True Martial World

Chapter 920: Out of the sword

Akasaka, the emperor, this is a clear statement of disapproval.

Although everyone knows this, but the words of the Akasaka emperor, still let a lot of Fox disciples agree, the blood will not say, the strength of Yi Yun is not dominant, Yi Yun won a fifth with a secret method The ancient demon, not Yi Yun is powerful, but the secret method is powerful.

As for the White Fox Princess, it is hard to kill the ancient demon by its own strength.

The secret of the attack class has a miraculous effect, but like a weapon, it is a foreign object, and it will be replaced at a higher level. What is really powerful is the military’s own understanding of the law and its own realm.

"Princess, let's go, there is nothing to fight for."

Yi Yun said to Luo Huoer that he did not care about winning or losing. The strength was recognized by the people of the Fox family. How can it be recognized?

As for what to accompany the fox family to travel, he is not interested in it - Lin Xinyi has not found it yet, this Wan Yao Emperor is vast and vast, he is looking for Lin Xinyi do not know where to start, how can I accompany A strange woman who has not much friendship? This is just the bad taste of Luo Huoer.

Luo Huoer snorted, and the high-pitched appearance of the Akasaka emperor made her want to punch a punch on his face.

"Xiaoyunzi! You said that you participated in a trial, what is so low-key from beginning to end, and you should come out and smash the demon stone, so that they can have something to say!"

Luo Huoer is very unhappy with the voice.

Yi Yun said faintly: "They don't see that it doesn't make sense, and strength is their own."

After Yi Yun finished, he stood up straight.

Seeing Yi Yun has to go, Luo Huo left what he can do, she stood up very uncomfortable.

"Why, this is gone, don't you leave a cup of tea?" said Akasaka, who smiled and smiled, a leisurely look.

Bai Yueqing also laughed, and he opened his folding fan and slowly swayed.

"If you don't want to stay, you will feel uncomfortable when you stay for tea. You won't be sent by the king. You are free."

Bai Yueqing said, and it was a fluttering piece of words that floated into the ears of Yi Yun.

"Yi Yun, I know that you don't care if you don't care. In fact, you are not convinced. You don't think that you have defeated the fifth ancient demon by secret law. What is great, the secret law is not a rule, it is just a secret book. In the case of a set of moves, the law can condense the fruit when it enters the condensate, but the secret law cannot."

"The condensate path largely determines the future achievements. The quality of your condensed fruit is not good. What can you do with the secret law? Cher has already learned the domain in the seven years of the trial of the Luo Temple. Are you OK?" ”

Bai Yueqing’s words were not very loud, but they were very far away. Many people couldn’t help but agree.

Indeed, the secret law is not able to unite the fruit, and it does not help the foundation of the military, but it can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness.

"Hey, you know that the quality of the fruit of Yi Yun will be worse? Bai Yueqing, be careful of what he said, hit his face." Yi Yun did not speak, Luo Huoer spoke.

Bai Yueqing chuckled: "The Purple Princess seems to be very convinced. This is not my opinion. I just talked to people about how you will enter the condensate..."

Bai Yueqing said, glanced at the pavilion not far from the side.

Not far away, there is an ivory pavilion that is much smaller than the pavilion where Bai Yueqing and Akasaka are sitting.

Yi Yun looked at the past and saw it in the pavilion. He only sat two people.

One person is dressed in a black suit and is facing away from himself, while the other person wears a fox, with a long, short and two swords.

This person wearing a fox has a beautiful appearance and a pair of eyes. He sits there, drinking, and has a feeling of integration with his surroundings.

These two people, especially those who face their own foxes, attracted the attention of Yi Yun.

"It’s a cloud sword..." Luo Huer’s brow picked and picked.

"Oh? Is he famous?"

"That's right." Luo Huoer nodded. "He was originally a loose man. He traveled to the Fox family and settled down. He became a Fox disciple. He participated in the last Fox Trial. As for this time, because he is already old. Beyond the age of 100, so naturally did not participate."

“Before the cloud sword entered the condensate scene a few years ago, it condensed a four-leaf fruit and two seven-leaf fruit.”

"Three ways?" Yi Yun slightly glimpsed, three fruit is indeed a lot, but a four-leaf, two seven-leaf, it seems that it is still not up to the standards of the world's Wizards...

Luo Huoer saw what Yi Yun was thinking. She said: "The Qiye Daoguo is already very strong, and the key point is that the Qiye Dao fruit that is out of the cloud sword is extraordinary!"

"His four-leaf fruit is the condensate of the kendo, and as for the two seven-leaf fruit, it is the avenue - a condensed time, a condensed space, and at the same time enlighten the law of time and space, even in the hundred years old It’s amazing to have two seven-leaf fruit.

"The law of time and space is in line with the kendo. The strength of the sword is very terrible. If he is ten years younger and catches up with this trial of the Luo Temple, then Yi Yun has another powerful opponent."

"The way of time and space with the kendo?"

Yi Yun stunned, time and space have been born at the beginning of the formation of the universe. Like yin and yang, it is the avenue in the avenue. Compared with the road of the golden wood, the fire and the earth, it is more difficult than the wind and rain. The strength of the warrior will be stronger!

The same is the seven-leaf fruit, a flame of the seven-leaf fruit, naturally much worse than the time and space seven leaves.

As for the kendo, although it is not as good as time and space, it is not a small path. With a sword, it is the **** of the king, and the twelve emperors are there, such as Qingyangjun.

At this time, Luo Huoer said: "The sword is not the same as the Fox family. It is regarded as the best guest by Bai Yueqing. He is not only strong, but his vision is very accurate. He should have evaluated you just now, but not Know how he evaluates you..."

Luo Huoer cares a little. She has not seen the process of the trial of Yi Yunluo Temple. As for the effect of Yi Yun's retreat, she does not know.

Although she has inexplicable confidence in Yi Yun, she also wants to know how people who are very accurate like Yun Jian are evaluating Yi Yun.

"I don't need someone to evaluate."

Yi Yun shook his head. When Yi Yun and Luo Huoer talked, Yun Yunjian had been drinking with the people opposite, and did not look at Yi Yun, as if he did not care about everything that happened around him.

This is not arrogance, but a swordsman who is bent on pursuing martial arts, and indifferent and indifferent to everything around him.

For them, there are swords in the heart, and there are rules, it is enough.

Just as Yi Yun and Luo Huoer talked, the door of the Rocky Palace slowly opened.

A majestic and luxurious atmosphere spread out. Yi Yun looked at the slowly opening palace gate. He did not know that the palace had gathered so many powerful forces this time, what happened in the end, but now, there should be results.

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