Chapter 139: The First Encounter!!

1804, February 15, Goryeo Peninsula, off the coast of Incheon.

The 2nd Armored Cruiser Detachment, the 3rd Protective Cruiser Detachment, and the 1st Destroyer Detachment of the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Oriental Navy were firing heavily on the coast.

A 203 mm naval gun, a 152 mm naval gun, as well as a 76 mm rapid-fire gun and a 57 mm rapid-fire gun, were firing fiercely.

If the shells rain down on the shore~, a violent explosion occurs.

On the sea, there were a large number of soldiers of the Oriental Imperial Army, riding in small boats and rushing to the shore.

In order to show bravery, many Oriental soldiers even tied white cloth strips on their heads.

On a transport ship, General Kuroki as a senior general, commander of the First Army of the Toyo Imperial Army, is observing the sticker in the distance with a telescope.

Seeing the shore that was almost shrouded in smoke and fire, a smile involuntarily appeared on his face.

“Your Excellency, our fleet is so fierce in fire that if the Russians dare to resist, they will definitely be blown to pieces. The navy of the Russians has already fled. Their army, I am afraid, will not have much will to fight. We won this battle! ”

Major General Hisayonao Oshima, chief of staff of the First Army, said.

Kuroki nodded for General Zhen: “The Russians are the weakest of the Western powers. They fought wars, and there was no other way but to rely on the large number of people.

However, this is also the advantage of the Russians.

Who let them have a large number of serfs?

But if the Russians thought that such a trick could also defeat the empire, it was simply delusional. The warriors of the Imperial Army are not afraid of death, and their combat quality is ten times stronger than that of the Russians.

In this battle, we will definitely be able to defeat the Russians and realize the empire’s subservience! ”

Kuroki is the general of Zhen, and he is undoubtedly full of confidence in the next battle.

He commanded the First Corps, although there were only three infantry divisions.

However, the Russian Empire’s army deployed in the northern part of the Goryeo Peninsula also consisted of only three infantry divisions.

However, in terms of strength, the infantry division of the Shawe Imperial Strike Army was less than that of the Eastern Empire by 10,000 men, and the Eastern Imperial Army could also receive fire support from the Navy.

Therefore, they undoubtedly have an absolute advantage in battle.

Therefore, their chances of winning this battle are very high.

“Hey, Your Excellency!”

Major General Hisashi Oshima replied.

“Order the Guards Division and the 2nd Infantry Division, speed up. Before sunset today, we’re going to take Incheon. Then, advance towards Seoul. In the shortest possible time, take Seoul! ”

Kuroki ordered for General Zhen.

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Major General Oshima Kunao immediately went to convey the order.

The Imperial Guards Division and the 2nd Infantry Division, supported by strong naval artillery, launched their own attack on Erchuan.

A large number of Toyo soldiers launched the landing operation in small boats.

However, the Imperial Army of Tsarist Russia seemed to realize that it was undoubtedly very dangerous to fight the Easterners on the seashore without losing supremacy over the sea.

Therefore, the 186th Regiment of the 62nd Infantry Division of the Russian Imperial Army stationed in Incheon did not resist here.

Instead, according to the order of the division headquarters, after blowing up the port of Incheon, they withdrew from the place and returned to Seoul to strengthen the defense of Seoul.

At present, the Shawo Empire Strike Army only has the 62nd Infantry Division to defend Seoul.

The rest of the 63rd Infantry Division was in Ping.

The 64th Infantry Division was deployed along the Yalu River.

However, after the start of the battle, the 62nd Infantry Division had already asked the headquarters of the army group for help.

Next, the 63rd Infantry Division and the 64th Infantry Division will reinforce the 62nd Infantry Division.

At the same time, the troops stationed in the northeastern part of the Qing Empire, as well as Vladivostok and the Far Eastern Primorsky region, will also quickly move south and enter the battle.

Because the Russian Imperial Army did not resist, the Imperial Guard Division and the 2nd Infantry Division of the Imperial Army of the Eastern Ocean Army were almost unhindered and successfully attacked at Inchon.

It’s just that when the troops of the Russian Empire retreated, they blew up the port.

This greatly interfered with the landing operations of the Oriental Imperial Army.

Especially the loading and unloading of artillery is very troublesome.

The commander of the First Army of the Toyo Army, General Kuroki and the chief of staff, Major General Hisayoshi Nagashima Kushinao, arrived in Incheon in a small boat.

Seeing that a large number of soldiers were landing, and a large number of artillery pieces were being loaded and unloaded with difficulty, General Kuroki couldn’t help but frown…

“Inform the sappers and immediately find a way to build an improvised pier. Otherwise, the follow-up weapons, ammunition and other materials will be greatly affected! ”

Kuroki is the head of General Zhen’s order.

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Major General Hisashi Oshima replied.

Under the orders of General Kuroki Weizhen, the Guards Engineer Wing and the 2nd Infantry Engineer Wing quickly began to build improvised piers for subsequent disembarkation of troops and weapons.

The rest of the infantry, after the reorganization at Inchon, began to approach Seoul.

On February 16, the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the Toyo Army began to set out for Inchon and launched an attack on Seoul.

Among them, the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade attacked Bucheon, while the 3rd Infantry Brigade attacked Guangming…

Neither division’s artillery has yet landed. Therefore, they can only attack on their own. However, both the commanders of the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade believed that they were enough to easily take Bucheon and Gwang and advance the front to Seoul in one fell swoop.

Even the 186th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Army of the Russian Empire advanced to the Han River garrison Bucheon.

And stationed in the light is the 185th Infantry Regiment.

These two places are already more than ten kilometers away from the coastline.

Already out of range of the battleship’s main guns.

Therefore, the 62nd Infantry Division of the Tsarist Imperial Army is determined to fight the Orientals here, and also let the Orientals see the power of the Imperial Army of the Tsarist Russia, so that they will not use the king delirium.

Of course, each infantry regiment of the Imperial Russian Army was only more than 3,800 men.

The strength is only equivalent to an infantry wing of the Oriental Imperial Army.

An infantry brigade of the Oriental people has more than 8,000 people.

In terms of manpower, the Imperial Army of the East Ocean has a huge advantage.

In the afternoon of the same day, the battle began.

The 1st Guards Infantry Wing and the 2nd Guards Infantry Wing under the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade of the Imperial Army of the Toyo Army attacked Bucheon from the south and east respectively.

The 4th Infantry Wing and the 29th Infantry Wing under the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the Toyo Army launched an attack on Guangming.

For a time, the first confrontation between the armies of the two sides officially began and…

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