Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 62: Top Of Arasaka Tower, Memory Fragments

The fourth fragment!

And it actually fell from some communication channel.

This time, Sister Zhou was even more confused.

Zhou Shuyi still has no idea what this fragment is for!

Moreover, it was still a physical fragment before, which could be seen and touched.

Although I tried to plug these fragments into the data interface on my body,

Still no response.

It's better now,

Directly from the communication channel with Qiwei,

Such virtual fragments fell out!

Unfortunately, neither the characters in the game nor the audience in the live broadcast room can see it.

After pondering for a long time, Sister Zhou herself didn't understand what this thing was for.

"Forget it...finish dealing with Faraday first."

"Maybe Lucy will find something."

Now Sister Zhou thinks her most reliable guess is:

"Perhaps it can be exchanged for powerful weapons when the plot is critical?"

"For example, those legendary quality snipers, Nekomata and so on."

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi didn't think much about it.

Take a deep breath.

Squatting in an off-road vehicle.

Open the in-game map,

The signal point sent by Qiwei,

is rapidly approaching itself.

"Less than thirty seconds."

"The modified suspension car engine of this car has consumed almost all the energy just now.

Falco, the veteran driver, is as reliable as ever:

“So we’re going to use a million little tricks.”

"There is a viaduct ahead, you two should hold on tight.

Falco, who was always calm, had beads of sweat on his forehead.

Rebecca's eyes were shining with a dangerous light that she had never seen before!

Holding his own [Iron Gut] kinetic energy spray shotgun in one hand,

The other hand was still holding David's prosthetic diamond detection tablet tightly.

The live broadcast room instantly burst into tears and hit the public screen again:

"Rebecca is really a good woman."

"After this fight, I will go home and faint!"

"Rebecca, I will ask you to marry me immediately!"

"You want to eat shit, the brother in front of you."

"Speaking of which, David's mental condition on this tablet is not bad."

"After taking all the immunosuppressants that are nine times more effective, can you be stronger?"

"Anyway, there must be a way. If I can't do it, David will really become a madman!"

"The old thief Su Chen is not Xu Yuanxuan, right?"

"Stop planting flags, brothers!"

"Almost there!"

"What are you doing here at the viaduct? Will Faraday and the others land here?"

Soon, the audience’s questions in the live broadcast room were answered immediately!

On the electronic map, the red dot marks Faraday, and the white dot 907 marks David,

Approaching very quickly!

"Falco! I see them!"

Zhou Shuyi roared angrily!

Faraday's hover car is flying in the city of night!

And our own off-road vehicle, which had almost run out of fuel in the chase just now,

Now we have just reached the largest viaduct in Night City.

"Falco, how can we chase..."

Zhou Shuyi hasn’t finished speaking yet,

Falco suddenly roared:

"Three two one!"


The car body shook violently!

Zhou Shuyi felt like her whole body was falling backwards.

Suddenly it felt like the whole person had left the ground instantly.

The next words were forced back into his throat.

The feeling that the heart and soul are left in place!

A sense of weightlessness is simulated by the VR helmet and the joystick on the back!

It was so true that Zhou Shuyi instantly awakened the terrifying memory of being scared out of her mind while riding a jumping machine!


Falco pressed the accelerator to the bottom, using up the last bit of reserve take-off fuel.

The off-road vehicle crashed into the guardrail of the bridge.

The front of the car is aimed at Faraday's hover car,

Like an arrow with a fully stretched string,

A whooshing sound pierced the air,

Flying straight towards Faraday's hover car!

In an instant, it was pulled 500 meters off the ground!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene,

My jaw dropped to the ground in shock!

"So this is what Falco meant when he said hurry up?!"

“This is going straight to heaven!!”


"The beef batch exploded!"

"This is okay, damn?!"

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”

"He rushed straight away!"

"Is Falco too courageous?!"

"What if it's not right?"

"What if it passes by?"

"The question is what happens even if we hit it?"

"You want to hit Faraday to death?"

"This is called a one-shot deal!"



There was an earth-shattering loud noise on the screen!

The game screen was shaken to the point of blur!

The audience was instantly frightened and thought the game was over, Sister Zhou gg!

The scene in front of Zhou Shuyi's eyes changed rapidly.

Even the audience with the best dynamic vision in the live broadcast room,

I didn’t see what was happening at all:

"Hit the fuck?"

"It seems...Is Faraday's hover car okay?"


"Why did our car fly away?!"

The off-road vehicle flew out of the air and collided with Fara's (bbbb) hover vehicle in the air!

Two screams,

One came from Falco and the other came from Rebecca.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The off-road vehicle that lost power was carrying Falco and Rebecca,

Head straight towards Arasaka Tower in the distance!

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed:

"Damn it!"

"Rebecca! Falco!"

"It's over, it's over!"

"Where's Arasaka Tower?"

"The wild version of the headquarters of Ameili Country! That's where it is!"

"There is also a big goldfish! The special big goldfish decoration!"

"Then Rebecca Falco is definitely dead?"

"Save them, David! Sister Zhou!"

"No...Sister Zhou, where are you?!"

Only then did the audience suddenly react:

"No, we saw Rebecca Falco flying out? What about David?"

David’s not in the car?!”

"No, where is Sister Zhou?"

In the game screen, after a dazzling transformation just now,

Now it was pitch black in front of Zhou Shuyi.

The audience was completely confused.

"Did it fly into the air and not fall down?"

"Or has he fallen to death?"

"What are you thinking about? The prosthetic King Kong will fall to death?"

Moonlight and lights shine at the same time,

Only a few large characters were reflected in the darkness:


The audience in the live broadcast room finally understood,

It turns out Falco and David's plan,

It’s a one-time ticket deal!

I had no intention of knocking down some Faraday hover car.

There was no hope of hitting Faraday's head in the air or anything like that.

Private hover vehicles owned by middlemen like Faraday are first-class in bomb-carrying capabilities.

Without a lizard's main cannon firing face to face, it would be impossible to break through the defense!

So Falco's plan,

Just use yourself as a springboard to send David directly to the hover car.

You only have one chance, so you have to hit it accurately!

As for the life and death of Falco himself and Rebecca, they may have already thrown them aside long ago!

To save Lucy!

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into tears instantly:


"On top of the Faraday?!"

"Niu Pi Niu Pi"

"Fuck I cried"

"Are you afraid that Rebecca and Falco have fallen to death?"

"What is a good teammate? This is what a good teammate is!"

"Compared to Qiwei, that twenty-five-year-old kid, I really get angrier the more I think about it."

"He won't die! How could Rebecca die!"

"I must have escaped safely! This is also part of the plan!"

"Foreshadowing, okay foreshadowing!"

"What do you know! If we want a happy ending, these two people must not go up and kill with David!"

Damn it makes sense, I should go to that place and wait to meet David Lucy!"

"Happy ending planned!"

"Stop talking so much! Sister Zhou, take action quickly!"

"That bitch Faraday is right at your feet!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Four-eyed boy must die!"

Just when the live broadcast room was full of optimism, the audience even began to think about how to use the prosthetic King Kong safely in the future.

The hover car under David's feet suddenly turned!

Flying straight towards a tall and strange building!

Before Zhou Shuyi could react, what was going on?

Suddenly there was an explosive hail of gunfire!


Various armor-piercing and armor-piercing bullets of large, medium and small calibers,

They came to David in a dense crowd!

For a moment, the screen shook violently!

Bullets of various calibers and sparks from the prosthetic King Kong,

It even lit up the live broadcast screen red!

[David Martinez! Guys like you who are only worthy of working at the bottom of Night City also want to climb to the top of the Deserted City Tower?!]

【Hahahahaha that’s ridiculous!!!】

【Have you not recognized your sad and pitiful fate yet?】

[I, Faraday! I am the one who can stand at the head of the company!!]

[You and your woman Lucy are just the lowest and lowest dog in the company!]

bursts of arrogant laughter and words,

The broadcast came out from the hover car.

[Ahead is the wasteland company dock! No matter how strong you are now, can you win the company? Hahahaha...…………]

He was so angry that the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy and hammered the table!

So angry that I explode!

"Sister Zhou, what the hell are you doing if you haven't done anything yet?"

"I really messed with Faraday, the younger brother."

"It's so irritating! It's so irritating!"

"How did this bitch with four eyes survive to this day in Night City?"

"It's so disgusting to be stabbed in the back by someone like this!!!"

"There are so many people in Night City, but this is the most damning question I've ever seen!"

"Wakako is better, beautiful lady"

The crowd is still furious in the live broadcast room,

Zhou Shuyi has activated her prosthetic body ability again.

【Sian Westan starts!】

In a blink of an eye, just as the Faraday hovercraft was about to dock,

Jump up!

Dodged the most dangerous rockets,

Jump to the top of the deserted high-rise pier out of thin air.

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed!

"Sister Zhou, what are you doing?"

"You didn't have a chance to dismantle the Faraday hovercar by hand just now?"

"It's like dealing with the Terrorist Mobile Team!"

"How cowardly! Now Faraday has been put into the company!"

"And Lucy! I saw everything from the car window just now!"

"Lucy is also in the car! Controlled by Four-Eyed Faraday!"

"Go and save Sister Zhou! Hurry!"

"I'm so worried"

"Everyone here

A water-loving audience, all of them are the King of Urgency!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room naturally don’t know,

At this time, Zhou Shuyi was under great physical and mental pressure!

It's not like I haven't thought about dealing with Faraday like I dealt with the Terrorist Mobile Team's flying car.

But the firepower on the wild version is too dense!

The biggest problem with the prosthetic King Kong now is,

In addition to the complete prosthetic mechaization of the limbs,

The body parts are still the same as before!

Of course, so does the brain.

They are all mortal bodies transformed into ordinary prosthetics.

It is completely incomparable to the strength of the prosthetic King Kong.

Therefore, facing the fixed heavy firepower of the Arasaka Pier building,

There was no way he could dismantle the Faraday hovercar while bathing under a hail of bullets.

"I'm afraid no one in this cyber world can do this."

"Huh? No...!"

"Fuck! Damn it!"

Why suddenly..."

Zhou Shuyi's field of vision became extremely blurry again!

Dizziness, trembling!

Everything becomes chaotic!

In front of the Arasaka docking pier is Arasaka Tower!

Gloria, David's mother, always wanted David to climb to the top!

Coupled with Faraday's verbal stimulation,

And just now, the ability of the prosthetic body was frequently activated again.

The cyberpsychosis that was originally suppressed once again,

About to completely devour David!

Mother Gloria’s voice,

The top of Arasaka Tower, the most glorious and glorious place in Night City.

The two pictures intersect back and forth,

It keeps changing!

at this time,

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely dumbfounded:

"What the hell are you doing again?"


"Who knows how mentally stable David is now?!"

"Isn't that testing tablet in Rebecca's hand?"

“I can’t see the data now!!”

"Fuck, it's fucked, it's fucked, it's fucked!"

"I'm really convinced!!"

"Why did you choose this time!"

"Good things don't happen by chance."

"You're really going to show me this stupid plot!"

"The old thief Su Chen came out to get stabbed!!!"

"Is there any immunosuppressant? I'll ask!"

"Didn't I let Rebecca get the last injection before it's gone?"


"That's not right! What did David show?"

The barrage was flooded instantly!

In the middle scene, Yinwei's prosthetic arm gently touches the shoulder armor.


A dark green test tube finally revealed its true appearance at this moment.

"This is...the last injection of inhibitor..."

"It's impossible to leave the task of killing yourself to Rebecca, right..."

"This is so unfair to her..."

The words of the black market doctor echoed throughout the screen and the live broadcast room:

"Take the last shot of inhibitor and you will go straight to hell."

"All humanity and reason will leave you."

"There's no turning back."

There was silence in the live broadcast room.

Clear screen instantly.

A whole piece of blank space.

All the viewers could only stare blankly at the screen.

I can't say a word,

Let a trace of tears roll in his eyes.

In the game, two options pop up:

[Option 1: Inject the last shot of immunosuppressant]

[Option 2: Without injecting the last injection of immunosuppressant, leave the docking dock and search for the whereabouts of Rebecca Falco]

When I saw this.

The live broadcast room is all full, don’t use it!

"Sister Zhou, farewell!"

"David has other ideas, damn it!!!"

“After this injection, there is really no turning back!!”

"Lucy is still waiting for you!!!"

"Go back to the prosthetic doctor! Let's find other opportunities!!"

"And Rebecca and Falco are waiting for you too!"

"Oh, oh, oh, please, David, don't take this injection."

A second later that seemed like a century.

David said tremblingly:

"Anyway, I don't have anything left, right?"

"Mom, this time, I finally climbed to the top of Arasaka Tower."


The last bottle of dark green immunosuppressant,

Slowly inject it into David's body.

At this time, no one noticed.

Another fragment of memory,

It fell at the feet of David's Prosthetic King Kong. .

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