Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 3 Cybermaniac? Cyberpsychosis!

The 300-inch big screen just turned on.

The entire audience at the selection meeting exclaimed in unison!

It couldn’t be more neat and everyone exclaimed in unison!

Rhythmic background electronic music,

Dazzling colorful neon lights,

There is also the pattering of raindrops, forming a string of raindrops.

A city shining with all kinds of lights,

It appears in front of the audience very realistically!

Weird, restless, and confusing!

Pedestrians were coming and going, and a police car was parked a little further away with its red light flashing.

A strong man with his shirt on,

Braving the heavy rain, with a weird posture, he walked stiffly towards the police car!

"Are we watching a movie?"

The judges in front of the stage are also veterans in the game production industry.

I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Just the pictures displayed on this big screen,

It's completely different from the 3D Contra on the program list!

Huang Tao from Goose Plant, with two plump palms,

Now I’m rubbing my eyes furiously!

If a doctor comes to me now and tells me that I have high myopia and presbyopia,

He must really believe it!


Huang Tao gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, but he shouted in his heart that it was impossible!

As the chief game director of Goose Factory, even Goose Factory’s most secret internal projects now,


As Goose Factory’s highest quality game masterpiece,

Compared with Su Chen’s cyber edge,

I can’t even raise my head!

All the judges and audience present,

Seeing this kind of game with lights, shadows, materials, and images that are so real that they explode,

Everyone gasped!


This is just the beginning.

At the same moment, in the live broadcast room of this angel investment game selection.

Over one million viewers have poured in!

Most of them actually came here to see Sister Zhou.

As a veteran game anchor for many years, Sister Zhou returned to her old job this year.

Once again on the hosting stage.

Naturally, it attracted a lot of Sister Zhou fans!

Sister Zhou’s fans don’t care about games or anything like that.

The focus is actually Sister Zhou!

And her mouth always wants to be sealed when she opens her mouth!

Just half a minute ago, fans were yawning while watching this selection meeting.

"The old woman is too serious today!"


"You are usually so foul-mouthed, why are you so honest today?"

"Hey, I can't see Sister Zhou making a fool of herself. Get out of here!"

Half a minute later, when seeing the demonstration of Cyber ​​Edge,

All viewers, fans of Sister Zhou,

My eyes are already wide open!

Without blinking an eye!

All attention turned from Sister Zhou to the edge of cyberspace!

"Holy shit, shit, shit!"

"Is this a movie or TV?!"

"It doesn't look like it! Is this really a game screen?!"

"Is this a first-person shooter? A brand new version of CrossFire?!"

"And it seems to be VR?!"

Audiences and fans, in front of mobile phone and computer screens,

Open your mouth wider than anyone else!

The expression on his face is so exaggerated!

Everyone feels like they have just opened the door to a new world!

Curious and excited!

"That's right! This perspective is VR!"

"It should be a first-person shooter! The protagonist seems to have raised his gun!"

"What the hell? Why did you suddenly walk towards the police car?"

"Are you lying in a trough?!!"

"What is this for?"

Amidst the exclamations,

The strong man in the display screen is walking towards the police car step by step.

"Hey! What do you want to do!"

"Are you looking for death?"

An impatient voice came from inside the police car,

The strong man said nothing, but he quickly raised a big spray gun with his right hand.

against the police car window.

A loud bang!


Spray directly through the police car!

Glittering glass fragments flew everywhere!

Bright red blood splashed out from the car window!

Soaring straight to the sky!

Instantly turned a large screen red!

Time seems to freeze suddenly!

All the pedestrians walking around stopped!

Looking back in shock!

The smoking bullet casings fell to the ground with a thud.

A splash of water!

The splashed blood dyed the screen a bright red,

In an instant, it was illuminated by countless orange flames and turned white!

Bang bang——!

Bang bang bang!

Countless bullets were shot from the back of the strong man!

The bright yellow flame sprayed from the muzzle will illuminate the rainy night!

Just this brief moment,

Countless security personnel wearing explosion-proof suits were already standing behind the strong man!

Countless small-caliber bullets came in a violent storm!

Bang bang bang! ! !


next moment,

It turned out that everyone thought that this strong man would die.

My jaw almost dropped to the ground!

The upper body of the strong man who attacked the police car looked like he was covered with a layer of reactive armor!

All small caliber bullets hit the body,

All of them were bounced away ridiculously!

The eyes of all the audience were as big as bells!

"Damn it, you're not even going to die?!"

"Is this strong man like Ta Ma just cheating?"

"Outrageous! Li Ta Ma is so outrageous!!"

"Could this be the halo of the protagonist?"

"A character like Nima is so fun to play! Invulnerable! Comes with his own armor!"

"So, what's the price?"


The shirtless man suddenly turned around,

Originally where the eyes should be,

Now it has been replaced by a pair of honeycomb-like devices!

Like a large compound eye!

On the compound eyes, holes suddenly appeared with frightening lights!

Seeing this, Zhou Shuyi was so frightened that she almost fell off her chair!

"Damn those eyes!"

"This is... a prosthetic eye?!"

"This man just changed his own eyes?!"

“What kind of world is this?!”

The moment the strong man with compound eyes turned around,

Game selection meeting site,

Another gasp of cold air!

The exclamations of fear even reached the live broadcast footage!

Before the judges and the audience had finished being frightened,

The strong man in the demo screen,

Even the spine on the back has been replaced with a mechanical spine!

The rain falls down my spine,

The artificial spine even reflects an icy light!


The spine suddenly flashed with light!

In a strange arc, he rushed towards the security team that kept firing!

At the moment when the strong man started,

The flying bullets, the pattering raindrops,

It's like it's stuck!

Everything becomes extremely slow!

“Bullet Time!!!”


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

One shot at a time,

Ten shots per second!

The security team was instantly approached by a strong man!

The palm of my hand suddenly cracked!

A mantis knife,


A cold light flashed out from the rain!

Straight towards the guard!

Countless blood splashed!

Immediately dye the mantis knife on your arm blood red!

In an instant, the security team was wiped out!

"It's a cybermaniac!"

"Call the Mobile Terrorist Squad! Hurry!!!"

The desperate cry for help reached the ears of everyone at the scene,

Everyone has only one word written on their faces,

That's the shock!

When it moves, it's as ridiculous as when it stops!

He actually has a mantis knife in his hand? ! !

What cyber maniac! ! !

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