Chapter 115: The Tsar’s Wedding!!

Austro-Hungarian, Vijena, Royal Palace.

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I looked at his granddaughter standing in front of him.

“Elizabeth, have you really made your decision? If you are willing to marry Tsar Mikhail II, I will not object! ”

Franz Joseph I said.

“Grandpa, I have decided, I agree to give the home to His Majesty the Tsar!”

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary’s eyes were full of determination.

Franz Joseph I sighed in his heart and stopped persuading.

“Well, Elizabeth, everything is as you wish. However, I hope you will not blame me, let alone resent our country. Everything I do, it’s for our country! ”

Franz Joseph I said.

Archduchess Elizabeth Mary didn’t say anything more and turned away.

The look in the eyes of Joseph I of Franz when he looked at Grand Duchess Mary of Elizabeth had a touch of kindness.

Although Franz Joseph I was the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he was also the most noble person in all of Europe.

However, he is actually a bitter man.

His wife is Princess Sisi, the heroine of the movie “Roman Holiday”.

But the last feeling is that his son Crown Prince Rudolf chose to commit suicide, allowing him to send the white-haired man to the black-haired man.

Subsequently, Princess Sisi was assassinated again, leaving him alone.

Now, his granddaughter is marrying away from the Russian Empire.

I am afraid that the number of future meetings will be numbered.

As emperor of Austria-Hungary, he had no choice but to defend the interests of Austria-Hungary with all his might.

The imminent marriage between the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the marriage of Tsar Mikhail II to Grand Duchess Elizabeth Marie, granddaughter of Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I, undoubtedly dropped a shock bomb on the whole of Europe.

You know, these two countries, who fought to death on the battlefield some time ago, are now married.

In this world, the end of change is too fast!

The Germanic Emperor Weixiang II immediately sent an envoy to Austria-Hungary to meet Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, hoping that he would consider it carefully.

After all, Austria-Hungary was a member of the Allies, and the Russian Empire was their enemy!

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, since he has already made a decision on this issue, will naturally not change again.

He claimed that Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary was married to Tsar Mikhail II. Then, he is no longer a member of Austria-Hungary and has nothing to do with Austria-Hungary.

Austria-Hungary remained a member of the Allies and remained the most loyal ally of the Germanic Empire, although this was very common in Europe.

You know, the female tsar in the history of the Tsarist Empire is not also a foreigner? However, they all put the interests of the Tsarist Empire first and were deeply loved by the people of the Tsarist Empire.

Immediately, Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire began to negotiate the date of the wedding ceremony and so on.

On September 2, 1799, Tsar Mikhail II of the Russian Empire and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary of Austria-Hungary held a wedding in Moske, which happened to be the 16th birthday of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary.

It is worth mentioning that most of the people of the Tsarist Empire were Orthodox Christians.

Austria-Hungary, on the other hand, was mainly Catholic.

Therefore, before Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary married Mikhail, she had to undergo baptism, change her faith, and eat Orthodox Christianity.

Under the auspices of the Orthodox archbishop, a grand wedding took place.

Archduke Ferdinand, crown prince of Austria-Hungary, as a representative of Austria-Hungary, and elder of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mary, attended the wedding.

It’s just that he blackened his face the whole time, as if someone owed him money and didn’t pay it back.

Other countries have also sent important people to attend this wedding.

This is true of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, the Germanic Empire, the Kingdom of Gaul, the Kingdom of Kaihu and the State of Lighthouse, etc.

Although, because of the different interests of various countries, there are even many contradictions between countries.

However, on the whole, everyone is passable on the surface.

At the wedding, Mikhail brought Elizabeth Mary a crown symbolizing the empress.

Elizabeth Mary became the most noble woman in the Russian Empire.

And this also made the people of the Tsarist Empire cheer.

In his eyes, Mikhail led the Russian Empire not only to defeat Austria-Hungary, but also to make Austria-Hungary have to marry their grand duchess to their tsar, which is too bullish.

Of course, this also made the people of Austria-Hungary hate the Russian Empire even more, although the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary were married.

But in fact, relations between the two countries have not eased.

In particular, when Archduke Ferdinand, the crown prince of Austria-Hungary, was extremely hostile to the Russian Empire, the two countries remained at hostility.

Mikhail didn’t care about this at all.

The future Tsarist Empire and Austria-Hungary will be friends and foes.

He also hoped to be able to defeat Austria-Hungary on the battlefield, and then annex the Slavic states controlled by Austria-Hungary, realizing the dream of the Great Slavic Empire.

If you can, you can follow Elizabeth Mary’s name and swallow the Austrian Empire.

In that case, the strength of the Russian Empire would be even stronger.

The hegemony of the Russian Empire in Europe was soon determined.

Mikhail is very satisfied with his married life.

In his previous life, he was not married.

In this life, I finally got my wife as I wished.

Although Queen Elizabeth Mary is not old, the Caucasian race develops early, and at this age she is fully able to fulfill the obligations of a wife.

In addition, the appearance of Elizabeth Mary’s palace is not bad, although it is not a top beauty, but it is completely enough with Mikhail.

In such a 2.3 situation, what nickname can Mikhail bad demand?

Besides, he was reborn into this era not for pleasure, but to change the fate of the Russian Empire.

Therefore, the joy of bed, the love of children, is not what he cares about.

After the wedding of Mikhail and Elizabeth Mary, the honeymoon did not leave the Russian Empire, but took a trip to the Ural Mountains and the West Siberian Plain.

Just a month later, Mikhail’s main energy returned to state affairs, and for him, it was undoubtedly the most important thing to make the Russian Empire stronger and let the Russian Empire win in future wars.

In contrast, everything else can be put aside for a while…

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