Chapter 102: A Military Coup!!

“Your Majesty, some of the high-ranking people, represented by King Alexander I of the Kingdom of Serbia and the commander of the army, Prince Milan, are pro-Austro-Hungarian. To change this situation in the Kingdom of Serbia, we need to abolish Alexander I’s throne. ”

Foreign Minister Izvolsky said.

“Your Majesty, the army of the Kingdom of Serbia is only more than 100,000. Moreover, they are not only poorly equipped, but also very effective in combat. The Imperial Army sent four infantry divisions, which was enough to sweep the entire Kingdom of Serbia. ”

The Minister of the Army, General Sukhhomelinov, looked confident.

Mikhail shook his head: “Sending troops directly into the Kingdom of Servia will further tense the situation.” As a last resort, the Empire would not have adopted such an approach. ”

“Yes, not hesitate!”

General Sukhhomelinov nodded and said nothing more.

“Can we choose an agent in the Kingdom of Sylvia to replace Alexander I as the new king of the Kingdom of Serbia?”

Mikhail asked.

“Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Servia is currently ruled by the Obreno dynasty, but the rule of Alexander I is no longer popular. We simply support another faction of the Kingdom of Serbia, the heir to the Karačorjević dynasty, to take the throne. In contrast, it was also more acceptable to the people of the Kingdom of Servia. ”

Intelligence Director Lieutenant General Vasily proposed.

Mikhail thought about it and felt that it was a good force method.

The rule of the Kingdom of Serbia has always been alternated by the Obreno dynasty and the Karačordjević dynasty.

This, of course, was due to the choice of the Serbia National Assembly.

If the Russian Empire supported the heir of the Karačordjevich dynasty to become the ruler of the Kingdom of Serbia, it would undoubtedly be very trouble-free.

After all, the Karajorjevich dynasty also had a good rule in the Kingdom of Serbia.

Well, the big question is, is the ruler of the Karayandevich dynasty, is he pro-Austria-Hungary or pro-Tsarist Russia? His position is undoubtedly very important.

“Your Majesty, from the information available so far, the Karačorjević dynasty is pro-imperial, and they have close ties with the radical party of the Kingdom of Servia, which is close to the empire. This is also the focus of the Obreno dynasty. ”

Lieutenant General Vasily answered.

“Very well, then contact the heir of the Karačorjević dynasty immediately. The Empire fully supported him, replacing Alexander I as the new king of the Kingdom of Serbia. However, after the fact, the Kingdom of Serbia will withdraw from the Macedonian region and hand this area over to the empire! ”

Mihai you are destined to do so.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Lieutenant General Vasily answered.

Subsequently, the intelligence services of the Russian Empire immediately took action.

Over the years, the Russian Empire has laid a lot of nails in the Kingdom of Serbia.

In the political and military circles of the Kingdom of Serbia, there were people who were pro-Shaqian Empire.

At the behest of the Russian Empire, these people became supporters of Prince Peter, the successor of the Karačordjevich dynasty.

Of course, it was not so easy to overthrow Alexander I’s rule in the Kingdom of Serbia. Or rather, it is not easy to replace Alexander I by peaceful means.

After all, that would require a majority in the National Assembly.

At the same time, it is inevitable that news will leak.

You know, the current commander of the army, Prince Milan, is pro-Austria-Hungary and a confidant of King Alexander I.

The simplest way is to directly launch a military coup d’état and arrest Alexander I and the Prince of Milan.

By force, subvert the political situation of the Kingdom of Serbia, put Prince Peter on the throne, and directly replace Alexander I.

With the support of the Tsarist Empire, everything went smoothly.

The Karačordjević dynasty was associated with the radical party in the Kingdom of Serbia.

At the same time, in the army, there are more special branches.

In order to ensure that this coup would be victorious, the Russian Empire was naturally prepared.

4 infantry divisions of the 7th Army of the Imperial Russian Army are ready.

If the coup in the Kingdom of Serbia does not go well.

Then, the army of the Tsarist Empire will directly enter the Kingdom of Servia under the banner of supporting Prince Peter and support Prince Peter to become the king of the Kingdom of Serbia.

As long as the action is fast enough, it creates a fait accompli.

Other countries have no way to take less of our empire.

After all, the countries definitely did not want to go to war with the Tsarist Empire over such a trifle.

On the evening of November 11, 1798, Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia.

During the Karačordjević dynasty, the party launched a military regime.

The army that supported them raided the capital of the kingdom and fought fiercely with the guards who supported King Alexander I.

Thanks to the strong support of the Russian Empire, the army that carried out the coup d’état received a lot of artillery and heavy weapons such as Maxim heavy machine guns.

This gives them a very big advantage in the fierce battle.

After a night of fierce fighting, the coup army had taken control of all of Belgrade.

King Alexander I and the commander of the army, Prince Milan, were unable to escape and became prisoners.

Early the next morning, Prince Peter, with the support of radical and coup troops, declared himself king of the Kingdom of Serbia, King Peter I.

The people of the Kingdom of Servia obviously did not expect that after one night, the ruler of the kingdom would change.

However, because the rule of Alexander I was unpopular.

Therefore, ordinary people are not opposed to this.

Some of the officials and troops loyal to Alexander I and the Prince of Milan were opposed.

However, with most of the officials and troops loyal to King Peter I, it did not work either.

Peter I’s rule in the Kingdom of Serbia, which was soon able to stabilize the Russian Empire, also took action.

In order to avoid long nightmares, Mikhail directly ordered the Imperial Army to enter the Macedonian region controlled by the Kingdom of Serbia.

Facing the army of the Tsarist Empire, the army of the Kingdom of Hanerwei Minor did not dare to stop it at all.

When King Peter I learned of this, he also ordered the army to retreat and return to their homeland.

This allowed the Russian Empire to recover the Macedonian region occupied by the Kingdom of Serbia almost bloodlessly.

The territory of the Kingdom of Servia was restored to its original state, nothing was caught, and a king was changed…

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