True Marvel World

Chapter 378: Riot Plan

The battle lasted for a long time. Although Jessica, Thor, Mister Fantastic, and the Invisible Woman were able to resist the attack of the symbiote, because of the large number of opponents, they had no way to break through the encirclement and could only stay in place for a long time. Fight the symbiote.

Symbionts are highly intelligent, as can be seen from their previous behavior.

Coupled with the most disgusting healing ability of the symbiote monster, the four of Jessica not only failed to break through the siege, but were even surrounded by more symbiotes coming from other directions, making it more and more difficult.

"We can't go on like this forever, we have to find a way to break through, otherwise there will be more and more symbiotic experiences here!"

The Invisible Woman made a sound first, her invisible force field required a lot of energy to control, the constant fighting made her very uncomfortable, and she began to feel dizzy.

"I agree too, these guys are so annoying!"

Thor panted heavily. Although the opponent was not particularly strong, the constant fighting and endless enemies made him feel very uncomfortable, and he didn't want to spend any more time.

As a fighter, he can fight, he can fight all the time, but he can't fight meaninglessly.

"That's right." Mister Fantastic nodded. Although the lengthening of his body was not very strenuous for him, it still made him feel uncomfortable all the time. It's better to leave early.

Through the copper beard headset, he continued to contact Hill behind: "Is there really no follow-up support?"

"No." The tone in the headset was helpless: "Our station has been discovered, and a large number of symbiotes are attacking here. I'm really sorry."

"Understood, we will quickly break through and come back to help you."

Mister Fantastic stopped talking into the headset, because Hill in the rear really couldn't help them.

After being attacked by the symbiote on their side, the garrison where Hill was stationed in the rear was also attacked not long after, and more symbiote monsters emerged than here.

These two sudden attacks attracted everyone's attention. They knew that this must be a premeditated operation, with a powerful brain commanding the army of symbiotes!

"We can only rely on ourselves!"

Mister Fantastic became the commander of this temporary team, he thought about it, and said to everyone:

"Jessica, your speed is the fastest and your strength is not bad. I hope you, as a breakthrough player, can try to distract these symbiote monsters as much as possible, so that we can break through the encirclement."

"Thor, the god of thunder, you are the strongest and can fly. I hope you will contain the symbiote monsters in the sky, and at the same time, you will be our helping hand, ready to rescue at any time."

"I will leave with Dr. Banner and the driver, Invisible Woman, you will follow me as a cover, can you agree?"

"You are very smart, listen to you." Torsher lost his previous pride and pretended to obey orders.

The most disobedient people have already agreed, and the others, including Jessica, have no objections.

At the beginning of the operation, as Mister Fantastic said, Jessica, as a breakthrough player, directly accelerated and started attacking all the symbiotes, stopping and showing her face after the attack, so as to attract the hatred of the symbiotes.

Although the symbiotes have extremely high intelligence, they also have a strong hatred.

After a while, a team of symbiotes followed Jessica's buttocks, making strange noises and following her, as if they would not stop until they smashed her to pieces.

In this way, Jessica successfully made a small gap for the rear team to break through.

"It's this time!"

Mister Fantastic immediately seized the opportunity, hugged the weak Dr. Banner and the driver, and ran away.

Beside him, the Invisible Woman is still insisting on blocking some symbiotes rushing towards them with the invisible force field, doing her best.

Of course, the proud Thor didn't want to neglect his duty. He held back a few rare flying symbiotes in the sky, and at the same time helped Mister Fantastic below, working very hard.

Good planning and persistence allowed the besieged squad to finally break free from the symbiote monsters that surrounded them.

After breaking through the siege, they immediately rushed to the rear of Hill's garrison, preparing to assist the rear.


In the research base of the Life Foundation, Drake is in a great mood.

His original ideal of being kicked out by Osborne Industries was just to build a biotechnology company that was stronger than Osborne Industries, but he didn't expect a jump, and his ideal jumped directly to the place where he controlled the world. This leap is not ordinary.

And all of this is due to the symbiosis possessed in his body, 'Riot'!

"Next, continue to increase the intensity of the attack, and kill all those life shit superheroes in one breath, how about it?"

Looking at the large black symbiote gathered outside, Drake called out the riot in his body and said excitedly.

"You're thinking too simply, the earth is not so easy to occupy!" Appeared with a trace of earthy gray matter, condensing a ferocious head.

Drake is amazed that even superheroes can't stop their symbiote army, who else can stop it.

Although Riot looked very arrogant, what he said was very humble:

"Although I haven't been on Earth for a long time, there is one thing I really believe in, that is, the power on this planet is actually no worse than our symbiosis!"

"I still don't understand." Drake asked with a frown, "Even though the Guardians and Avengers can't beat the symbiote army, why are you still afraid of them?"

"It's not fear, but caution!" Riot's tone became serious: "No matter how you deal with anything, you need to be cautious, let alone control a planet?"

"Then what should we do next?"

Drake is helpless, as a parasite of the riot, although he has powerful rights, he also loses his freedom at the same time, and must obey the riot.

Riot's mouth full of sharp teeth showed a creepy smile, and his tone became sharp:

"Look for an opportunity, leave San Francisco, take all the troops out, and fill the entire United States and Canada with our troops!"

"Why?" Drake still didn't understand, since he was almost winning, why did he leave?

"Whether we succeed or not, San Francisco will definitely fall. Instead of dying here, it is better to spread our power across the entire continent, so that we can control this planet more easily!"

After Riot finished speaking, he swiped and returned to Drake's body, and then continued:

"After all, the most powerful part of our symbiont is not the self-healing ability, but our camouflage ability!"

Drake's eyes widened, and he finally understood the meaning of Riot's words.

That's right, instead of fighting directly with the forces on Earth, it's better to integrate into them and directly control these forces.

With the ability of the symbiont to directly possess human beings, when the time comes to directly possess the officials who control the power and the generals who control the army, is it not a matter of minutes to become the overlord of the earth?

"By the way, after we leave San Francisco, we have to find Venom who escaped from you before. He is a variable, and we must kill him!"

The voice of rioting appeared in Drake's mind again. Hearing this sentence, he had no doubts or hesitation.

Venom, including Eddie Brock, possessed by Venom, must die!

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