True Martial World

Chapter 960: No test

“Song Wu Dust? Sky Tour? Let the registered disciples come to assess us?”

Outside Jin Tsui Court, some young geniuses have been a little uncomfortable to listen to this. It is a normal thing when the rain does not appear. But what is Song Wuchen and Skywalker? They are also juniors of the younger generation. Can't they be taller than them, but they are qualified to assess them?

"I have to see the knowledge and become a question for the disciples of Shi Jun."

Many young disciples felt uncomfortable about this and talked to each other and entered the gate of Jin Cuiyuan.

This Jin Cui Court takes up a hundred miles from the local area and walks into it. It is like a forest of inspiring trees. Among them, there are countless kinds of spiritual trees, Qionghua, and Tiandi.

There are more than 70,000 people for this event - most of them are just watching the fun, and there are many people who are the elders who see the performance of the younger generation.

However, even if these people are deducted, those who have made up their minds to participate in the examination of the registered disciples are too many, with a total of nearly 10,000 people.

"How are so many people?"

Seeing this number, Yi Yun felt unexpected. He even saw a little girl who was only a teenager. Some of them were born slowly, just like winter children. At the age of teenagers, they still look like a ten. The appearance of the young Loli.

Such a small loli, also become a disciple of Shi Yujun?

"This time, the disciples were assessed. There was no threshold at the beginning. Of course, there were many people attending. Many people just came to join in the fun, or as an experience and experience on their own martial arts road, they could not become a disciple of Shi Yujun. There are only a handful of people who are really valued."

Those who can really be called alliance geniuses are not Chinese cabbages. Of course, there can be no more than 10,000 people.

When Yi Yun was lifting his foot into Jin Cuiyuan, a slight sensation of amethyst caused a slight tremor of amethyst.

Yi Yun was a little glimpse, but he was not sure what had happened.

"Ginger cream, is you saying Yiyun is him?"

At this time, on the floating island of the Tianzhu demon country, there is a small blue lake, above the small lake, there is a pavilion.

A middle-aged man with a white hair in Tsing Yi, sitting at the stone table, plays a chess with a woman.

This white-haired man has a pair of purple eyes. In his cousin, it seems to reflect a universe. There is a world of stars, which is destroyed in this universe.

And this white-haired man in Tsing Yi is the time when he has just controlled the princes and seals in the past tens of thousands of years!

The woman opposite him is the water gel that he once saved, and he has been with him for a long time.

At the grand event of Jin Cui Yuan, Shi Yujun did not come, but with his perception, as long as he swept away, everything that happened in Jin Cui Yuan, he was well aware of it.

"Yes, it is him. A year ago, he chased the cloud and went to Rockwell to challenge the Quartet. He was defeated by Yi Yun and he was the first person in the league."

"Fighting is not everything."

The white-haired middle-aged man said that he was not too concerned about the name of the league's first.

The alliance is nothing but a union of six forces. Among these six forces, there is no one-level monarchical force. Every 100 years, the alliance will give birth to the first person of a younger generation. This so-called first person does not have much gold.

"However, this Yiyun is really interesting. Even if I am not qualified to practice the "Swan Demon", I can cultivate him."

Shi Yujun said, lightly put aside, the water condensation cream is a little surprised, she did not think that Shi Yujun, who has always been indifferent to the surrounding things, actually has such a high evaluation of Yi Yun.

She got up and said: "The cream went first."

This event will be hosted by the water cream.

"No, you are with me, just look at it here."

When Yu Jun said casually, the water gelled a glimpse and sat down again.


At this time, Jin Cui Yuan is already full of people, people are moving between the trees of Lingzhi, waiting to see this event.

In the center of Jin Cui Court, there is a towering giant tree. This tree has a height of more than ten miles. The canopy is not in the sky, and the trunk must be surrounded by hundreds of people.

It is rumored that this giant tree has been planted when the Tianzhu demon country was founded, and it has grown for 80 million years.

Around the giant trees, there are floating temples, Song Wuchen, Tianzhu, including the Tianzhu demon country, the celestial demon of the Tianzhu demon country, and the high-level figures of the major forces, such as the stone elders, the Duanmu elders, sitting Among these floating temples, overlooking the tens of thousands of warriors below.

At this moment, Song Wuchen has the thrill of controlling the fate of these tens of thousands of warriors. Because of the many rules of this assessment, Song Wuchen has the right to make.

"The Emperor looks, people should have come almost." The king of the demon country, said.

Song Wuchen looked at the tens of thousands of warriors below, and put away his feelings and said with a gentle smile: "That's the case, then let's get started."

Said, Song Wu Chen stood up and came to the railing of the floating temple.

"be quiet!"

The sound of Song Wuchen was not big, but it was spread throughout the Jinlin Court.

The warriors who came to participate in the selection of the disciples were immediately looking up.

"Who is that?"

People have never seen this young and elegant man, but they have also guessed the identity of this person.

"Everyone, in the Song Dynasty, there is no dust, and today I am the master of the Master, to preside over the election of this named disciple."

Song Wuchen talked, his eyes swept over many warriors below, except most of them just came to experience this event, there is no hope of becoming a disciple of Shi Yujun. In front of this group of people, there is still a small group of people, so that Song is more dusty. I saw a few eyes.

Among them, Yi Yun, Chi Chau Yun, Tian Ya Lu Yue, the best of these alliances are among this group of people!

In addition to these great geniuses that everyone is familiar with, there are two more faces.

The two men are small, pale, and look sullen, and the other is short and fat, and looks like a human being.

These two people, few people know.

When I saw Yi Yun, Song Wuchen’s original good mood was a lot worse.

Just now, he got the long-distance sound of water condensation cream, focusing on the evaluation of Yi Yun, this Yi Yun, seems to be heavy by the water condensation, which makes Song Wuchen feel comfortable, he is more and more from Yi Yun, Feel a sense of threat.

If Yi Yun becomes a registered disciple, he is afraid that he will gradually threaten his status.

"This assessment, the proportion of actual combat is very small, one-on-one duel, will not appear!"

Song Wuchen’s first sentence made everyone unexpected. For the military, the most intuitive measure is naturally practical ability, but Song Wuchen said that there is no one-on-one confrontation.

Many people suddenly looked at Yi Yun.

People know that Yi Yun is the best player in real combat!

Yi Yun’s domain is very weak. At least a year ago, he still had no domain. Without the domain, Yi Yun defeated the red chasing cloud, relying on terrible combat power.

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