True Marvel World

Chapter 442 The Wedding of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman

"Due to an unexplained power outage last night caused by an electronic failure in the western United States, the FAA has ordered the grounding of all aircraft in the western United States, leaving thousands stranded at the airport..."

"At the same time, the Federation has submitted this strange incident to the World Committee. I hope that the Committee can send out a special action team to find out the reason. I hope this is not a bad incident..."

"But that's not the biggest news of the day. The biggest news today is that the wedding of the amazing Fantastic Four couple, Mister Fantastic Reed Richards and Invisible Woman Susan Stone, will take place this Saturday in New York. North Park, this will be the wedding of the century..."

News was broadcasting on the TV in the lounge of New York's Newark Airport. In front of the TV, Reid and Susan watched the TV with helpless expressions on their faces.

Because of the tasks assigned by the committee to promote new technologies and install various technologies, the Fantastic Four have been traveling around the world for a year. Constantly exposed, becoming less and less.

Like Reed and Susan's wedding...

You know, they finished their assignment in China to help with technology assignments yesterday, and just returned to New York this morning. Before they got home, they saw the news on TV that they were going to get married.

Few people knew about this matter, but for some reason, it was reported by the media. As a result, there were always people around them asking about the wedding, which caused them a lot of headaches.

"I heard that this incident has actually dominated the news headlines for two days, but I have been very busy before, so I didn't see it..."

The stone man was right next to the two of them, and he looked at them with a teasing smile and said.

"This is not a good thing!" Reed looked very serious: "The news said that there were many electronic component failures and unexplained power outages in the western region last night, but no one cared, and they all paid attention to our When will the wedding start and what kind of decoration will be chosen, this is very abnormal..."

Reed said, his eyes finally set on Susan beside him, wanting to see the reaction of his beloved.

Susan was obviously a little unhappy, and said: "We have already agreed with the committee to hold the wedding this Saturday, are you going to postpone it again?"

Susan did have some complaints. They had already agreed to hold two weddings before, and both times they had to postpone the wedding because of the urgent tasks of the committee.

Unexpectedly, this time they finally picked a good time, but strange things happened again. It is normal for Susan to worry that Reed wants to postpone the wedding again!

But this time Reed didn't do it. He looked at Susan and said firmly:

"No, we're not postponing anything, not this time, it's going to be your best wedding ever, and I'm not going to let anything get in the way this time, not even if Ron comes to me in person and asks me to study the mystery The subatomic material transfer movement of the subatomic substance is also not acceptable!"

"Really?" Little stars appeared in Susan's eyes: "This is the most romantic thing you've ever said to me!"

When the stone man on the side heard this, a layer of goose bumps appeared on the skin of the stone, and he said seemingly unintentionally:

"Hey, why Ron has given so many advanced technologies, but we still have to travel to various places by plane, can't we just send a spaceship for us to use?"

"That needs money!" Reed said, "For the sake of the committee, Ron has emptied his pocket, even Tony Stark's pocket Ron has not let go, but it is still not enough. The committee will be bankrupted soon!"

"Okay, because we need to establish a good image for the committee, so we have to travel in a normal way, but I also have to consider my body..."

Ben shook the stone 'muscles' on his body, picked up his luggage, passed a group of onlookers, and walked outside.

"Let's go..." Susan patted Reid, motioning him to follow Ben.

Of course, Susan understood that what Ben just said was intentional, and the purpose was to divert Reed's attention and prevent her and Reed from continuing to spread dog food, and every time Reed would get serious and be led away by Ben's words .

Reed also knew that he was serious again, smiled helplessly, and followed.

A few people took an ordinary taxi and started to return to the Baxter Building where they rented. Fortunately, since entering the 'New Century', the vehicles have been modified a lot, otherwise they really wouldn't be able to bear this big rock.

Although the Fantastic Four are members of the committee, they don't receive much good benefits. Apart from ordinary travel, the Baxter Building where they live has always been paid by themselves, not by the committee.

Susan and Ben actually complained about this, but Reed felt that it should be done. They were supposed to help the committee and make the earth glow with new colors. Why so many demands?

Besides, it's not that they don't have wages...


"Hey, Reed, are you back in New York? Something happened and you need to come over right away!"

A few people returned to the Baxter Building, just stepped into the laboratory, and before everything was put down, Reed received a call from Ron.

Reed was surprised that Ron would call them?

You know, before this, they had always called Ron, and there was often no answer, and Ron never took the initiative to call them once.

But now Ron actually took the initiative to call. Although the tone sounded nothing special, the words he said seemed a little anxious, which is very strange!

"Could it be related to what happened in the west in the news? Susan, do I want to..." Reid guessed, looking at Susan expectantly, seeking agreement.

After all, he just said that even if Ron asked him, he would not listen, but now, Ron actually came here...

"I'll go with you!" Susan was not an unreasonable person, and she probably knew that something important had happened, so Ron called them.

If they don't go right away, how are they going to see Ron in the future?

"Okay, let's go now!" Reed happily replied to Ron on the phone, then dropped his things, pulled Susan and prepared to go down and drive their car away.

At this time, Susan didn't have any dissatisfaction, and she walked faster than Reed.

Ben knows why, Susan is the sister of Johnny the Human Torch, she often thinks that the strange things discovered by the committee are related to Johnny, so the first two postponed weddings are not all caused by Reed alone. ...

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