Try Out Edgewalker, Sister Zhou Becomes A Cyberpsycho

Chapter 8 You, Black Mewtwo, Is He Serious?

Eight o'clock sharp.

In Zhou Shuyi’s live broadcast room.

"Okay, let's get into the game!"

"Waiting for a moment, only high-like comments will be converted into voice messages and sent to me!"

“So everyone interact more!”

"LSP, please calm down! This leather jacket won't make you bulge!"

Zhou Shuyi shouted a few words out of habit,

He also took a look at the data in his live broadcast room.

Popularity is half a million,

However, the actual number of living people is just over 100,000.

But this number is already amazing!

You must know that I usually work hard to make the program effective, but sometimes it is only watched by tens of thousands of people.

"Stop nagging! Come into the game!"

"MD showed his true colors as soon as he returned to the live broadcast room."

"Who are you? I want that host, Sister Zhou!"

"Sister Zhou, I only have one request, that you shut up!"

"Be a mute anchor!"

"Don't say anything to that cyber lunatic from before. Sister Zhou, please learn from this!"

"You want Sister Zhou to be verbally assaulted in the end, hahaha."

Damn it——!

“I’m really in the game!”

"Damn this scene! Is this really not a movie?!"

There is no unnecessary nonsense. As soon as Zhou Shuyi entered the edge of cyberspace,

I found myself lying on the sofa!


The game system pops up a prompt:

[Control character: David]

The VR jumpsuit simulates a soft touch and lighting that is almost indistinguishable from the real world.

It also has a heavy texture on the hand!

If it hadn't been for a joystick at the back, Zhou Shuyi suspected that she would be lying on the floor in an instant!

Zhou Shuyi turned around and looked out the window.

"Night City!"

Exactly like in the demo clip!

Interweaving neon lights, colorful nights,

Dreamy, blurry!

Madam is so real!

It feels so real that it feels explosive!

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more amazed.

All kinds of damn question marks and exclamation marks filled the entire screen!

No one has ever seen a game like this!

And it’s still outrageous VR!

"Su Chen is really not a fraud!"

"Nah, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Compared to this, those who love Fu Fei in the Goose Factory are all scum!"

"Someone who has only played Contra is already crying and fainting in the toilet!"

"Sister Zhou, move and take a look!"

"What is that in your hand?"

Zhou Shuyi was stunned,

Only then did I realize that I was holding a device somewhat similar to a VR goggles in my hand.

Then I immediately realized that it turned out to be a continuation of the plot demonstrated before!

After the cybermaniac died, this character named David should have just woken up.

The horror story of that cyber maniac should be a VR-like demonstration clip called...

"It seems to be called Mewtwo?"

And this Mewtwo seems to have to be experienced by wearing this device.

Just when Zhou Shuyi was about to fiddle with the Mewtwo device in Drum,

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

Suddenly, an incoming phone ringtone rang in my ears.

Suddenly a phone pattern appeared out of thin air in front of me!

[Communication Request: Doctor]

Zhou Shuyi was shocked!

I jumped up from the sofa!

Subconsciously, I quickly wiped my eyes with my hands.

"What the hell, isn't it?"

"Why do these things pop out of my eyes?"

"It seems like the ringtone is still in my head?"

"Am I out of my mind?"

Before Zhou Shuyi could finish asking a series of questions,

By accident, I answered the call!

"David, how do you feel about this black Mewtwo for you?"

"This is a masterpiece from Jihei! Although it is a bit illegal"

"But it's from first-hand on-site information! The only one in Night City!"

The sound is weird and has a bit of electronic sound!

Zhou Shuyi was confused and could only say yes.

There is only one thought in my mind:

This cyber world is a little crazy!

"By the way David, let's try another Black Mewtwo."

"Were you scared by that cybermaniac just now?"

"Change to the soothing Black Mewtwo and relax."

Only then did Zhou Shuyi realize that she was holding another cube chip in the palm of her right hand.

"Is this it, doctor?"

A relaxing Mewtwo!

This immediately aroused the curiosity of Zhou Shuyi and the audience tenfold!

"Brothers! Black Mewtwo! I got on first!"

"It shouldn't be as bloody as that cyber madman!"

“Eat with confidence!”

Zhou Shuyi, who started to get excited, quickly followed the instructions and installed Black Mewtwo.

"Is this Mewtwo an advanced version of VR?"

"Playing VR in VR games, you really belong to me, Su Chen"

"Will Black Mewtwo be able to wear Mewtwo again?"

"Where are you putting this matryoshka doll?"

"The part about Cybermaniac is so real! If you want to watch a short movie, hehehehe"

"Sister Zhou, this is a serious live broadcast room, okay!"

"What the hell?"! "


Just put on a new black Mewtwo,

Zhou Shuyi and the audience in the live broadcast room were immediately dumbfounded!


This black Mewtwo was recommended by a black market doctor.

It’s not serious at all!

It’s a strange little movie from a first-person perspective!

“Damn, what a small movie!”

"I can see the bloody nose!"

"Exciting and exciting!"

"This girl looks pretty good!"

"Damn it, it can move on its own! This damn thing really looks like a real person!"

"I didn't expect that Sister Zhou would also give us benefits one day!"

"It turns out that Sister Zhou likes this tune. I understand, I understand!"

"It's Su Chen! Not Sister Zhou!"

"If nothing else, just focus on this paragraph. Su Chen is my half-brother!"

"MD, I feel like the super tube is coming!"

When strange screams spread throughout the live broadcast room,

It took several seconds for Zhou Shuyi to react from her confusion!

Take off the Mewtwo device now!


After all, it was still a step too late.

[Your live broadcast room contains illegal content, please adjust your attire and content immediately! 】


Sister Zhou's live broadcast room was forced to black out!

"What the hell? Are you really banned?"

"Nah, I only watched it for a few seconds! What's the matter!"

"Haha, super, are you still a man?"

"Super tube is a bit fast! How many seconds does it take to finish?"

"Today is another day where super management has no horses!"

"Sister Zhou's live broadcast room is closed, and the browser small website is launched!"


Zhou Shuyi was so angry that she jumped up!

"Super tube, are you always living in my live broadcast room?"

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