Chapter 121: A Chance for the Pacific Fleet!!

After inspecting the fortress of Lushun, Mikhail inspected the Pacific Fleet the next day.

At present, the Pacific Fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy is positioned as a coastal defense fleet.

However, now the strength of the Pacific Fleet is not weak.

The entire Pacific Fleet, which now has ten battleships, including the battleship Peter the Great, 4.

“Catherine II-class battleships, two Alexander II-class battleships, battleships XII Apostles, battleships Gangut and battleships Navarin.”

However, among these ten battleships, only 4 Catherina II class battleships and Navarin battleships can be considered passable.

The rest of the warships are either too old or belong to the coastal defense ships.

In the face of the enemy’s advanced battleships, you will be at a disadvantage.

For example, the battleship Gangut, with a displacement of less than seven thousand tons. The battleship Twelve Apostles also had a displacement of only more than eight thousand tons. And the Alexander II-class battleships had a displacement of only more than 9,000 tons.

As for the battleship Peter the Great, although the displacement was up to 05 million tons.

However, this battleship has been in service for thirty years.

In Mikhail’s eyes, once a war broke out with the Eastern Empire, even if the Pacific Fleet had ten search battleships, it was probably not the best choice for the Pacific Fleet, the opponent of the Eastern Imperial Navy, that is, among the ten battleships, four Catherine II-class battleships and the battleship Navarin went south to Cam Ranh Bay to avoid the Orientals after the outbreak of war.

The remaining 5 search battleships stayed in the military port, using naval guns to assist the fortress in defending against the attack of the Orientals.

Wait until the reinforcements of the Russian Imperial Navy arrive, and then fight the Orientals in one fell swoop.

In addition to these ten battleships, the Pacific Fleet had four armored cruisers, as well as a number of protective cruisers.

These four armored cruisers, with decent performance, include the armored cruiser Tsarist Empire with a full load displacement of more than 13,000 tons, which is larger than a battleship, with a maximum speed of 20.2 knots, armed with 4 single-mount 203-mm guns, 16 single-mount 152-mm guns, 12 75-mm guns and 20 47-mm rapid-fire guns and 18 37-mm rapid-fire guns.

In addition, the Rurik armored cruiser had a full load displacement of more than 11,900 tons, a maximum speed of 18.8 knots, and was armed with four single 203 mm main guns, 16 single 152 mm secondary guns, 5 120 mm guns, 8 47 mm rapid-fire guns, and 10 37 m rapid-fire guns.

The armored cruiser Pamitzova had a full load displacement of more than six thousand tons and a maximum speed of 17 knots.

The armored cruiser Admiral Nasimov with a full load displacement of more than eight thousand tons and a maximum speed of 16.7 knots.

In Mikhail’s plan, once war broke out, the four Soya Catherine II-class battleships of the Tsarist Imperial Navy, the battleship Navarin, and the four armored cruisers, as well as some faster protective cruisers, were immediately evacuated and retreated to Cam Ranh Bay. If the navy of the Orientals chooses to pursue it relentlessly, they can even retreat to the Tianzhu Ocean.

Avoid these warships being annihilated by the superior fleet of the Orientals.

Although, these old battleships and armored cruisers do not seem to be comparable to the cutting-edge battleships and Morsk-class heavy cruisers being built by the Russian Imperial Navy.

However, in this day and age, this is already very good.

Moreover, it can also show great combat power in naval battles.

Even after taking out the fleet of the Toyos, even an attack on the coast of the Toyos can be useful.

Mikhail naturally did not want these warships to become the results of the Orientals.

In that case, the losses of the Russian Imperial Navy would inevitably be too great.

Mikhail hoped that the Russian Imperial Navy would defeat the Imperial Navy, and that it would be as small as possible to defeat the Imperial Navy, rather than losing both.

“Your Majesty, I heard that the battleships of the North Sea Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet are already about to enter service?”

Lieutenant General Alekseev asked.

Mikhail nodded: “Yes, it won’t be long before our Mikhail I-class battleships will enter service.” At that time, the Black Sea Fleet and the Northern Fleet will each be equipped with three ships. ”

“Mikhail I-class battleships are powerful?”

Lieutenant General Alekseev then asked.

“Of course, it will be an epoch-making battleship, definitely the most powerful battleship in the world!”

Mikhail replied in the affirmative.

With the performance of the Mikhail I-class battleships, in this era, they were definitely far ahead of other countries.

However, once other countries also began to enter the era of dreadnoughts, and even into the era of superdreadnoughts. Mikhail I-class battleships will have to gradually become obsolete.

But at least at this stage, the star of the Mikhail I battle column is still unacceptable.

After Lieutenant General Alekseev listened, a trace of loneliness involuntarily flashed in his eyes.

The Pacific Fleet is a coastal defense fleet, and it is obviously impossible to get such a powerful battleship.

As a naval admiral, he naturally hoped that his spoon team would be more and more powerful.

173 Mikhail was well aware of what Lieutenant General Alekseev thought.

“The Pacific Fleet is currently a coastal defense fleet. However, this does not mean that the Pacific Fleet has always been a coastal defense fleet. If we can defeat the Imperial Navy of the East Ocean in the next naval battle. Even greater benefits can be obtained in the Far East. Then, the Pacific Fleet will also be strengthened and become the main fleet. After all, after the empire defeated the Orientals in this battle, it would be regarded as a life-and-death enemy with the Orientals. If the Pacific Fleet is not strong enough, how to suppress the Toyons? How to ensure the interests of the Reich in the Far East? ”

Mikhail said.

After Lieutenant General Alekseev listened, his face was suddenly full of surprise, he didn’t seem to expect that there would be no day when there would be a peak circuit specialty.

“Your Majesty, is what you said true?”

Lieutenant General Alekseev hurriedly asked.

“Of course, the positioning of the fleet is also for the overall strategy of the empire. If we can win this battle cleanly. Then, it will also be imperative for the Pacific Fleet to become the main fleet! ”

Mikhail said.

Lieutenant General Alekseev understood what Mikhail meant.

“Your Majesty, please rest assured, the Pacific Fleet will do its best, and we will definitely defeat the Orientals!”

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