True Marvel World

Chapter 249 Battle of New York (7)

At this time, the battle has entered a white-hot, and Loki, who is commanding the attack of Kirita's army, finds that Tony, Captain America, Thor Hulk, and several other people who do not know have joined together to resist the action of Kirita's army. After that, he immediately commanded the army and dispatched most of the troops to deal with these guys.

Loki's purpose is self-evident. First, he wants to kill these guys who have caught him before and are still resisting him. Second, he wants to hold back these people and let the invasion of the Qi Ruita army. Speed ​​becomes faster.

The reason why Loki did this was because he was a little panicked now.

The so-called Avengers Alliance that Tony mentioned before, and the shit giants, humanoid spiders, and masked girls who have joined in now have indeed brought a lot of obstacles to the invasion speed of the Kirita army. Take action, maybe something unexpected will really happen at that time.

Although Loki also wanted to play more with the guys before, use absolute strength to knock down the opponent step by step, and win with an absolute advantage, but Hawkeye's words pulled Loki's heart back. .

According to Hawkeye, if it continues to drag on, it is very likely that the human side will launch a direct nuclear strike, directly destroying the city of New York and minimizing the danger.

At first Loki wondered, what is a nuclear strike? Is it that great? He expressed disbelief.

But later, when Loki learned that just one nuclear bomb was enough to destroy a small city, he was stunned, completely unable to believe that the earth still had such a powerful weapon, it was simply a bug!

So Loki hurriedly asked Qi Ruita's elders, and asked Qi Ruita's army if there was any way to stop this weapon. Just a defensive net.

After all, the army of Qi Ruita has never come from a place that does not know how far, and there is only a 100-meter hole in the passageway.

That's why Loki was in a hurry, and wanted to immediately get rid of the Avengers below and a few other guys with good strength, so that the Qi Ruita army could enter the earth more quickly.

You know, the guy that Loki is most worried about hasn't appeared, but is watching the play...


"Hey, Stark, who are those guys over there?"

With a forceful flick of the vibrating gold shield, he killed a Kirita who was very close with an alien weapon, and then bounced back to catch the shield, and Captain America was free to touch it with his shoulder. Tony, who eliminated the enemy with his palm cannon, asked about the origin of another group of people who were also fighting against the Kirita army.

"Those guys..."

Tony shot down an enemy with a palm cannon, glanced at the disgusting reverse, and the corpses of the Kirita army piled there, and then replied:

"The guy who looks like shit with yellow all over his body is a shit giant, and some people call him hateful. He is Dr. Banner's old enemy. The reason why Dr. Banner chose to go to India was because he ruined several times with this guy. Street, wanted by the U.S. government..."

"I know this, Fury told me, I asked about the other two guys..." Captain America slanted Tony like you really thought I was an old man and didn't know anything!

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!" Captain America was slightly annoyed, but now was not the time to reason with Captain America, so he continued:

"The guy in the red tights with a big spider on his clothes is called Spider-Man, and his abilities are similar to those of spiders, and the girl in the purple clothes is the Jewel Girl, because there are several sparkling gems on the clothes, so she is called With this name, the abilities are similar to yours, and they are all super human bodies..."

"Like us, these two guys also formed an organization called the Guardian Alliance, which is full of superheroes or something. From what it looks like now, the giant shit should have also been absorbed into this organization..."

"So that's the case." Captain America smiled. Unlike the others, he felt pretty good about the fact that New York still had a Guardian League.

After all, if this is the case, it also means that the defense force of the earth is very sufficient, and it can have more strength when dealing with alien life.

However, seeing that more and more Qi Ruita army arrived here from various places, and then countless army appeared from the space passage above Stark Building, the US team was really anxious.

Because if the space channel is not blocked, then who knows how many alien troops there will be?

Judging from the war experience of the US team, the Qi Ruita soldiers who appear on the earth now are definitely just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to defend the earth, now there is only one way to close the space channel!

"Maybe you can ask them for help..."

Captain America observed the attacking methods of the three people on the other side, Abomination, Spider-Man, and Jewel Girl, and found that Spider-Man was agile and possessed the power and speed of shooting spider silk, which can be used by Jewel Girl. Needless to say, hatred is completely Another Hulk.

After thinking about it for a while, the US team has an idea.

"Everyone, pay attention, if you can't close the big hole above, then the Qi Ruita army will come to the earth endlessly, so I have a new plan, and I need you to implement..."

Captain America first drew the attention of several people around, and then, in a leadership attitude, began to order the people around.

Of course, because it was the first time in over 70 years that he directed a new team, although Captain America had a strong leadership style when he asked questions, there was also a hint of inquiry in his tone, which made the rest of the team back off. Space.

"Give the order, we will execute it!" The first to answer the US team was Black Widow. As an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. , who leads this team well, so he must support Team America unconditionally.

The other few people heard what Captain America said, and knew that they were going to be twisted together now, so they didn't hesitate for a long time, and nodded to Team America, expressing no opinion.

"Okay!" Captain America's expression was serious, and he began to give orders: "Thor, you are the most destructive among us, and you can summon lightning, so I need you to find an opportunity to destroy that space channel, if it doesn't work , but also to delay the speed of the enemy's advance..."

"Okay, then I'll try again!" Although the last test failed to destroy the space device, Thor still had confidence in himself. He grabbed the hammer in his right hand and swung it into a small circle, and then flew with the power of the hammer. up to the sky.

"Tony, you have the help of Jarvis and your observation ability is very strong, so I need you to fly around and observe the direction of most of the enemy's army, as well as the position of some skirmishers, and let me know if you can destroy it or not. Optimus Prime, let them help you to eliminate them, do you understand?"

"Leave it to me..." Thor agreed immediately. Although he did compete with Team America for the position of the leader of the Avengers, it was undeniable that compared to Team America, his leadership was simply a piece of shit. shit.

No, it's worse than shit!

Tony has some humor in his heart, and some helpless thinking...

"Agent Romanov, you and I will stay on the ground together and continue to contain the opponent's forces... By the way, the Hulk..."

Captain America ordered, and suddenly thought that there was a Dr. Banner behind him, so he looked behind him, paused, and then said, "Your mission is to smash the enemy hard, do you understand?"


The Hulk roared, looked at the hatred on the other side, and then jumped up with force on his feet, climbed directly onto a mechanical turtle in the sky, and started the forced demolition!

"Romanov, let's lean over there..."

After everyone with orders left, Captain America took Black Widow and started rushing in the direction of Abomination, Spider-Man, and Gem Girl.

Since the two sides are relatively close, and the fighting strength of both sides is also very strong, the US team only took a few steps, killed a few scattered Qi Ruita people, and rushed directly to the three haters, facing the gem girl friendly opened his mouth.

"Hi, Gem Girl, I'm Steve Rogers. I heard that you are the superheroes of the New York civil organization Guardian League. Now the matter is urgent, I need your help, can you?"

"Steve Rogers?"

Jessica, Jessica, after hearing what Captain America said, she finally turned her attention from Kirita's soldiers to Captain America, and began to shout...

"Fuck, I actually met Captain Rogers, Niubiu...biubiu..."

After seeing Team America behind her, Jessica screamed in excitement, and even covered her face with a blushing face. As a result, the Kirita weapon that she had taken from the Kirita people earlier turned out to be. Directly launched two energy attacks and shot towards the US team.

Fortunately, Team America's Zhenjin shield was always in his hand, and when he saw the energy shot towards him, he immediately put the shield in front of him and blocked the two energy shots.

He even moved the angle slightly and used the vibranium shield to bounce the energy on the two Kirita soldiers on the side, and by the way eliminated the two enemies.

"Uh... I'm sorry, Captain Rogers, I was so excited to see you that I couldn't help it, so I came out..."

Seeing that Captain America was all right in the end, Jessica covered her heart and said with a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Seeing Jessica's action, Captain America immediately raised the vibranium shield again, fearing that Jessica would accidentally shoot again...

"Mmmm... Captain, what are you looking for from me..." Jessica's eyes shone with starlight, looking at Captain America with an idiotic look on her face.

"I need you to show us as a team. Everyone is assigned various tasks to deal with the enemy. In this case, the efficiency must be faster than now, how?"

Seeing Jessica's narcissistic appearance, Captain America has no inner pressure at all. After all, because of his charm, there are many people who are crazy about him, and he sees a lot of them, so it doesn't matter.

And it just so happened that the US team also took advantage of Jessica's nympho and deliberately put on a pose to attract the other party, wanting to make his plan easier to succeed.

"Of course, Captain Rogers, you say, we will certainly agree, you say yes, Rhubarb?"

Jessica replied with a smile, and said that in the end, she also patted the hatred who came to the side in order to destroy a nearby enemy, and said happily.

"Rhubarb?" Abomination glanced at his mouth, not wanting to be angry, but felt that the title was good.

Looking at Captain America, Hatred nodded, not intending to refute.

"Does he agree?" Seeing that Jessica and Abomination agreed, Captain America's planet is not bad, but noticing that there is another guy jumping in the sky with spider silk, he still asked Jessica, Can the guy accede to his request.

"Don't worry, Peter is also your die-hard fan. Why didn't you agree to your request, Agent Natasha, do you think so?" Jessica waved her hand indifferently, and finally she looked at the follower. Black Widow, who was behind Captain America, said with a smile.

"You know each other?" Hearing Jessica calling herself, Black Widow remained silent, but Captain America was a little surprised.

"Of course, she has joined our Guardian Alliance longer than me, and is about the same as Peter. How can she not know what Peter's temperament is, do you think?"

Jessica looked at Black Widow and spoke in a complaining tone, obviously using words to stimulate Black Widow.

Although Jessica didn't like this guy very much, but after all, he used to be a member of the Guardian Alliance, and then he left without a word. Of course, she was a little unhappy.

But Black Widow faced Jessica, but she was still very cold, her eyes drifted in the direction of Ron in the distance, and then she said slowly:

"Peter does not have any objection, mainly, the boss of your Guardian Alliance, Lord Skywalker, does he have any opinion on this?"

"Skywalker?" Captain America frowned when he heard Black Widow's words. He actually knew a little bit about Skywalker. After all, the other party was one of the most important characters in the Hulk incident, so he would naturally appear in Fury. in the data.

But the information is only a little bit, and the rest of the information and information about Skywalker, Fury didn't write it out, which is a bit confusing.

The most incomprehensible thing is that the other party didn't even appear on the battlefield to act at such a time of crisis. He said that he didn't understand.

You know, this time is definitely the most dangerous time for the earth, after all, this is an alien invasion! Moreover, the other three members of the opponent's Guardian Alliance have come, and his boss is still not coming. Is this too embarrassing?

However, although Captain America was dissatisfied, the two sides were not familiar with each other after all, so he could only look at Jessica and smile, wanting to get news of the next step as soon as possible.

"Of course, of course..."

As for Jessica, she also glanced at Ron in the distance from the corner of her eyes. After realizing that the other party didn't seem to care about the situation here, she laughed again and agreed to Captain America's request.

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