True Martial World

Chapter 971: Luck is also a kind of strength

It’s just that it’s just a famous disciple of the gods. It’s so hard. Many people have given up, the gap is too far, and insistence has no meaning.

At this time, walking in the Shenjun medicine garden, Yi Yun feels like walking on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by the ocean of vitality, huge pressure directly on the body, so that the warriors entering here all consume physical strength all the time.

"This Shenjun Medicine Garden is itself a big battle. This method is supported by the door of the smoke and rain. It is many times stronger than the Jiugongzhen in the reverse magic bead."

Yi Yun muttered to himself, the door of the smoke and rain itself is much more advanced than the treasure of the reverse magic bead. What's more, the array in the door of the rain and rain is undoubtedly the time when Yu Junjun personally arranged, and the Song Dynasty’s Jiugongzhen Compared to that, it is one day and one place.

Under this array of law, the structure of the vitality in the door of the rain and rain has completely condensed into a whole. Yi Yun wants to destroy it by his own power. In fact, it is impossible. His cultivation is still too low. It is.

Even if Yi Yun is fully motivated to promote Amethyst, it will absorb a little bit of energy at a small extent, and doing so may cause suspicion of Shi Yujun. After all, in the case of Yi Yun’s repair, the array of opponents arranged by Yu Jun Law, that's incredible.

After stepping into the door of the rain and rain, Yi Yun made up his mind, not to resist the vitality structure of the door of the smoke and rain, but to guide and dredge.

With a keen sense of the energy structure, Yi Yun is like a fish swimming in the ocean of vitality.

Although physical strength is passing, it is not expensive.

Yi Yiyun stepped into the red chasing cloud of Shenjun Medicine Park, and they had to hurry to find herbs.

"The seven hearts that have just sprouted... This seven-hearted flower has grown for only a thousand years..."

Yi Yun bypassed these seven hearts and did not stop. These herbs were very close to the door of the rain and rain, those who could not enter the door of the rain and rain. They did not set these targets at the beginning.

In the medicinal garden, the seven-year-old heart is hidden in the depths of the door of the rain.

A little bit past, those who gave up the door to the rain and rain, the eyes followed these few assessment disciples, although the water vapor in the door of the rain and rain is fascinating, but if only the release of perception, they can easily follow the pace of the disciples, see Clear every flower at their feet.

At this time, Yi Yun has been catching up with the end of the world, Yi Yun's footsteps are not fast, but very stable.

Seeing that Yi Yun is going to surpass himself, Tianya’s heart is anxious and full of unwillingness. He has taken a strong breath and accelerated his pace.

"It's a four-flowered seven-hearted flower."

Four-hearted seven-hearted flower, it is already very good, this seven-hearted flower is at the foot of the horizon, the moon is hesitating, but it is not bent to pick, he is not here.

However, after passing through this four-pronged seven-hearted flower, the latter herbs began to become less.

The deeper the Shenjun Medicine Garden, the more intense the heavens and the earth, the more sparse the herbs are.

Many herbs are hidden in the fog. These fogs are not ordinary water vapor, but the combination of heaven and earth. With the special vitality structure here, the perception can't penetrate. The disciples can only consume the power and dispel the fog. In order to see the situation in the fog.

There are some regrets in the end of the world, and he is worried that he will never find a five-petal heart.

At this time, Tianya Haoyue, Chichaoyun and Yiyun have each separated and embarked on different directions.

The red chasing clouds and the end of the world are all in the center of the seven-hearted planting area, where the highest probability of a high-seven heart is high.

The direction of Yiyun's choice is the most special. He seems to deliberately select those remote areas, and the more he goes, the more he is going to become more and more sinister. The number and quality of Qixinhua are also greatly reduced.

What does this cloud do?

Many people are guilty of guilt, and Duanmu elders and stone elders are also unknown.

In remote areas, the world is sparse and the fog is not as dense as the center. How can there be a high-quality seven-hearted flower here?

"What is Yiyun doing? He didn't release his words before. Not only did he have to take a million-year-old heart, but also to bring along a few other herbs? I see him now, I can find a three-petal Seven hearts are not bad."

Song Wuchen said coldly that although he was a disciple of Shi Yujun, he was not the master of the door of the rain and rain. Song Mou was not seen more than others.

In fact, in Yi Yun’s energy vision, he clearly perceives that this area is not a so-called “remote” area. On the contrary, the reason why the heaven and earth are weaker is because energy is a kind of The special technique was taken away.


At this point, the assessment has been carried out for two quarters of an hour. The more energy consumption of the red chasing clouds and the end of the world, the less the consumption, the better the knowledge of going to the depths of the medicine garden, the higher the probability of finding the top seven hearts, but they must reserve some energy to return to the entrance of the rain, the best case is At this depth, we can find a heart flower with the largest number of petals, which not only looks at strength, but also looks at luck.

At this time, the red chasing clouds that were looking around, he randomly removed a rock and dispelled the fog that shrouded it. When the fog was dispelled, he saw the scene behind the rock, and the eyes of the red chasing cloud jerked one. bright.

"Six petals and seven hearts!"

In front of the red chasing cloud, a seven-foot-high seven-hearted flower grows well. This seven-hearted flower is crystal clear, five petals have been fully extended, and the sixth petal has grown more than half. It can be regarded as a strain. Seven hearts between five and six.

At this depth, the number of five petals and seven hearts is very small, but the red chasing cloud actually found a quasi-six-petal seven heart flower!

In the test of the door of the rain and rain, the red chasing cloud is definitely an extraordinary play.

"Haha, six petals and seven hearts, chasing clouds are good luck!"

The goddess of the demon country laughed loudly, and the joy on his face could not be hidden.

"Luck is also a kind of strength." In the Tianzhu demon country, Song Buxiao smiled and echoed.

The first one entered the door of the rain and rain, and the seven-hearted flower of such a high year was adopted. With such achievements, the red chasing cloud should be appreciated by Shi Yujun.

Song Wuchen said that he thought of something here. His eyes were on Yiyun’s body. Yiyun went too far. In the area where he was, the world’s vitality became much thinner. Yiyun seemed to be looking for nothing. Nothing.

"Young juniors are always good people, but this time they are afraid to be self-defeating." Tianzhu demon country leader said with a beard, Yi Yun strength is strong, but he is too greedy, and there is no luck in chasing the clouds. How can the harvest be better?

Song Wuchen and the Tianzhu demon country leader are talking about it. At this moment, Yi Yun went to a pile of gravel. He wandered around in the gravel pile for a while, and finally chose a place. He looked at a stone. For a little while, suddenly flew a foot and kicked the stone directly.

"Well? What is he doing!?"

Seeing the movements of Yi Yun, Song Wuchen wants to swear. In this Shenjun Medicine Garden, who collects the medicinal materials is not a light hand, and removes the stones. It is also cautious, lest the herbs are injured. The area where Yi Yun is located is remote, but this way The savage and rude movements also made Song Wu Chen’s fire.

He just wanted to blame, but he had prepared the words, but he was directly stuck in his throat.

He widened his eyes and couldn't believe it. Under the stone that Yi Yun kicked, a seven-foot flower with a height of one foot and two heights bounced softly. At the top of it, there was a beautiful crown of fist size. The inertia swayed gently.

Above the corolla, six petals have been fully unfolded, and the seventh petal is in the breeding ground.

This turned out to be a full-year six-hearted seven-hearted flower! ! It is not like the six-pronged one found in the red chasing cloud.


Song Wuchen’s eyes widened, and the Tianzhu demon country leader stood up from the chair.

Just kidding, then a remote piece of land, Yi Yun actually found the perfect six-petal seven hearts! ?

Before saying that the red chasing clouds are bad luck, but compared to Yi Yun in such a remote area to find six petals and seven hearts, the luck of red chasing clouds is still worth what.

"It was picked up by this kid! He is lucky, too good!"

Scorpio demon country leader said uncomfortable, this second level, the red chasing cloud is obviously compared to Yi Yun.

However, his words have not been finished yet, and the thing that made him lose his eyes has happened. He can't believe that Yi Yun took a few steps and kicked back the stone he had just kicked.

The strength under his feet was just right. The stone just rolled back to its original position, and the six-legged seven-hearted flower was perfectly covered. Then, Yi Yun didn’t look at it and continued to move forward, as if What he found was not a six-petal, seven-hearted flower, but a weed...


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