True Martial World

Chapter 986: cost

When the time flies and the rains are originally supported by the fifth heavy seal, they are suddenly invaded by the sudden destruction power. The rainy roads they have assembled together are like papers burnt by flames. Like the bag, it is directly torn!

Before the power of great destruction, whether it is the fusion of rain or the endless rain, it becomes meaningless and directly destroyed.

"what happened!"

When the fly and the rain were watching, the gray vortex tore their rain curtains and their faces changed.

They are in the power of swallowing in the prison, and once the domain collapses, their end can be imagined!

"What is the teacher's uncle? What is it like this is not the sixth seal!"

When Fei Fei’s fat face is lingering, under the power of destruction, he has a feeling of extreme helplessness, just like a boat in a storm, to be destroyed immediately.

He still doesn't know what the gray storm is. He turned to the long-lived old man for help. This kind of domain was swallowed up quickly, but he was waiting for death to be too desperate.

The long-lived old man can't sit still, and sees the disciple he brought out into a desperate situation. How can he sit back and ignore it?

In his hand, he shot a seal, and the heavens and the earth came together to form a raindrop. He was about to save time and fly, but at this time -


A burst of noise, the raindrops in the hands of the smashed into rain and fog.


When he was horrified, he turned his head and looked at Shi Yujun. He was able to underestimate the law of his rain.

"When it rains, what are you doing?!" asked the old man with a frown.

When they fly, when they are flat, they are disciples of Xian Yuzong.

"In this world, there are costs to doing things." Shi Yujun’s voice understates, "When they want to gamble on others' lives, their lives are placed on the gambling table. If there is no awareness, then How do you get to know Wudao?"

When Yu Yujun’s words, there was a hint of coldness in the plain.

Before the long-lived old man was afraid that he would intervene, he did not do anything. Now the elderly long-lived want to intervene? He will naturally not agree!

When Yu Yujun squatted, he gave a long glance, and the indifferent eyes made the old man’s heart suddenly cold.

He knows the terrible strength of the rain, not to mention that his strength has been in a slow recession, even when he is at the peak, it is not a rainy opponent.

When the time is long, the man is carrying a seal, but the new raindrops are not condensed again, and time, how can he wait for a long time?

In the time of a little hesitant time.


The power of the fangs of the prison fangs shrouded, and a loud explosion suddenly came!

The time has come to see the past, the dark vision of the prison tooth, which has been filled with the gray vortex.

The dark vision of the prison's fangs gives people a feeling of swallowing and resisting.

But such a horizon, in the face of the gray vortex, was gradually assimilated.

Even the gray vortex, which cannot be resisted by the dark horizon, how does the hard-supported rainy domain persist?

Time flies, and time is anxiously waiting for the rescue of the elderly, but what they are welcoming in despair is the overwhelming gray storm.

They fully urged the domain, releasing the vitality of the whole body, but all of this, in the face of the Great Destruction, can not resist!

"Uncle Shu, save me!"

At the moment when the rainy road was broken, the faces of time and time were distorted in panic.

"Do not!!"

They joined forces to support the dojos, and in the face of the gray vortex that could destroy the earth, no waves could turn over.

In that loud bang, their domain, such as the egg shell, is broken!

Hundreds of thousands of warriors outside Jin Cui Yuan, they all witnessed this scene.

The two Xian Yuzong disciples, at the moment of the gray whirl, the road collapsed and two people were beaten heavily.

There is no resistance, even the prison shackles are twisted and struggled in this gray vortex.

Before the imprisonment of the world, in the whirl and tear of the gray whirlpool, a painful roar!

Its dark vision disappeared and the body was shredded a small piece.

The overwhelming gray air flow raged above the Jin Cui Court, and then gradually narrowed down, turning into a small vortex, disappearing between the heavens and the earth.

Until then, the talents awakened from the silence.

When the cool breeze blows, many warriors are shocked to see that they have a cold sweat.

This domain is really terrible!

At this time, a figure appeared in the place where the gray vortex disappeared.

"Yi Yun!"

Duanmu elders and stone elders stood up excitedly.

Yi Yun stood in the air, his face, some pale, but the breath of his body, but there is still a trace of destruction.

Through the projection array, the armed forces of the Six Kingdoms, looking at the figure standing in the air at this moment, could not speak for a long time.

The storm that destroyed just now was sent out by Yi Yun?

Is that the domain?

People can't believe that the storm of destruction is completely different from the ordinary domain.

Just a year ago, Yi Yun didn't have his own domain. Now the gray storm he summoned is more than a hundred times more horrible than the average domain. It can not only withstand the power of the fangs of the prison, but also the descendant. When the time is flying, the time of the rain is broken, what is the law of terror?

In a year, Yi Yun’s road has such a leap forward.

Think about the gray storm sweeping everything, just to see, they feel the heart is stirring, it is difficult to calm down.

In Jin Cuiyuan, Yi Yun stood in the air and closed his eyes.

The vitality in his body has almost been consumed.

"Yi Yun..."

When Duanmu was just about to move, he said when he heard: "He is comprehending the battle just now, and he does not have to bother him."

When Duanmu looked at it, Yu Jun glanced and stopped.

There are gods watching, Yi Yun will not have any problems.

At this time, the length of time was a shadow and flew to a corner of Jin Cui Yuan.

When they fly, when they are flat, they are lying there like rags.

They have wounds everywhere, but these are nothing at all.

The most terrifying thing is that in the moment when the road was broken, the lines in their bodies were abolished a lot. From then on, their future martial arts road will be devastated!

They were originally geniuses, but now, they are not necessarily better than ordinary people, which is more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Teacher... Teacher Uncle..."

When the time flies, the time is flat, the look is extremely painful.

They tried their best and wanted Yi Yun to be abolished, but never expected that it would be their own.

When I came to the two disciples, the time was long, and the eyes flashed a gloomy color.

Let him see that his disciples have been abolished, there has never been a junior, and he has felt that he has lost such a big face.


When the time flies, Shi Ping looks at the last hope with a last hope. However, when he sees the time, he feels the gloomy look behind them. The eyes of the two of them are completely gray.

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