True Marvel World

Chapter 299 Work hard to become stronger, you are the king of the world!

After leaving, Ben took a large cape and a hat, disguised himself, and found a small bar to drink, trying to ease his mood.

But when he got to the bar, Ben encountered a new problem.

The bar setup is too brittle.

Ben sat on the bar stool, but the bar stool couldn't bear his weight and fell apart.

Originally asked for a glass of wine, but in his hand, he directly crushed the wine glass.

Ben looked at the people around him and wanted them to help him get a glass of wine, but after seeing his face clearly, they were all far away from him, and they didn't dare to approach him at all.

Frustrated, he wanted to leave, but at this time, the appearance of a black blind woman changed his mentality.

The blind black woman couldn't see him, so she didn't know he was a stone man, so she could only touch it.

Finally, the blind woman made a request to touch him.

Ben tried his best to stop it, but in the end the heart that wanted to get anything in his heart agreed.

In the end, the blind black woman touched his whole body, then smiled and told Ben her name and address, and was taken away by her friend.

Ben was stunned.

Have you been played by someone like this? And she was left with an address, want to go and be played by her again?


Ben suddenly felt that this was quite cool.

At least it's better than being surrounded by the crowd and pointing at him.

Ben in a good mood left the bar, went to a restaurant, ordered something big in shape, and the food was not damaged by him, and found a remote place to eat.

"Is anyone sitting?" A slightly playful voice came.

Ben looked up and saw that it was Victor Doom.

"What did you come to do with me?"

"I'm worried about you!" Doom shrugged, his tone actually softened: "I heard you came out alone, so I wanted to come and see what happened to you."

"You're so kind!" Ben said sarcastically, not taking Doom's heart at all.

"Kang busy, I really kindly came to you to comfort you." Doom smiled kindly, then sat on the stool opposite Ben, and shouted at the waiter.

"Two Big Macs here, thank you."

"Tell me, what exactly are you looking for me for?" Ben frowned and didn't refuse the other party to order food for him, because he really wasn't full just now.

Seeing that Ben had already taken the bait, Doom also stated his purpose: "I want to help you and help you return to the way you were before."

"Just you?" Ben hehe, although he was a little unhappy that Reed detained him in Baxter Building for nearly two weeks, but he didn't do anything at all, but compare Reed and Doom , he definitely believed Reed.

And Ben hates Doom very much, even more than Reed. Whether it's the other party's sinful face after the establishment of the company, or the behavior of the other party looking down on him when everyone was a classmate earlier, he was very disgusted.

"Don't look at me like that, I actually care a lot about you, and I know you really want to change back to a human, don't you?"

Doom didn't get angry at Ben's words, and after explaining it, he used the attack mode again.

"I know it's not easy for you. Because of the influence of those air currents, you are not like a human being. Unlike Susan, Reed, and Johnny, you can at least go to various public places normally..."

"If you're trying to encourage me, then the reason you gave is really bad... Do you know what I mean? Scar face?" Ben discovered that a line of ten centimeters long appeared beside Reed's handsome face. The scars feel much better.

"Whatever you want..." Doom still looked like he didn't care, and continued to attack the heart mode:

"I understand you very well, being surrounded by people who don't know the truth, and even your wife Debbie has left you..."

Hearing Doom talking about his wife, Ben finally couldn't help it: "Listen, I don't care what you want to do with me, but if you're going to talk about my wife again, I won't let you go."

With that said, Ben added another sentence: "And Reed will definitely help me get back to my original appearance, understand?"

"Do you really think so?" Doom chuckled: "We all know that Reed is very smart, and we believe that he is doing all his energy to research the device that will make you back to human..."

"After all, you're his best friend. There's no reason for him to even build the equipment and not come to help you, right?"

"What do you mean?" Ben wrinkled his stone brows again, looking like he was crowded with two flat stones, a little squeezed...

And Doom's words made him a little bit puzzled, because as it stands, he did see that Reed had built the device he said could make him turn back into a human being.

But when he went to Reed, he wanted Reed to use a machine to change his body, but was rejected.

Reid's argument is that he needs more calculations, more experiments, before he can determine the safety of that machine before he can use it.

Although he understands that Reed is such a meticulous personality, and only has a chance of complete success to be determined, Ben is still very dissatisfied with Reed.

Because he really wants to change back, from a big rock back to a human!

Only those who have become monsters will understand the feeling of being watched by people with strange eyes.

Originally a normal person, a normal person who slaps a handful every day, how can he be happy now like this!

So in the end, Doom's words still had a great effect.

"Could you have a way to make me turn back into a human earlier?" Ben asked after thinking for a while.

"Don't forget, I'm actually a little smarter than Reed, aren't I?" Doom said with a smile.

"How do you say that?" Ben didn't understand Doom, because in his heart, Reed had always been the smartest.

"Not to mention, at least I have a huge technology company, and Reed can't even pay the rent, and owes that Ron ten billion dollars, which proves that I am smarter than Reed?"

Hearing this, Ben really couldn't think of anything against it.

"How did you change me back?"

"I have already built a machine that can absorb the energy flow in your body that turns you into a stone man. Just as long as you come back to the Doom Building with me, you can immediately become a human again." Doom laughed. to explain.

"Okay, then I'll trust you once." Ben hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

Although Doom must have some ghostly idea when he came to him, but now that his body is all stone, even if Doom really has some ghostly idea, he doesn't need to be afraid.

Finally, after eating the Big Mac, Ben got into Doom's car and came to the Doom Building.

After arriving at the Doom Building, Doom showed Ben what he said was a machine that could turn the stone man back into a human.

This is a hemispherical machine, all made of special titanium alloys, with many circuits, devices, etc. linked to it, which looks very high-tech.

"After you go in, I will use the properties of the reverse magnetic field to extract the cosmic airflow from your body again. Of course, this is only the first step, and there are many more steps to come. Do you need me to tell you all? ' Reed said to Ben after controlling the computer a few times and opening the door of the machine.

"No, although your character is really bad, you have to admit that your talent is not much worse than Reed." Reed said, and entered the machine without looking back.

"You're right." Doom's smile was very happy, because the prey had finally entered the encircling net.

Next, let's see if my guess is correct...

Doom pressed a few keys, closed the door of the machine, and sent a direct start notification.

Then, countless electric currents began to flow into the circular machine through the thick circuits, sending energy that could change the body into it.

A red light appeared little by little from the circular machine, and then quickly shone through the entire Doom Building, illuminating the building with a glowing red just like the scene of the cosmic airflow illuminating the space station in space.

And because the machine needs a huge amount of energy and a huge amount of electricity, this action actually made the lights of most of the buildings in the Manhattan area flicker, which is obviously a lack of power.

"what happened?"

At this time, on the top floor of the Baxter Building in Manhattan, Reed, who was working, wanted to find the reason because the power of the building began to become unstable, and then he saw the red light shining above the Doom Building, and became puzzled.

He knew that it was the building of Doom Corporation, but how could the shining red light above the building be so similar to the red cosmic airflow they encountered at the space station?


The electricity in the Baques Towers went out completely.

"It's so weird, I'll have to go and see..."

Seeing that he couldn't continue to work, Reed frowned at the red light in the distant Doom Building, and felt that he still had to go over to see what happened to the Doom Building.

Afterwards, Doom woke Susan who had fallen asleep, and then asked Susan to call Johnny, who was still surfing outside. After asking him to come back immediately, they rushed to Doom Building with Susan.

In the Doom Company Building, Doom's plan almost came to fruition.

In the end, the equipment he made did not surprise him. He successfully pulled out the direction of the cosmic airflow in his body, and then gathered it into a similar circular machine on the other side. on those red cosmic airflows they saw.

"Next, is the last step."

Looking at the red airflow in the machine, Doom didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

Then, for the first time, Doom experienced the kind of body that was torn apart, but reassembled in an instant.

You want to say that Doom has not been baptized by the air before? How could it be the first time?

This is because the last time Doom fainted from the very beginning, he didn't experience this feeling at all, of course it was the first time...

The reason why Doom was able to endure the past this time was because his body was already very strong, so it was so easy.

"Really stronger..."

Seeing that his body was rapidly turning into that special metal, Doom felt very excited, because he could clearly feel that his ability was many times stronger than before.

If his previous combat effectiveness was only an m1911 pistol, then his current combat effectiveness is an ak47, which is not a measure.

"If I can absorb the airflow in Reed and the others, then I can definitely become stronger..."

After absorbing all the airflow inside the machine, Doom, whose body had almost completely turned into a metal man, began to draw the attention of Reed and the others.

"I don't know if they can find the changes here and come here, otherwise, I'll have to take the initiative to find them." Looking at the Baxter Building, which had been completely blackened in the distance, Doom thought so.

"You are also affected by the cosmic airflow, and your body has mutated?" At this time, the original machine was turned on, and Ben's voice was uploaded from the side.

At this time, Ben has completely changed back to his previous human appearance, with a big bald head, and his appearance is comparable to Vin Diesel.

After coming out, he was very excited to see that he had turned back into a human, but he also saw that the back was facing him, but he could clearly see the silver metal from the broken clothes, so that Ben also understood Doom actually has super powers, and he is still the same as himself, even the ability to mutate his body.

"Yes, I was also endowed with superpowers by the airflow." Doom smiled and said frankly.

"In this case, the machine has restored me, and you can transform your body back!" Ben was very excited, because he had successfully transformed back into a human, so the previous disgust for Doom was gone.

"That's right, the machine succeeded, but why should I change back to a human? Isn't my current appearance pretty good?" Doom walked into Ben and said with a smile.

"You..." Seeing Doom's expression, Ben looked at the similar machine on the other side, and finally realized something was wrong.

"Could it be that you came back to me because you wanted to use the machine to strengthen your power... All this was arranged by you?"

"Yes, you know me, I always want more power, which makes me stronger." Doom showed his metal hands to let Ben see how powerful he was.

"You won't succeed." Ben understood that he had fallen into Doom's trap, and the feeling of gratitude he had before disappeared.

"I will succeed because I will grow stronger and stronger until, become the king of the world!"

Looking at Ben, who had turned into a human, with an angry expression on his face, Doom didn't want to talk nonsense with this guy, and slapped Ben directly, sending the fan flying.

At this time, he was just an ordinary person with decent strength. He couldn't resist Doom's strength at all. He was stunned by this slap and flew to the side.

At this time, Reed and Susan finally came under the Doom Building and headed towards the top floor.

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