True Martial World

Chapter 992: Avenue fruit

The cultivation of the martial arts, from the seed planting, the growth of the tree, to the results of the tree, this is the understanding of the martial arts, the heavens and the earth, and the record of life.

And Yi Yun has come all the way, he has experienced too much.

But in the long river of time, this is too short.

"In the city of Tai A, practicing "Tai A Sheng Law", in the pure Yang Jian Palace, the integration of Jin Wu, in the secret of the female emperor, lava quenching, and finally pure Yang...

I am practicing the principle of pure yang, and with me going forward, it can be condensed into a fruit. ”


Behind Yi Yun, there was a round of the next day, and the shadow of Tanggu Fusang was revealed. At the same time, Jinwu spread his wings and shouted, and the huge golden wings, like the burning flame, seemed to be able to burn everything.

These turned into a pattern full of the mysterious atmosphere of the universe, and then gradually merged together to form a continuous, cyclical ball.

The golden ball, the surface is the totem of the next day and Jinwu, which contains the violent and fierce power, which is the pure Yang fruit of Yi Yun.

Daosheng one, one life two, two three, three things.

The "two" here is the yin and yang, the beginning of the universe, the chaotic newborn, that is, the yin and yang, the yin and yang, is a avenue!

Although the lonely sun is not long, Yi Yun is a pure Yang rule, but it also incorporates a hint of Lin Yin’s yin. This makes Yi Yun's pure Yang fruit more perfect.

"In Chunyang Jiangong, I realized the concept of dying, and I was killed by the black armor. After being trapped in the alien space by the black armor, I realized the way of space. When I was a teacher, Yu Jun, practicing the book of the beginning of heaven. I will turn the magical life and death wheel into a space-time roulette. I walked in time and space, step by step, organic, and accomplished."

The mysterious runes fly out of Yi Yun's body, rotating and gathering, and there are days and nights of stars rotating inside, as if they are gathered into a small universe, the ancient and mighty atmosphere is radiated from the newly condensed fruit.

After a long time, the law of time and space gradually condensed.

Time and space withered fruit, side by side with pure Yang fruit, as if they are attracted to each other, and keep a little distance, cycle rotation, such as real stars.

Yi Yun continues to condense, and the breath of a stock is constantly separated from his body. These breaths are not only the rules, but also all the experiences and memories of Yi Yun Xiuwu, which constitute the fruit.

In his own memory, Yi Yun seems to have seen the scene in front of the statue of the master of Chunyang Jiangong. The boundless sword marks seem to sting his eyes.

"Pure Yang sword marks, three feet of light swords, my kendo, is the direction of the heart, go forward."

Two small sword marks appeared, staggered in the air, forming a sword of the road, this sword shadow is the figure of Yi Yun with a sword.

This is the kendo of Yi Yun.

Finally, it is a great destruction!

Yi Yun’s great destruction of the road, even the rain is always moving. Everything in the world, even time and space, yin and yang, and the universe, will eventually be destroyed, without any eternal things.

Time and space, yin and yang are avenues, they are close to the source, but the way of great destruction is one of the highest avenues.

Perhaps "one" is not exact, because so far, there are only two of the highest avenues -

The chaos of the universe!

Great destruction in the demise of the universe!

The closer to the source of the road, the higher the difficulty, the more difficult it is to gather.

Convergence of time and space withered fruit, Yi Yun has been used for a long time, but the destruction of the fruit, the use of longer.

Yi Yun’s vitality was somewhat short-lived. He took out the seven-year-old seven-star flower from the door of the rain and rain.

It is extremely difficult for the military to condense, and in this process, the strength of the military cannot be supplemented. Condensed fruit, almost exhausted its own vitality, bringing together all sentiments, this process can only be done in one go.

In the sky above the Gathering Hall, the rising momentum mixes the atmosphere of several kinds of fruit, and the entire Gathering Hall reveals a mysterious feeling, the wind is spinning, and the sun and the moon are co-occurring.

The condensate fairy also came, and she stood by Rain.

"Yi Yun's fruit, the momentum is really strong." Condensed fairy impressed.

She did not have such an imposing manner in the past.

"It should be fast, and soon I will know the result." Shi Yujun is very patient.

The frosting fairy nodded and she looked forward to the result of Yi Yun's condensation.

Yi Yun is immersed in the world of souls.

In the process of condensing the road, he gradually felt as if he was integrated into the heavens and the earth.

Pure yang, time and space withered, kendo, these roads rotate around Yiyun.

Under him, the Great Destruction Road appeared, and the atmosphere of destruction continued to be intertwined.

"It's fast." Yi Yun has this feeling in his heart.

A gray cyclone gradually formed, like a nebula, but it contained a terrible atmosphere, and it seemed that anything falling into it would be annihilated.

In the sky above the Gathering Hall, a towering giant tree loomed in a phantom, Jinwu nine infants hovered upwards, bursting into a long whistle.

On the branches of the giant tree, a little sprout gradually turns into a cluster of fruits. This fruit is breathtaking, and each fruit is not the same. A careful look is a different fruit. In these words, the leaves of the pieces are slowly unfolding.

"The fruit is coming out." The frosty fairy looked at the leaves, "six, seven, eight."

The eight-leaf fruit is absolutely amazing in the forces of the Tianzhu demon country and Luo style.

However, for Yi Yun, it can't be said to be too much. It can only be said that it is not bad.

"Yi Yun's roads are all roads and fruit." Shi Yujun said.

Condensed Taoist, can have a road fruit, it is already a leader, and Yi Yun has three.

Pure yang, time and space wither, and the way of great destruction, this is the avenue close to the source, especially the way of great destruction.

"There is another leaf." The frosty fairy's eyes lit up and moved.

But this leaf, but only a pointed bud, no longer grows.

"Unfortunately!" The frosty fairy showed a look of pity.

Shi Yujun also looked a little, then calmly said: "There is nothing to regret, while practicing three avenues, it is too difficult to become a nine-leaf fruit. Yi Yun is only a little bit worse, it is the eight-leaf fruit. The best."

The condensate fairy also nodded, only to see the ninth leaf almost grow out completely, still feel a little regret.

"Wait for Yi Yun Condensation," said Yu Yujun. The octagonal fruit is about to be completed, and the condensate will soon end.

However, at this time, Shi Yujun’s eyes flashed a bit of color.


Yi Yun’s great destruction has already formed. However, when the big destruction of the fruit was pulled to other fruit, Yi Yun stopped.

This is the last step, but Yi Yun has a strange feeling.

Great destruction of the fruit, devouring everything, it is the end of the chaotic universe, but also the end of the Tao.

Therefore, when the Great Destruction is close to other fruit, it faintly sends a force of devouring, as if to swallow other fruit.

If the other fruits are combined with the Great Destruction, what will happen and be destroyed?

The path of great destruction, the destruction of everything, including the fruit, is also normal!

Yi Yun has not heard of the fusion of the fruit, nor has he heard of anyone who has a great destruction.

How to choose at this crossing?

Only one step, Yi Yun can condense, but fusion...

Yi Yun strongly predicted that if he merged, his other achievements could be destroyed by the great destruction of the fruit, and eventually formed into a universe like the destruction, a dead silence.

What should I do?

Yi Yun stopped, he couldn't go on any more, rushed to merge, waiting for him might be a disaster.

And... The ninth leaf failed to unfold after all, which also made Yi Yun confused. Isn't the entire 12th Emperor's Day, the one that has not been touched by anyone, still can't support a nine-leaf fruit?

Condensed fruit, must be done in one go, otherwise it is a failure, Yi Yun body is not much energy, he has limited time, must make a choice.

Great destruction...

Is destruction and ending the end?

Everything in the universe cannot be eternal, and eventually goes to destruction, including the universe itself, but after the destruction? Is there only eternal "nothing"?

Everything in the world is destroyed by life.

A drop of water will evaporate, but when it falls into the cloud, it will condense into a new raindrop; the flower will wither, but the red will breed the seed; the person will die, but the baby will grow up; the star will be destroyed, but the new star will always Born...

Everything in the world is in reincarnation, and it must contain the universe.

The destruction of the universe is the beginning of the new universe, but this cycle is extremely long, far beyond the imagination of man.

New universe...

Yi Yun suddenly captured what.

What is the beginning of the universe? Daosheng one, one life two... In front of yin and yang, time and space, it is chaos!

Rebirth after destruction, great destruction and chaos, two high roads!

Why are the High Avenues two? They may be the same as the yin and yang, time and space, and water and fire. They are two sides of the universe.

The two complement each other and are indispensable.

Yi Yunxiu pure Yang rule, but not specialized, he has Lin Xinyi's pure Yin nourish, "The Emperor's Heart Sutra", itself is also a combination of yin and yang.

Yi Yun used the law of dying, and merged the law of time. However, when Yi Yun was in the battle of the black armor, he was trapped in the space created by the black armor. In a few years, he saw the space in the amethyst. Can get out of trouble. Space assisted time, complement each other.

Even if it was a kendo, Yi Yun had already learned the knife at the beginning. His first weapon was the Qianjun knife. After that, he entered the tomb, and one of the Wudao Roads went to the front, and he got the thousands of snow knives in the Pure Yangjian Palace. Nineteen thousand snow flying knives, so far is his killing weapon!

It can be the only way to destroy it. It is a separate one. So far, there is no relative law to merge with it.

This makes the Great Destruction a pure destruction, and it is powerful against it.

But when you think about it, Yi Yun is now unable to fully control the field of destruction.

At that time, when it was time to fly, when it rained, Yi Yun sacrificed the field of great destruction and crushed everything. If it was not Yi Yun’s exhaustion, I am afraid that the destruction will continue and cause terrible damage.

Destruction must be combined with creation.

In this way, it will be perfect, otherwise it will be like the present, even if it condenses the great destruction of the fruit, it will swallow up other fruit, and ultimately loses.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun has decided.

The road corresponding to the Great Destruction must be found. His decision, if you let others know, will definitely feel easy to go crazy.

He is a warrior who is full of heaven and earth, and he wants to realize two high roads at the same time!

Even the gods are impossible.

However, Yi Yun decided to try, he wants to make the road of great destruction perfect, not to say that the destruction of the fruit will kill other fruit, the eight-leaf fruit is not satisfied with Yi Yun.

Yi Yun suspects that it is precisely because his great destruction is not perfect that other roads can not be perfect. After all, the road to destruction is his domain and the basis of other roads.

"What's wrong?" The frosty fairy saw the smell of Yi Yun getting weaker and weaker, and his heart suddenly became nervous.

At this time, on the road tree of Yiyun, the eight-leaf fruit that was about to be formed suddenly stopped growing, and the leaves were rolled up and wrapped in the fruit.

Yi Yun's condensate, did not succeed?

"Yi Yun is now... a half-step condensed realm."

Some warriors will stay in the realm of a half-step condensate, such as the red chasing clouds.

However, Yi Yun, before he looked at his posture, he was planning to condense the air, but now, stop halfway? Why is that?

When Yu Jun was slightly indulged, he also did not understand Yi Yun’s plan.

"Half-step condensate is also good, there is more time to prepare, the next time will be successful." Ningshuang Fairy found a reason for Yi Yun.

However, Shi Yujun shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid I don't think so. This time he is not a condensate failure, but intends to stop. He is probably not satisfied with the eight-leaf fruit..."

When Shi Yujun said these things, it was a good thing to frown slightly, but ambition was good, but what is so easy to condense?

It is not the generation of the celestial genius, but most of the nine-leaf fruit is not the road fruit.

I want to condense the nine-leaf fruit on the avenues of yin and yang, time and space, and destruction. It is difficult to climb the sky.

If it is a fellow practitioner, it will be even harder.

Shi Yujun was already satisfied with the fruit of Yi Yun's cohesion, but he stopped.

Seeing Yi Yun completely gave up, when Yu Jun was in shape, he flew to the front of Yi Yun, and the frosty fairy also followed.

"Yi Yun, why did you stop? Dissatisfied with the eight-leaf fruit? Your eight-leaf fruit is close to the nine leaves, not to mention the three roads, and the sword, together with the sword, although the sword is not a natural avenue, but As far as the military is concerned, it is also a boulevard in terms of skills."

Shi Yujun certainly hopes that Yi Yun can condense the nine-leaf fruit, but he is afraid that Yi Yun is so high and far-reaching that he has lost time. The time in his youth is too precious. Once he is delayed, it will affect his potential.

Yi Yun knew that when Yu Jun saw the whole process of his condensate, he did not directly answer the question of Yu Jun, but said: "The teacher respects the teaching, the disciple keeps in mind, the disciple has a problem, I want to ask the teacher to respect Where can I learn about the chaos of Hongmeng?"


When the rain is a glimpse, chaos Hongmeng? One of the highest avenues of the universe, Yi Yun asked what to do?

"You can't help... want to enlighten chaos?"

[4000 words in this chapter]


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