Chapter 111 It’s all about defeating the Toyotes!!

“Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Second Commander, presumably you don’t want to see the empire defeated by the Orientals, right? In that case, the empire would be greatly weakened. At the same time, the people will also be extremely hostile to the Toyos. The Reich will have to put more energy on the Far East. For Europe, I am afraid that the attention will drop a lot. ”

Mikhail said.

François and Charles Floquet’s expressions were even more ugly, and they both knew that Mikhail was threatening them.

However, they had to admit that what Mikhail said was the truth.

If the Russian Empire was really defeated by the Eastern Empire. Then, the consequences will be unimaginable. This would not only cost the Russian Empire a lot of losses.

At the same time, it will also be considered a shame by the Tsarist Empire.

The people of the Russian Empire will definitely not accept such a result.

This will make the Russian Empire in the future, will do its best to find revenge on the Easterners, then, the military strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire will naturally be tilted towards the Far East.

And this will undoubtedly be very disadvantageous for the state of Gaul.

05 After all, without the full containment of the Tsarist Empire, the Germanic Empire would have been able to concentrate its main forces against them.

The state of Gaul wanted to defeat the Germanic Empire, and it was even more difficult to use that nothing.

Once they were defeated, it would be the end of Gaul.

Therefore, they had to let the Russian Empire keep the main combat power in the European states anyway.

In this way, they can cooperate with them to pinch the Germanic Empire.

“Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Second Commander, we can guarantee that after leasing the ports of the overseas colonies of Gaul as the naval base of the empire, we will never expand into the colonies of Gaul. If necessary, this can be written into our discussions. ”

Mihai you assured.

He knew that in order to reassure the Gauls, they had to be reassured.

As the tsar of the Russian Empire, the most noble and powerful person in the world, his guarantee naturally counts.

Françoisavre and Charles Florkay nodded, as if moved by what they said.

“Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Second Commander, we hope to be able to lease your country’s Gibudi in Somaliland, Mahajanga on the island of Madagascar and Cam Ranh Bay in the colony of Tianzhu Zhina, as overseas military bases for the Imperial Navy. In terms of rent, we can discuss it later. If you want to lease it, I hope it’s 20 years! ”

Mikhail said.

“Your Majesty, once your country goes to war with the Eastern Empire, and your navy wants to pass through the Suez Canal, it will be simply impossible. The Suez Canal is in the hands of the people who never set the sun, and they will never let your warships pass through the canal. Therefore, there is simply no need for your country to build a naval base in Somaliland! ”

Second Commander Charles Florkay said.

Mikhail nodded: “This is indeed the case, with the urine nature of the sun never sets, they fully support the Orientals, and they will definitely refuse the passage of the imperial warships through the Suez Canal.” Well, the naval base in Somaliland is not needed. However, it would be necessary if the Imperial Navy made a long detour from the Cape of Good Hope to the Far East, along the way to the naval bases of Madagascar Island and the colony of Tianzhu China. Therefore, I hope that your country will also lease to me the Cam Ranh Bay on the island of Mada Gonggasgar with the Cam Ranh Bay of the Defense Zhiminye no matter what! ”

“Your Majesty the Tsar, in principle, we agree. However, we also need to consult with the Imperial Cabinet and the military. ”

Françoisavre said.

“Of course, that’s no problem at all. I am confident that the Gallic State will support us. After all, we are allies! ”

Mikhail said.

Françoisavre nodded repeatedly.

Mikhail knew that this time there should be no problem.

If the Russian Empire could establish naval bases in Mahajanga on the island of Madagascar and Cam Ranh Bay in the colony of Tianzhu China.

Then, when the Russian Imperial Navy went to the Far East from Europe, it was able to rest at the Mahajanga naval base and the Cam Ranh Bay naval base successively to repair and maintain the warships.

In this way, each car of the Sha I Empire can be more engaged in the decisive battle with each car of the Eastern Empire in a peak state.

The Imperial Navy of the East Ocean wanted to win a glorious victory like in the Battle of Tsushima in another time and space, which was simply delusional.

The rise of the Oriental Empire will be completely cut off by the Tsarist Russian Empire.

The people of the sun never set want to support the Eastern Empire to defeat the Tsarist Empire, which is completely Anxiang.

They will steal chickens without adult rice.

In this future war, the Russian Empire will be truly stable.

Once the Russian Empire was victorious on land and at sea, respectively. Then, the Eastern Empire will be defeated.

At that time, the Russian Empire can not only violently blackmail the Eastern Empire.

It can even forcibly occupy part of the territory of the Eastern Empire and further curb the future development of the Eastern Empire.

Françoisavre, Grand Commander of Gaul, and Charles Floquet, Second Commander, summoned the high echelons of Gaul to deliberate on Mikhail’s demands.

The high-ranking members of Gaul naturally did not agree to get involved in the war between the Russian Empire and the Eastern Empire.

If they could, they also did not want to lease the port to build 280 military bases for the Russian Empire.

However, they were equally concerned that this would affect the alliance between Gaul and the Russian Empire.

In the end, after deliberation, the Gauls compromised and agreed to lease the Malhajanga on the island of Madagascar and Cam Ranh Bay in the colonies of Tianzhu Zhina to the Tsarist Empire for a period of twenty years.

The Russian Empire would be responsible for the construction of the two military bases on its own.

After the expiry of this period, the Russian Empire would unconditionally transfer these two military bases to the Gaul state.

The rent is set at 20 million francs a year.

Twenty years, that’s 400 million francs.

This price is undoubtedly not cheap.

The Gauls also seemed to want to use this price to make the Russian Empire retreat, and Mikhail still accepted the price.

After all, for the Russian Empire, defeating the Eastern Empire in a future war is the most important thing.

For this, some costs can be sustained.

Moreover, the Russian Empire received a large loan from Gaul.

In the future, I plan to give these loans to prostitutes for nothing.

What is the use of paying a rent in Gaul?

As long as the Russian Empire can win in future wars.

Well, everything is worth it…

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