True Martial World

Chapter 952: Wan Yao Sheng Dian

The words of the water-curing cream are said to come out. The Luos people in the field are all in a tight heart. Can it be said that... Yi Yun can’t be a disciple of Shi Yujun?

If this is the case, then the growth of Yiyun will be affected. For the Rock family, this is also a great loss.

Yi Yun did not speak, he waited for the condensation to continue.

The water gel was sitting on the seat and looked calm. She asked faintly: "Yi Yun, I said so much before, and did not ask if you intend to become a disciple of Shi Yujun?"

Yi Yun nodded. For the military, the life was extremely long, and the realm spanned a lot. You can worship many strong people as teachers, and there is no betrayal.

Yi Yun really got the inheritance of Qingyang Jun, but that is only a very small part of Qingyang Jun’s life. The most important inheritance of the practice, Qingyang Jun did not stay.

Yi Yunxue is the "Emperor's Heart Sutra" created by the ancient female priest of Qingyang Junhong, and for the current Yi Yun, "The Emperor's Heart Sutra" is not enough. He needs a stronger method to cooperate with Wanmo. Life and death.

It’s just different to get the inheritance and get a face-to-face instruction from a god. Those who have higher savvy are only practicing with the inheritance of the classics. They also need to repeatedly explore and prove that they need to take more detours and waste more time than those who have the guidance of famous teachers. Not to mention the resources and status of being a disciple of God, the status of status itself is the best protection for Yi Yun, at least facing the demon sect, Yi Yun does not have to fear.

"My master, the quality of the Tao is very important, and become a disciple of my master. It is necessary to pass through the heavens and earth. If you don't have a domain, it is impossible."

“Condensation domain...” Yi Yun slightly sinks. “As long as the domain is concentrated, can it be?”

"If it is just an ordinary domain, it makes no sense! Red Chasing Cloud can be recognized by the owner. It is also because the Dao domain is outstanding. Red Chasing Cloud is in the competition of the Taoist domain. It is better than a famous disciple of the master. This is the master. Recognized."

"Record disciple?" Yi Yun asked unexpectedly, Shi Yujun also has a registered disciple?

"Yes, the master has received a lot of registered disciples. Although the master has not established power, there are still many followers. Many things, the master can't do it personally, need someone to do things for him."

Such an explanation of water condensation cream, Yi Yun heart is clear, these named disciples, probably similar to servants, although it is a servant, but it is also a servant, but want to be a servant of the gods, it is easy.

"The master wants to collect this time, it is a pro-disciple, all aspects are not comparable to the disciples, so the requirements are naturally high. Although you win the red chase, but you have to be recognized by the master, then you must have a On the aspect, the master is impressed, and the master looks at the principles of understanding, blood and the domain."

"Either you are amazingly savvy, you can make a small amount of deductions for the disabled sage-level exercises; or you can reach the level of red chasing clouds in the domain; or you have pure ancient demon blood, such as reaching the girl's level. Above three points, if you can do two things and become a master disciple, there is no problem at all. If you only do one thing, there is only a big hope to get the master's approval, not a foolproof."

When the water gelled the cream, she looked at Luo Huoer. The girl she said was Luo Huoer. She felt very rare and pure blood in Luo Huoer, but Luo Huoer was a long-lost Luo Shier. Genius, Yi Yun's blood, far away!

As for the savvy, a small amount of deductions for the disabled sage-level exercises, even if only a small amount, this request is too much!

Finally, the domain is also difficult! The red chasing cloud was originally a success in the Taoist domain. Yiyun does not even have a domain. How can it compare with the red chasing cloud?

And the most overdone is! These three points, to achieve two points, nothing to lose, just do it, or it may fail!

These standards have made the Luo Clan people feel that their hearts are cold, Yi Yun is now, the blood is not good, the Tao is not, the understanding does not sound reliable, and the possibility of being a disciple of Shi Yujun is already infinite.

In the end... Is it still empty in the bamboo basket?

People are very uncomfortable with this result, and Shi Yujun’s request is too high!

Even if it is a god, it is not so demanding to choose an apprentice!

The water-curing cream seems to see the thoughts of everyone. She slowly said: "The master sets such a standard, naturally has his reason. My host is collecting pro-disciples this time, and naturally will be in the future. My master has the residual page of the "Wan Yao Sheng Dian" of Wan Yao Di Tian, ​​I think this is no secret..."

The water-curing cream is just here, and everyone in the field looks at each other and is taking a breath of air.

The residual page of "The Ten Devils"!

After the birth of the Archaic universe from chaos, the twelve emperors slowly evolved. The great power of the past, the realization of the laws of heaven and earth, slowly created the martial arts.

The ultimate in the martial arts heritage, was regarded as a god, is the closest to heaven.

Perhaps it is the self-contained number in the Ming Dynasty. Every Emperor, at the time of its birth, gave birth to a script that is closest to Heaven. These twelve scriptures seem to be the natural cohesion of the heavens and the earth, just like each The gods and gods formed by the heavens are generally printed, and they are the achievements of heaven and earth!

The "Wan Yao Sheng Dian" is the **** of the Wan Yao Emperor!

The twelve gods are all exercises, and it is the most missing aspect of Yi Yun. Of course, Yi Yun wants to learn!

Yi Yun knows that Qingyangjun had once seen the residual pages of "Yang Nerve", but unfortunately, the "Yang Nerve" residual page did not reach Yiyun's hand. He never read it. Otherwise, If Yi Yun has "Yang Nerve" in his hand, then his cultivation is already a long time ago, and he will often lack strength. When he uses the magical life and death wheel, he is afraid of it.

"The Wanxue Shengdian", Shi Yujun actually intends to teach the "Wan Yao Sheng Dian", I do not know how many geniuses are going crazy..."

Even the three emperors are sighing, "Wan Yao Sheng Dian", who do not want to learn? These levels of practice, for the power of Rockwell, is too far away, if Rockwell has the residual page of "The Wanxue Shengdian", I am afraid it will lead to the destruction of the genocide!

The three emperors looked at Yi Yun and sighed, and the heart was sorry for Yi Yun.

Shi Yujun wants to receive a disciple who teaches the "Wan Yao Sheng Dian". It is normal to ask for high!

However, such a big opportunity, for Yi Yun, has become a bad thing, Yi Yun's current situation, want to become a time Yujun disciple hope too embarrassed.

The water curd cream looks at Yi Yun, and it seems that he is also sorry for this boy. If it is a general monarch, Yi Yun becomes a disciple of God, and he is barely qualified, but now he is still worse.

"My master, I will stay in the Tianzhu demon country for another year or so. The master will be selected during this time. If you feel that it is possible, come to the demon country."

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