine-tailed field, this time has already been opened. In the nine-tailed field, as long as the field is not broken, the nine-tailed white fox is almost invincible!

The nine-tailed white fox, screaming, grabbed the claw with a claw, and its two black hazelnuts were clearly reflected in the rotating knife array.


A burst of sound, the knife broke out!

More than one hundred flying knives, under the powerful explosive force, have shattered and broken!

Seeing this scene, people are holding their breath, it is over! ? Yi Yun drained only 70% of the force in the body, so far?

Just one thousandth of a blink of an eye, people's thoughts have just been generated, but also in the future, but see the original broken position of the knife array, there is a layer of faint black lines left behind.

The knife array has been broken, but the mysterious runes engraved on the knife body have been retained?

The runes are combined and still in the shape of a disc, like a huge runner!

The wheel rotates. In such a fierce collision, its rotation speed is slow and strange, just like time is fixed at that moment.


The nine-tailed white fox screamed, and it clawed at the wheel, but its claws, when caught in the wheel, were directly shredded by the slowly rotating wheel!

Separation of flesh and blood, blood splash!

The nine-tailed white fox screamed, and its pair of indifferent and unaffected black glutinous rice finally flashed the color of fear. It wanted to retire, but the black runner seemed to cross the space and time and went directly to the nine-tailed white fox. In front of you.

"Vortex vortex!"

Like a time-space black hole formed in the body of the nine-tailed white fox, the nine-tailed white fox that was initially integrated into the nine-tailed field, the body and flesh are smashed by the black hole in this time and space, the internal organs are broken, and the blood is sprayed!

The violent tremors in the nine-tailed field have reached the edge of the collapse!


The nine-tailed field exploded, and the body of the nine-tailed white fox was torn apart in the explosion. The minced meat was mixed with blood, and flying in all directions!

Yi Yun, who has completely exhausted his physical strength, has been repulsed backwards by this shock. He is covered with fox blood and minced meat all over his body. The whole person is like a climber in Shura's hell.


Yi Yun fell on the sea, the sea was stained with blood, and his last physical strength barely guaranteed his body to float on the surface of the sea instead of sinking.

The whole person floated in the sea in a large shape, feeling the red rain on the face - it was the blood of the nine-tailed white fox.

Hey! Hey! Still warm blood, there is a special feeling on the face.


In the fifth battle, Yi Yun’s last battle, Yi Yun used his last trick at the beginning of the battle.

Because Yi Yun has only the remaining vitality, he is only barely enough to summon the magical life and death wheel. Any other moves before the summoning of the magical life and death wheel will make his vitality unsustainable.

Even so, after a move, Yi Yun has no strength to move his fingers.

He looks extremely embarrassed, and outside the refining stone, he is so weak and unable to float in the scene of the bright red sea, but it is permanently imprinted in the minds of everyone, even after many years, these young heroes have their own When they became, they could hardly forget this scene -

The boy who used the flying knife, in the near impossible situation, only one hundred pieces of broken flying knife, one shot to kill the nine-tailed white fox that appeared in the fifth round of the demon stone!

How did he do it?

The whole scene was silent. Even the stone elders and the Duanmu elders were stunned and completely did not react to what happened.

Just on the side of Yi Yun, the battle images belonging to the Fox Princess have reached the most intense part of the battle, but there has been no attention for a while, they seem to have forgotten.

In their vision, only the clouds that face the sky and bathe in the rain.

The battle of the fox princess is fierce, and it is far from being shocked by Yi Yun’s spike!

Yes, spike, powerful to the fifth old demon that can not produce resistance, the result of Shang Yiyun is actually ... spike! !

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