Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 22 It Seems That Rebecca Likes Me Too?

There is a super dump truck in front and a Tiger Claw Gang pursuit motorcycle behind.

Watching David and Lucy get caught in the buns!

"What the hell -!"

Turn the steering wheel and step on the accelerator!


Zhou Shuyi drives Sword of the Lake Lady, just like filming a Hollywood special effects blockbuster,

A drift flick!

He turned abruptly onto another opposite lane!

In the rearview mirror, blood shot into the sky!

The Tiger Claw Gang who were chasing after them were hit by the oncoming dump truck.

Create meaty paste!

Broken limbs were flying everywhere, red, white, black and everything!

The live broadcast room was buzzing like crazy:

"Damn it, Sister Zhou is awesome!"

"Brothers, put 666 on the public screen!"

"I'll go first! Move a 6 alone!"

"As expected of a novice female driver! I'll take a few away once I get started!"

"If you ask me, the Night City police should go and check whether Sister Zhou is drunk driving right now!"

"No need to check! It's all alcohol, not a drop of blood!"

"You are just looking at Sister Zhou and Lucy. Am I the only one who wants to see the most expensive Sword of the Lake Lady in Night City?"



"Speaking of which, why does the name of this car look like the name of a sword?"

"I want to ask Su Chen this question! Also, can Sister Zhou drive this car home?"

"Good guy, if you rob it, it will be your own car, right?"

Even Lucy, who was sitting next to her in the passenger seat, was admiring it with a hint of surprise.

"I didn't expect that David, you also have driving skills.

After saying that, he showed a rare smile.

Detonating the live broadcast room again!

In the end, Zhou Shuyi successfully drove the car back to the meeting point.

Just on the car body,

Hundreds of millions more were damaged.

Then we will stay until evening, and according to Mann, there will be a team party!

And I heard that the mysterious middleman who assigned them the mission will also come.

"It seems to be called Ferrari?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly refreshes the mind!

"Check the host's cultural level"

“The cultural level is in line with that of primary school students.”

"The middleman's name is Faraday, not Ferrari!"

"Brains, breasts, and slenderness, this is Sister Zhou's impossible triangle. It seems she is missing her brain this time!"

Zhou Shuyi happily accepted these teases with a smile.

Just now, I added Lucy to the racing, and the live broadcast room gave me a lot of gifts!

Don’t hit the smiling person with your hand!


"Brothers, let me tell you, it was really exciting just now!"

Zhou Shuyi sat back next to a broken garbage pile,

There's still some time before the evening party,

Just in time to brag and fart in the live broadcast room!

Thinking back on this [Novice] mission,

My calves are still trembling!

But I also took this opportunity to experience the feeling of driving a VR racing car in Night City!

To tell you how you feel,

That is so real that it explodes!

The feel of the car, it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between real and fake steering wheel and accelerator.

There is also a strong push-back feeling!

"Brothers, I really don't know what the genius Su Chen has in his head!"

"I can actually use the VR joystick to create the feeling of pushing my back!"

Zhou Shuyi even thought that if the racing part was taken out and made into a game,

They will all definitely have explosive kills and fast speeds!

The audience in the live broadcast room also agreed:

"It's rare for Sister Zhou to say something humane!"

“I just don’t know if there will be any racing scenes in the future!”

"By the way, Sister Zhou, since we can steal Arasaka's car, can we also steal other luxury cars directly?"

"A group of people who suddenly feel free in Night City!"

"As long as you have the strength!"

"I think David is one of the stronger ones!"

"Bullet time teleportation, I want to ask who can stop it in Night City!"

"Holy shit, that's right! Sister Zhou, hurry up and steal one!"

Zhou Shuyi quickly took a sip:

"Everything in Night City is called borrowing! Borrowing, you know?"

"How can you say it's stealing?"

"But it's true, walking all day is really tiring!"

However, I just had some thoughts on this.

Zhou Shuyi suddenly remembered what was said in the initial demonstration of Cyber ​​Edge,

Terrorist Mobile Team!

The veteran lunatic who had installed a spinal prosthetic body like himself was bombarded to pieces.

It’s better not to have these weird thoughts now!


Wave after wave of new viewers came into Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room.

The old fans and new fans together are about to exceed one million in popularity!

Sister Zhou is also very good at creating program effects.

Throughout the afternoon and into the evening, I was not idle.

First, I went to the [Toys] store in Watson District and tried out all the little toys.

I went to the Kabuki District again and experienced the special services of Xiaoli.

The audience in the live broadcast room will be drooling after watching it!

"You must enter Cyber ​​Edge! You must enter! Just go to this nightclub Mewtwo!"

"Sister Zhou, you know LSP!"

"Damn it, Sister Zhou is such a brother! She really gives benefits to the brothers!"

"I'm fine, I've reported it!"

"The sage is so stubborn when he speaks at all times."

"Damn it, did you really report it?!"

"Report the hook and you will be killed by me!"

"Exceed the authority to speak!"


In the end, under the black screen of millions of people shouting abuse,

Douyu Super Pipe finally couldn’t withstand the pressure of flow.

Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room has been unblocked.

"Brothers, we really can't do this kind of welfare in the future."

Zhou Shuyi looked aggrieved,

"It's not that Sister Zhou is eating alone, Brother Super Guan is now living in my live broadcast room!"

Before the audience in the live broadcast room could boo,

Zhou Shuyi quickly entered the game.

As a result, I just arrived at the Mann small team gathering.

Rebecca's weird elf face with a bad smile,

Suddenly he came up!

"David Martinez! You're finally here!"


[Favorability +10? 】

Zhou Shuyi was stunned,

This loli,

I feel surprisingly good about myself!

"Come on, come on!"

Rebecca grabbed David's hand,

Putting their palms together,

Zhou Shuyi's VR gloves instantly felt an indescribable soft touch!

"Try this! David!"

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