Chapter 132 can only win, not lose!!

Oriental Empire, Imperial Palace, conference room.

After learning that the Sun Never Sets Empire asked them to wage war against the Russian Empire as soon as possible, Ming Zhi Tianhuang immediately convened cabinet ministers and high-level military officials to hold a pre-imperial meeting.

After all, this is a battle that concerns the fate of the Eastern Ocean Empire, so he can’t ignore it!

“Gentlemen, the sun never sets has asked us to go to war against the Russians as soon as possible.

In the face of the request that the sun does not set, we simply cannot refuse. Therefore, we have only one choice, and that is to defeat the Russians with all our might.

This is the best result for the most empire.

If the Empire can defeat the Russians, then we will not only become famous on the international stage, successfully step on the corpses of the Russians, and become one of the world powers. At the same time, we can take from the Russians those interests that already belong to us.

Perhaps, with the help of the sun never sets, a large sum of war reparations can be obtained from the Russians! ”

Mingzhi Tianhuang’s eyes were full of madness.

After defeating the Qing Empire, the Eastern Empire hoped to gain the entire Goryeo Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula.

But, under the interference of the Russians, they had to spit out a lot of benefits.

Moreover, the Russians had to advance and occupy the northern Beiya district of the Goryeo Kingdom.

This is undoubtedly absolutely unacceptable to the Eastern Empire.

It’s just that the war had just ended.

In addition, the Russian Empire is one of the most powerful countries in the world.

This made the Eastern Empire dare not act rashly at all, and could only endure it.

However, the hatred of the Eastern Empire for the Tsarist Empire has never decreased, but with the accumulation of time, the city has become bigger.

In addition, after defeating the Qing Empire, the Eastern Empire received more than 200 million taels of silver in war reparations.

It would be perfect if after defeating the Russian Empire and receiving a large sum of war reparations.

At that time, the financial problems that have plagued the Toyo Empire will be solved.

At the same time, the military strength of the Eastern Empire will also develop more powerful.

The Oriental Empire will become a world-class power.

Even, it will be possible to get rid of the control of the sun never sets.

The cabinet ministers of the Eastern Empire and the military leaders were also full of fanaticism in their eyes.

Although, a war with such a powerful country as the Russian Empire would undoubtedly be very risky.

However, the gambling nature of the Oriental people has always been very large.

Even if the chances of winning are small, the Toyo people will gamble at all costs.

In another time and space, the Oriental people have repeatedly pressed the national fortune to gamble, isn’t that the case?

This time, the Toyo obviously planned to bet on Guoyun,

“Your Majesty, we will definitely be able to defeat the Russians this time. We have been preparing for a long time. Everything is ready. Amaterasu will surely bless us. In this battle, the empire will win! ”

General Katsura said.

“The Imperial Army, when will it be able to complete its preparations for war and launch an attack on the Russians?”

Senior General Katsura asked.

Although, he is from the Army.

However, now that he is the prime minister, the specific affairs of the army have been entrusted to the top echelons of the army.

“Your Excellency, the 17 standing infantry divisions of the Imperial Army are already at full strength. The rest of the cavalry and artillery were equally prepared and ready to go into battle. However, the specific battle plan is still being worked out. At the same time, more combat materiel needs to be gathered. After all, this time we will face the enemy of the Russian Empire, which is a world-class power. Therefore, this war will last for a long time. We have to be prepared! ”

Lieutenant General Masaki Terauchi, Minister of the Army, said.

Senior General Katsura nodded: “Then, the army side should complete the relevant preparations as soon as possible.” Once war broke out, the army needed to inflict heavy damage on the Russians in the shortest possible time. In this way, we can ensure that we gain an advantage on the land battlefield. In order to be able to not be afraid of the Russians constantly sending more troops to the Far East. ”

“Hi, Prime Minister!”

Lieutenant General Nei Zhengyi recovered.

The Russian Empire had an extremely large standing army, which the Eastern Empire must pay attention to.

Even if the Russian Empire did not have many armies deployed in the Far East. However, once the Toyo Empire did not quickly win and gain the upper hand. Then, once the Russian Empire continued to send more troops to reinforce, the war would inevitably fall into a protracted war. At that time, it will undoubtedly be very difficult for the Eastern Empire to win this war.

After all, the rise of the Eastern Empire was too short.

Compared with the Russian Empire, their base is very far behind.

“What about the mobilization system of the army units? Whether it can function properly. We have to prepare for the worst. Once the war is not smooth, we must mobilize more troops to the battlefield as soon as possible! ”

Senior General Katsura asked.

“Your Excellency, the mobilization system of the Imperial Army is functioning normally. If necessary, within three months we will be able to form seventeen infantry divisions again for the war. If necessary, in a year, thirty more infantry divisions will be able to be formed! ”

Army Chief of Staff Senior General Yamaiwa replied to Senior General Katsura Taro and nodded, very satisfied.

On the side of the Oriental Imperial Army, it seems that there is no problem.

He did not believe that if more than sixty infantry divisions were mobilized in the Eastern Empire, they would not be able to win.

“So, what about the Navy?”

Senior General Katsura Taro looked at Vice Admiral Yamamoto Gonbei, Minister of the Navy.

“Your Excellency, the Imperial Navy has completed its preparations. All of the current warships of the Imperial Navy, including 6 battleships, 8-belly armored cruisers, 17-belly protection cruisers and 23 destroyers, have formed combat effectiveness. If desired, we can form a combined fleet and go to war in a month! ”

Lieutenant General Yamamoto Gonbei replied.

“Very well, the role of the Imperial Navy in this battle is intuitively important. Whether the navy can defeat the Russian navy is a matter of whether we can win this battle. Therefore, the navy must win! ”

General Katsura Taro’s expression was serious.

“The navy will definitely be able to defeat the Russians!”

Lieutenant General Yamamoto Gonbei is also very confident in responsibility.

Ming Zhitianhuang watched General Katsura Taro make relevant arrangements, and was very satisfied.

Although he is a Tianhuang, his ability to handle state affairs is not strong.

Therefore, the specific affairs are still the responsibility of the ministers.

He just needs to see the final result.

“Lords, in this battle, we can only win, not lose! Amaterasu will definitely protect my door! ”

Ming Zhi Tianhuang said to everyone.

“Empire onboard, Tianhuang Majesty onboard!”

The ministers chanted…

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