True Marvel World

Chapter 360 The Guardians of the Galaxy


The main body of the ignorant land is the head of an ancient god of the universe. It was acquired by the extremely famous Tiwan Group in the universe hundreds of years ago. It is used to mine various organic substances in the head and sell these things to all parts of the universe.

In the vast and boundless universe, these ancient beings called gods have great value, of course, after death!

After all, no one dared to fight against these powerful beings.

The body of the god is extremely huge, and a head alone has a small planet. After the careful management of the Tiwan Group, this place that was originally just a head was transformed into a huge mine.

Over the past few hundred years, this mine has become an extremely large interstellar port. Interstellar hunters, explorers, smugglers, cosmic robbers and other forces will often come here to settle down, and then relax and consume here, without worrying about being caught. The three strongest empires in the galaxy, the Kree Empire, the Shia Empire, and the Skrull Empire, hunted down.

Because ignorance belongs to the Tiwan Group!

The powerful Tiwan Group is not under the jurisdiction of any empire. This powerful group created by brothers Tanya Tiwan and Gao Tianzun Duwei Gast, an ancient collector of the universe, is strong enough to rival any galactic empire.

Therefore, the ignorant can grow to the point where it is impossible.

It's just that this impossible place seems to have some small problems just now.

The reason for this is this. Tanya Tiwan, the collector who controls the ignorant land, issued a astronomical bounty task to acquire a rare treasure called the Cosmos Spirit Sphere for collection.

The appearance of this bounty mission immediately drove the interstellar hunters and explorers crazy and began to look for the cosmic sphere, but in the end, the cosmic sphere was taken by a team called the Guardians of the Galaxy and sent to the collector Tiwan. .

Of course, this news hadn't been spread before, and it was only because of some accidents that it became known to everyone.

The accident first came from a maid of collector Tiwan.

This powerful elder of the universe likes to collect some rare items, which of course also includes scarce human resources, such as only a few remaining special races.

Tiwan's Maid is one of them.

In the middle of the transaction, the maid, who was unwilling to be controlled by Tiwan, rushed to the opened cosmic spirit ball, trying to control the power gem hidden in the spirit ball, but because she was not strong enough, she was attacked by the power. The gem was blown to pieces, and even Tiwan, the collector next to him, was injured.

At this time, only those who felt the terrifying power of the Power Gem knew that there was such a powerful treasure hidden in the Universe Spirit Ball.

Since the beginning of the birth of the universe, the legend of the six infinity gems with the birth of the universe has not stopped. In the endless legends, the people who own the infinity gems are all strong in the universe, and the powerful power can even make them in an instant. Destroy entire civilizations.

After knowing that the universe spirit ball was actually one of the six infinity gems hidden in the power gem, the whole ignorant went straight into madness and began to snatch this gem.

But before they could make a move, Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire, brought his powerful Kree army into the chaotic ignorant land, snatched the cosmic spirit ball and the power gem inside, and left gracefully. .

As the original owner of the cosmic spirit ball, the Guardians of the Galaxy certainly resisted stubbornly, but after all, this team was not strong and could only watch Ronan leave.

Not only that, but members of the Guardians of the Galaxy were also injured.

The Guardians of the Galaxy consists of five beings, namely Peter Quill, nicknamed Star-Lord, Groot, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Drax the Destroyer.

This was originally a nameless team, but before they got the cosmic spirit ball, these five beings escaped from the Kling prison on Xandar Star and made a big fuss, so they were known to the whole galaxy.

After Ronan left, the Guardians of the Galaxy were temporarily separated. Among them, Rocket Raccoon, Tree Groot, and Drax the Destroyer remained in the chaotic ignorance, while Star-Lord and Gamora were chasing Ronan. , the battleship he was on was destroyed, and he was left in the unexploited dangerous areas in the ignorant land.

There is no oxygen in the space here, and the surrounding is green like poisonous gas, which pervades the surroundings, warning everyone who approaches here.

Both Star-Lord and Gamora, who fell into this dangerous area, were approaching with a white layer, and they were slowly starting to devour them.

At the moment of crisis, a large warship approached the two guys who were about to be swallowed by poison gas without fear of danger, and used equipment to suck them into the warship.

The owner of the battleship is called Yondu Udonta, who is a resident of the Centaur planet outside the solar system. After the planet was destroyed, this blue-skinned guy joined the team of Star Hunters and made a great breakthrough in the galaxy. 's reputation.

More than a decade ago, this well-known interstellar hunter adopted the star-lord Peter Quill when he passed by the earth, and cultivated him into an interstellar hunter to search for treasures for him.

Before that, he gave Star-Lord a task to get the cosmic spirit ball and hand it over to him, but Star-Lord was going to sell it to the collector Tiwan and take the astronomical bounty.

Inside the battleship, Yondu, who rescued Star-Lord, woke up this hateful guy and led a group of his subordinates to beat and kick him in the middle, venting the anger in his heart.

"When you were just picked up by me as a child, my subordinates wanted to eat you, but I stopped them! How dare you betray me like this? Steal my money? Go to hell!"

Angry fists and questioning attacked the ordinary human Star-Lord in succession, and the repeated blows roused Star-Lord's anger. Taking advantage of an air strike, he returned a punch from Yongdu, but was quickly knocked down.

The unwilling Star-Lord also roared at Yongdu: "Did I fucking pick it up by you? I was kidnapped by you, do you think I would like it? Did you not eat me by you guys? I also want to thank you, you bastard!"

"How dare you scold me?"

Xing-Lord's words made Yondu even more angry and beat him even more frantically. He didn't stop until Xing-Lord lost his resistance, lifted the hem of the leather jacket, and exposed a short red arrow around his waist.

"I've had enough of you, so be it! As the captain, I need to lead by example. Once there is a traitor, I must kill the traitor and set an example!"

The whistle sounded from Yondu's mouth, and then, the short red arrow on his waist flew out automatically, and touched the neck of the already star-lord. As long as he went further, he could end up with this hateful guy.

But at this time, Yongdu did not continue, because he was very reluctant in his heart, and because Star-Lord still had the strength to speak.

"If you kill me now, don't even try to make the biggest deal in your life!"

"Infinity Stones?" Yondu laughed, because he had steps down before his hands.

"You better think about it, no one can steal from Ronan the accuser, it's not a good idea!"

"I have a secret weapon!" Star-Lord of course understood his adoptive father's temper, so he didn't panic at all, and said slowly:

"The green-skinned woman with me, Gamora, knows Ronan's secret!"

As if to respond to Star-Lord, the unconscious Gamora woke up at this time. Facing the direct gaze of Yondu and his group of men, she shook her head, and after understanding what happened, she said firmly:

"Ronan also has weaknesses, I will be a good helper!"

"What do you think, Yongdu?" Star-Lord said: "Me and you, we are still the same as before, fighting side by side to defeat all enemies!"

Yongdu put his eyes back on Star-Lord, he knew that the time should be almost up.

"Hahaha, let him go, let go of this brave star hunter."

The whistle that could control the short arrow sounded again, and the short arrow that was originally on the neck of Star-Lord was retracted from Yongdu's waist. With a hearty laugh, he put his hand on Xing-Lord's shoulder, extremely friendly.

"I knew you wouldn't let us down, that's why I kept you by my side!"

Yongdu's smile also infected the surrounding subordinates. The bitter trick was successful. He made these angry subordinates temporarily believe in Star-Lord, leaving the boy's life.


At this time, the battleship they were in vibrated violently, obviously being attacked by something.

"It's a small star destroyer!"

Yongdu immediately took people to the control room. When they came here, they saw that a small spaceship was flying in front of them outside, and their weapons were aimed at them.

On top of the small spaceship, there was a tall guy wearing a isolation gown, with a gun in his hand aimed at them, as if he was about to launch a suicide attack.

"Attention, the idiots ahead, this madman on my spaceship is holding a hadron gun, a weapon that I exclusively shoot. If you don't hand over my friends quickly, the madman above will bomb your battleship. Breathe out a fresh big hole, a very, very big hole, got it?"

In the control room of the small spaceship, a hairy raccoon drove the small spaceship, using the spaceship's docking amplifier to launch a threat towards Yondu.

"I'm going to attack at a count of five! 5...4..."

"I won't buy your account!" Yongdu was not panic at all. As a battle-hardened Star Hunter, how could he be afraid of this little raccoon's threat?

Yondu was not afraid of death, but his subordinates panicked, shouting 'no' one by one, and starting to beg the leader to agree to the little raccoon's request.

Of course, Yongdu could only agree, and he had no intention of rejecting it.

As for why he didn't agree at the beginning, this was of course to establish his prestige, and secondly, to allow his subordinates to completely eliminate their hatred for Star-Lord.

"Eulixette, what is that?"

Yondu, who had succeeded in the plan, was preparing to dock with Rocket Raccoon, but at this moment, a giant black sword with a length of more than one thousand meters approached them, as if it was a sharp blade to harvest their lives.

The star hunter who discovered the battleship immediately shouted in panic, and then Yondu, Star Lord, Gamora, and the Rocket Raccoon and Destroyer Drax all saw the huge sword-shaped battleship on the small spaceship. .

"Start the alert immediately and turn on the battleship weapons!"

Yongdu immediately gave an order to let the pilot open the weapon of the battleship and aim at the black giant ship that was almost twice their size, ready for battle!

For so many years across the interstellar space, Yongdu has never seen such an erection, and there is still such a large battleship, of course, you have to be careful!

On the side, Rocket Raccoon also immediately aimed the weapon of the small spaceship at the black battleship, but the small spaceship only a few dozen meters in size was like a child in front of the black battleship, and there was no threat.

At this time, the pilot of the battleship suddenly pointed to the black battleship outside to remind Yongdu: "Head, it is requesting to connect our communication, is it connected?"

Yongdu's face changed, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Connect!"

This is a common method of contact between warships and spaceships in the flying universe. If the connection is not agreed, the consequences are likely to lead to war.

On the other hand, Rocket Raccoon also received the request. After thinking that the combat power of the two sides did not match at all, it opened the call communication of the spacecraft.

"Hey, friends of the galaxy, how are you?"

After the communication was connected, the universal galactic language 'English' came out from the communicator, listening to the tone, the other party seemed to be quite happy. (Tucao about it)

"Who are you? From that galaxy or planet?" Yongdu picked up the communicator and began to communicate.

"Solar system, Earth, my friends!"


Hearing this answer, everyone's eyes came to Star Lord.

Because Star Lord is also from Earth!

But listening to Star-Lord, the backward Earth has no technology for space navigation at all. How come there are even such powerful interstellar warships now?

And Star-Lord is also confused, oh my god, has the technology of the earth developed to this point in just over 20 years?

Yondu also had the same idea. He asked: "There is no such technology on earth at all. Where on earth are you from?"

"It's all said, Earth!" The voice that came back became a little unhappy: "As for the battleship I'm driving, it's actually just my trophy. Earth's technology has not yet reached this point!"

The words that came back surprised everyone on the battleship, loot? This huge warship? How much the fuck is that worth?

On the black battleship Great Sword, Ron looked at the large and small warships over there through the transparent screen, and said with a smile:

"I just sailed the Milky Way and came here. I want to find a foothold. Do you know where I should park my battleship?"


The friendly words made both Yondu and Rocket Raccoon disarm their weapons, and then Star-Lord suddenly grabbed the intercom and asked in surprise:

"Are you really a person from Earth? What is the Earth like now?"

"Are you from Earth too?" Ron asked knowingly, and then said, "I'll tell you when I dock the battleship!"

"Okay, I'll be your guide!"

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