Chapter 134: A Battle That Determines Fate!!

“Gentlemen, rest assured, I will not go to the front to cause trouble, I will reach Vladivostok at most. The Chief of the General Staff will also go with me and take full responsibility for the command of this battle! ”

Mikhail said.

Mikhail is still very self-aware, and he knows very well that he is not the material to direct the war.

To command the operation, it is better to let the professionals be responsible.

General Brushilov, although already fifty-one years old.

However, for a general, it is precisely when he is in his prime of life, and he will work for more than ten years, and there is no problem at all.

By the time General Brushilov retired, the new generation had grown up, for example, Mikhail’s next chief of the General Staff was Tukhachevsky, supported by the red Napoleon.

Of course, the current Tukhachevsky is still too young, only 11 years old.

Wait until he grows up to see his actual lover.

The top brass of the Tsarist Empire heard Mikhail say this, but they didn’t say anything more.

They knew very well that the young Tsar was very stubborn, and if he had already decided something, he would not listen to the advice of others.

What’s more, although Vladivostok is located in the Primorsky of the Far East, there is a possibility of being attacked by the Orientals.

However, the Russian Empire also built strong fortresses there.

Even if it is attacked by the Orientals, it will not be captured for a while and a half.

Mihai, you have plenty of time to get out of there.

“Gentlemen, in this battle, it is very likely that the Toyo will put a considerable amount of ground troops into fighting us. So, let’s not think we’ll be able to defeat them in a short period of time. At present, the units that have been determined to be engaged in the war, in addition to the 6th Army and the 5th Army, the rest of the army groups must also be prepared. If necessary, the General Staff will order the transfer of certain troops from various army groups to reinforce the front line. ”

Mikhail continued.

Each group army has its own defensive areas to garrison, and it is not possible to withdraw its troops.

However, it is still completely fine to transfer two or three infantry divisions from each army group.

In this way, the remaining five group armies will be able to draw out a dozen more infantry divisions.

Even the 1st Army stationed in Mosque, that is, the surrounding area, was able to draw more troops.

In this case, the Russian Empire could have sent more than twenty infantry divisions from Europe to reinforce the Far East.

Together with the 5th and 6th armies, the Russian Empire would have thrown 80,000 troops into the battle.

Under such circumstances, do the Toyo people still have a chance of winning? Even if they mobilized with all their might, it would be impossible to defeat the Russian Empire.

“In addition, it is the consumption of war materials. The 6th Army has been stockpiling war materiel for the past few years. However, once the war broke out. The consumption of various materials will be very large. Coupled with the transportation of troops, it also needs to occupy a huge transport capacity. Therefore, from now on, we will transfer war materiel to the Far East in large quantities. In addition to the Trans-Siberian Railway, it is necessary to pass by other means. For example, the war has not yet broken out, and we can still transport more materials to the Far East by sea and seize the last time. ”

Mikhail ordered.

The Russian Empire had to hurry up and prepare as much as possible.

Once war breaks out, it will be too late.

Although the Trans-Siberian Railway has been opened to traffic, as a single-track railway, the capacity is undoubtedly very limited.

Therefore, Mikhail decided early on that this large railway would be built into a double line.

However, the double-track project has only just begun.

Even if a double line is built, it is relatively easier.

However, this will take at least several years.

In a short time, it will not come in handy.

Naturally, the Russian Empire could only be prepared in advance.

“In addition to the army, the next decisive battle between the navy and the navy of the Orientals will be crucial. The Toyo people also knew very well that if they wanted to defeat the Empire, they had to defeat the Imperial Navy. Otherwise, they would not have been able to win this war.

According to the current comparison of strength between the two sides, the Pacific Fleet of the Imperial Navy is not the opponent of the Eastern Imperial Navy.

Therefore, according to the strategy formulated before, when the risk of war came, the 1st detachment of the Pacific Fleet immediately withdrew from the Lushun military port, went to Cam Ranh Bay to temporarily take refuge, waited for the arrival of reinforcements, and then fought a decisive battle with the Orientals!

At the same time, the Northern Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet of the Imperial Navy dispatched warships to form the Imperial Navy’s Home Fleet and went to the Far East for reinforcement.

From the current point of view, the Northern Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet dispatch all Mikhail I-class battleships and Moske-class heavy cruisers, as well as 18 Rostov-class light cruisers and 24 A-class destroyers.

The commander of the Home Fleet, Vice Admiral Roger Jesterwinst. The chief of staff was General Makarov. Your mission is to completely crush the navy of the Toyos. Be sure to destroy them. In this way, the Empire can win this battle.

It can directly pose a threat to the native land of the Toyo people. ”

Mikhail deployed the relevant fleet of the Navy.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The admirals of the navy answered one after another.

“You must remember that this time there will be a lot of trouble in the reinforcement of the Far East. As the master of the Oriental people, the sun never sets, and will definitely cause us trouble. Therefore, we cannot relax our solution, let alone let the sun not set people see the opportunity. The fleet must fight steadily and steadily, and must not be greedy for merit.

The Mahajanga naval base on the island of Madagascar and the Cam Ranh Bay naval base in the Tianzhu Zhina colony are ready for use.

Before the decisive battle with the Toyos, the fleet must be well maintained and maintained so that the combat strength of the fleet can be restored to the peak level.

You don’t need to think about it to know that the Oriental people must want to wait for work and defeat the Imperial Navy in one fell swoop.

I would rather see how they defeat us in the face of the Imperial Navy, which is at the peak of its strength! ”

Mikhail had already thought about these issues and had already made her preparations.

He fully believes that the tragedy of another moment will not be staged in this time and space.

This time, in a decisive war concerning the fate of the country, the Russian Empire will definitely not lose again this time, and will definitely be able to win.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The generals are also very confident in the next battle…

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