Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 60 This Is The Last Shot Of Immunosuppressant, David.

"I will handle it.

Rebecca fired the kinetic shotgun, looking at Zhou Shuyi and all the audience with determination and fierceness that she had never seen before!

Even through the screen, you can feel the murderous intent coming out of the wall!

"Fuck it's so scary!"

"She is really a crazy woman!"

"That glare just now almost scared me to death!"

"I just like Rebecca!"

"Let's get a reliable batch!"

"No wonder what Rebecca said before setting off, David, you can't do it without me."

“At the time, I thought it was Rebecca making an excuse, but now I know it’s really impossible without her!”

"The veteran driver Falco is also pretty good with his driving skills!"

The question is, what kind of response team is there in Arasaka, and how can we handle it?"


"There is still such an operation!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with exclamations of surprise!

Just as the three Arasaka rapid response team convoys rushed to the center of the intersection,

In an instant, David and his group were about to be surrounded.

Veteran driver Falco, just step on the accelerator to the bottom!

He rushed straight towards the hail of bullets from the Arasaka response team!

Nitrogen accelerates! The blue tail fire spurts out directly from the back of the car.

The speed instantly reached 500 kilometers per hour!

"You're crazy Falco!"

Rebecca was caught off guard and was slapped onto the seat by the terrifying acceleration.

Rui's exclamation hadn't even landed, and the off-road vehicle was speeding away.

He actually transformed into a floating car with just one leap!

Two jets hidden in the chassis of the car instantly erupted into flames with a temperature of thousands of degrees.

Then the whole vehicle flew straight past the Arasaka armored vehicle!

"Falco, when did you modify it?!"

"How come I don't even know!"

"This is the most difficult modification part to get in Night City!!"

"Hover car thruster!"

Rebecca's hands and feet were dancing excitedly, and her fleshy legs were flying in front of the screen. Like a child excited to see a toy.

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Is this really the same person as Rebecca, who had murderous eyes just a few seconds ago?

"Originally, I thought it was a bargain. I thought I'd earn enough and give you a surprise when I leave Night City."

Falco looked helpless,

But there was still an incomparable determination in his eyes.

"Sit down!"

"Rebecca do it!"

"You don't have to say it!"

Rebecca sprayed 11 bullets in her hand, kinetic energy shotgun [iron gall]

It was instantly stuck in front of the glass window of the Arasaka light armored vehicle.

No matter how thick the armor is, it's still afraid of sticking to your face!


Bang bang bang——!

In an instant, my mind was filled with confusion and blood was splattered!

"Hahahaha - it's so cool Falco! It's so cool David!!"

"This is a big troll that I specially modified!"

"One more shot! One more shot!"

On the avenue of Santo Domingo district in Night City,

It's all Rebecca's crazy laughter!

One Arasaka armed vehicle after another,

He was mercilessly shot in the head by Rebecca and named one by one!

Red, white, black, prosthetic parts, brains, etc., all exploded from the cabs of armored vehicles!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned:

"She is indeed a crazy woman!"

"Fuck, I'm so high when you look at it!!!"

"I'll knock it when it's on fire!"

"Are you sure this isn't a Hollywood blockbuster?"

"Have you ever seen such a realistic and bloody blockbuster?"

"Those idiots in Arasaka are all blown away!"

"Press him to the ground and beat him violently!"


"By the way, where's David?"

"Haven't you had enough rest?"

"Sister Zhou is too short-lived. Turn on the prosthetic King Kong for one minute and rest for five minutes. Are you coming to Night City to retire?"


"David seems to have a problem again!"

"What the hell are you doing again?!"

In the live broadcast, the familiar sizzling sound of electricity flashed through again, as well as the constantly shaking mosaic screen.

Rebecca's crazy laughter, the roar of the off-road vehicle's floating jet engine,

And the wailing of Arasaka soldiers,

They all disappeared in an instant.

"Why are you back here again?"

"Arasaka Academy?"

Of course Zhou Shuyi knew that this was the spiritual memory of Tianwei.

But now I can't control David's actions at all.

In other words, there is no way to bring David back to reality.

I could only follow David and stand blankly at the entrance of the college.

And in front of him is that familiar back figure.


Standing alone in front of the college, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

The words haven't been spoken yet,

Zhou Shuyi suddenly felt her body being squeezed violently!

I was just about to scold anyone who doesn’t watch the road while walking.

When I looked back, I saw that it was Tanaka Katsuo’s Arashiko face!

This guy who bullied David and verbally insulted David’s mother that day,

Now looking at David with a mocking look on his face:

"Hey, you poor kid also wants to go to Arasaka Academy?!"

"This is a school that only nobles in Night City can afford. Do you have the money, David?"

"You want to come to Arasaka even if you are a poor person? You will always be used as consumables!"

"Or let your mother do some strange work? That way the money will come faster!"

"Ha ha ha ha--!!"

Even if I know this is a dream,

Even if I know that I am actually controlling and playing David,

Zhou Shuyi still couldn't help it,

The screen of the VR helmet is filled with saliva!

A roar:

"Fuck you!!!"

Punch out violently!


In an instant, Tanaka Katsuo suddenly disappeared!

The fist shot out of the air and hit a member of the Arasaka rapid response team!

The fist that hit the Arasaka soldier's face was certainly not an ordinary person's fist.

It's the prosthetic King Kong Iron Fist that has a bigger face than these Arasaka lackeys!

In an instant, a pile of ketchup splashed across Zhou Shuyi's entire field of vision.


The poor Arasaka soldier didn't have time to react.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of meat sauce.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded again:

"Damn it, Sister Zhou, when did you fly to the Arasaka floating car?"

"Isn't this because David's consciousness is out of control?"

"Where's the promise you made to leave it to Rebecca?"

‘I think David is getting closer to this cyberpsychosis!

"Sister Zhou, please go back first! You can still hold on."

"I'm afraid you sent it blindly before you even met Lucy!"


Another punch!

The destructive power of David's Prostitute King Kong does not even require the activation of any other abilities.

It has reached the point where the floating car can be torn apart by hand.

However, a strong feeling of dizziness came over again!

In the VR game, Sister Zhou can see her hands shaking!

"David! Come back quickly!"

"I told you to let me deal with them!!"

Rebecca roared again,

The next second.

Zhou Shuyi was already panting and jumped onto the roof of the off-road vehicle.

Realistic dizziness simulated by VR somatosensory suits and helmets,

Sister Zhou almost vomited out her dinner.

"how so!"

Rebecca's big sprayer kept firing,

The other hand has been holding the detection tablet of the prosthetic King Kong.

The voice trembled so much:

"David, your mental stability is getting worse!"


At this time, Zhou Shuyi could not answer any questions!

Because now in front of me,

Reality and memory are switching back and forth almost every second!

every second!

It hasn’t stopped since just now!

It plays like a crazy slideshow back and forth.

Zhou Shuyi even felt that she was mentally ill.

Gloria's figure before her death in the car accident,

Rebecca's brother was shot by a cybermaniac and lost half of his head.

An ordinary Arasaka employee who was killed by himself.

Accompanied by Rebecca’s shouts and the roar of off-road vehicles,

There is also the hail of bullets from Arasaka’s pursuit team.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy watching:

"Damn it, Sister Zhou, are you going crazy?"

"What a slap in the face!"

"I can't see anything anymore!"

"How about another round of high-dose immunosuppressants!"

"Do you want Sister Zhou to die?"

"What else? It seems that the Arasaka response team will never be finished!"

The audience in the live broadcast room had the same reaction.

The spray in Rebecca's hand never stopped, and she fought off waves of Arasaka's pursuers with difficulty.

"Why is it coming one after another? It's endless, isn't it!!"

"David, are you awake!!!"

"I still remember what you asked me to do!"

Rebbe's words suddenly seemed to awaken a memory.

In front of Zhou Shuyi, memories came flooding in like a tide:

The morning before the commission to kidnap the Arasaka Prosthetic King Kong was carried out.

Inside the house where David's team is based.


Rebecca approached David, with a gentleness that was extremely inconsistent with his usually irritable character,

He gently covered David with the sweatshirt he usually wore.

"Nine times the dose of immunosuppressant, it is stronger than the strongest military-grade inhibitor on the market.

"Where did you get David...?"

Rebecca picked up the pill bottle from David's trembling hands.

His face instantly turned pale!

The voice kept trembling:

"You are crazy!!!"

"Even this is an inhibitor that military technology would not dare to use on soldiers!"

"And it must be injected directly into the blood vessel for use..."

"You're really crazy David! This is the most dangerous way to use immunosuppressants!"

"As long as there is a slight mistake in the dosage, you will directly become a cyber madman!"

At this time, David just lowered his head and half-knelt on the ground, his body trembling continuously.

"Stop asking stupid questions like who you got it from...Rebecca..."

"Promise me something"

David's fists clenched tightly,

"If I can't even maintain the most basic sobriety by then."

"Give me the last injection of immunosuppressant."

Rebecca even took a big step back when she heard this.

The expression on his face was anger, hesitation, reluctance, and sadness that couldn't be concealed at all.

"The only person I can rely on now is you, Rebecca..."

This sentence in the memory completely extinguished the light in Rebecca's eyes.

His head, which had been held high, suddenly dropped.

There is even more sadness in the voice:

"....I know, David."


"This is really unfair to me..."

The last sentence can only be heard by the audience outside the screen.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca...

"Let you bear such a heavy burden..."

Rebecca sniffed loudly:

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go!"

"I'm really unlucky to have you as the captain!"

memories disappear,

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into tears instantly:

"Damn David, are you human?"

"Sister Zhou, you are not a human being! David, you are not a human being!"

"Now I finally know why Rebecca said that was so unfair to me!"

"Speaking of which, are the side effects of this immunosuppressant that serious?"


"Didn't you listen to that black market prosthetic doctor?"

"This immunosuppressant is nine times more effective than military suppressants!"

"It can suppress the rejection effect of any prosthesis on the market, but it also has a lot of side effects!"

"I remember the black market doctor said that after the last dose, whether you are a human or a god, you will fall directly into hell!"

“Damn it… I’m going to let Rebecca shark me!”

"So David, how can you be worthy of Rebecca!"


When the audience in the live broadcast room was still in a state of remembrance.

David's mind regained its brief clarity.

Zhou Shuyi knew very well that the current prosthetic King Kong had corroded her spirit more and more deeply.

the dose of immunosuppressant previously injected,

It can no longer be suppressed.

"Rebecca, are you here?"



With a crisp dragon's breath fire spray, Rebecca killed another Arasaka vehicle rushing up from the side street.

"Why can't you beat these bastards like Arasaka?"

"David, if you have anything to say, say it quickly!"

Zhou Shuyi took a deep breath,

Now on the game interface in front of you, two options appear again.

[Option 1: Inject the final immunosuppressant and completely suppress the side effects of the prosthetic King Kong]

[Option 2: Refuse to take immunosuppressants again and find a way to escape from the prosthetic King Kong]

"Do I have a choice?"

A wry smile flashed across Sister Zhou's lips.

"Rebbe 707 card, help me get the last injection."

"Full dose...please."

Just finished speaking,

Another mosaic flashes in front of Zhou Shuyi!

All kinds of dazzling and bizarre scenes are crisscrossing back and forth in front of your eyes.

There was a tingling sensation of electric current on my head.

I scolded Su Chen a thousand times in my heart for making the game too realistic!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it and felt like they were going to vomit:

"If you don't have epilepsy if you continue to look at it, you will have epilepsy!"

"I vomited"

"The motion sickness stickers have been put on my brothers."

"It's hard for Sister Zhou. Is this something anyone can withstand?"

"The old thief Su Chen is really not a good person."

"Think about David! That's really fierce! Resistance!"

"If this continues, sooner or later cyberpsychosis will occur"

"Can you please do it again? Can you please do it again? Su Chen!"

"If you don't die, there is no way you can be saved."

"Damn it, I feel like my mouth is full of glass shards without any sugar!"

"The promised love development game!"


Zhou Shuyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and her whole body became tense since tonight.

Everyone seemed to relax.

A long-lost sense of clarity of mind!

Everything in the field of vision is no longer blurry or trembling,

On the contrary, it is unprecedentedly clear!

Even the hands and feet of the prosthetic King Kong seemed to be completely integrated into his own body.

There is no sluggish feeling at all.

Even the audience can see the difference:

"Sister Zhou, has she returned to her glory?"

"Bah, bah, bah, it's David!"

"What a flashback, I suspect David is cheating!"

"Get better guys!"

"What a fart!"

"Look! It's Rebecca!"

"Rebecca got the last shot in!"


Rebecca, who looked worried, was sitting next to David's prosthetic King Kong.

"How many more immunosuppressants are there?"

"Last shot, David."


Sister Zhou was completely immersed in the plot at this time.

A bitter smile flashed across his face in reality:

"Thank you, Rebecca.

"Also, I'm sorry."

Rebecca clicked her tongue loudly: "Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

"These Arasaka bastards are catching up again! Look at me..."

It was as if the entire Arasaka elite special forces team in the city had been hit!


Wave after wave!


Zhou Shuyi raised her hand and held Rebecca down. Compared to the Rebellion King Kong, Rebecca's prosthetic hand looked petite and cute.

"let me."

Before Rebecca could speak,

The Arasaka vehicle chasing David's SUV,

Rows of black marks suddenly appeared on the ground ahead!

On the mark, there is a line of red font:

【Hypergravity area, careless workmanship


It's just a split second.

All the pursuing armored vehicles suddenly fell apart.

All restored to parts condition!

All Arasaka's pursuers were wiped out in an instant!

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