Chapter 141 The attack was frustrated!!

“Your Excellency, the artillery and machine gun fire of the Russians is too powerful. Our infantry simply could not rush up. The machine-gun squadron also suffered heavy losses. It can’t go on like this. Otherwise, both the 1st Infantry Group and the 2nd Infantry Group would have died! ”

Wing Chief of Staff Takashima Tomotake said.

Yamada Tadanzaburo Daisa’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t wait to personally lead the troops to charge.

But he knew that under the current circumstances, even if he personally led the troops to charge, I am afraid that there would be no result.

It’s just to make more corpses on the battlefield.

“Order the troops, stop the attack, and report to His Excellency the brigade commander here to his lover!”

Tadashaburo Yamada said through gritted teeth.

“Hey, Your Excellency, Wing Leader!”

Takashima Tomotake replied.

Then the order to retreat sounded.

The Toyo soldiers who are attacking are like a tide.

However, a large number of Oriental corpses were left on the battlefield.

The 1st Guards Infantry Regiment put in two infantry 05 brigades, with more than 2,000 people attacking.

However, in this round of attacks alone, they lost more than thirty percent.

If there were two or three more such attacks, wouldn’t these two infantry brigades be completely lost?

Such a battle with heavy casualties was definitely something that Chen Yangren had never imagined.

In other words, even if the Toyo people do not hesitate to sacrifice and fear death, they will never accept it.

Not only was the attack of the 1st Guards Infantry Company frustrated, but the attack on Guangming by the 2nd Guards Infantry Wing, as well as the 4th Infantry Wing and the 29th Infantry Wing under the 3rd Infantry Brigade, also ended in failure.

It can be said that the attacks launched by the Orientals this time were all hit by the powerful fire of the Russian army, and the losses were heavy.

This made the Orientals realize that the Russian army was more powerful than they expected.

Or, in terms of firepower alone, you can crush them.

In order to avoid inflicting greater losses, the offensive of the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the Toyo Army had to be temporarily stopped.

At the same time, this news was also fed back to the commander of the First Army of the Toyo Strike Army, General Kuroki Weizhen.

When General Kuroki Weizhen saw the battle report, his face suddenly became very ugly.

“Baga! A bunch of cowards. Even if the Russians are armed with a lot of artillery, a lot of machine guns. But can they still withstand the Imperial warriors armed with the spirit of bushido? ”

Kuroki scolded for General Zhen.

“Your Excellency, the Russians seem to be stronger than we expected. They were armed with a lot of machine guns. We need to deploy artillery on the front line. Otherwise, it’s hard for me to take advantage of the door. ”

Staff Major General Hisayonoshi Nagashima suggested.

Kuroki nodded for General Zhen, it will take a little time for the artillery to disembark, at least tomorrow before they can be put into battle.

“Let the artillery speed up the disembarkation and rush to the front. The 1st Guards Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade were ordered to temporarily halt the offensive. Also, let Asada-kun and Nishikyo-kun come to see me! ”

Kuroki ordered for General Zhen.

“Hey, Your Excellency, Tongling!”

Major General Hisashi Oshima replied.

Soon, Lieutenant General Nobuko Asada and commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, Lieutenant General Kōjiro Nishi, arrived in front of General Kuroki Weizhen.

The two obviously already knew the situation on the front line, and their faces were very full.

“Asada-kun, Nishikwan-kun. Our First Army was the first to fight the Russians. Our victory or defeat is directly related to this war between the Empire and the Russians. Therefore, I hope that the Guards Division and the 2nd Infantry Division can fully demonstrate the bravery of the imperial soldiers in the next battle, and can defeat the Russians cleanly and show the size of the imperial army! ”

Kuroki ordered for General Zhen.

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Lieutenant General Nobuko Asada and Lieutenant General Kwanjiro Nishi replied one after another.

“Your Excellency, the Russians are armed with a large number of light artillery and machine guns.

If we don’t want to pay too many losses, the artillery wing must go into battle. ”

Lieutenant General Nobukoi Asada said.

“See for yourselves. I have only one request, and that is to defeat our people in one fell swoop! ”

Kuroki ordered for General Zhen.

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Lieutenant General Nobukoi Asada replied.

The next day, on February 17, the 1st Guards Infantry Brigade and the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the Toyo Army again launched an attack on the 186th Infantry Regiment of the Russian Army stationed in Bucheon and the 185th Infantry Regiment of the Russian Army stationed in Guangming.

Only this time, the Toyo no longer rashly launched an attack with infantry, but pulled their pack soldiers up.

The Guards Field Artillery Wing and the 2nd Field Artillery Wing were involved in the attack.

In the establishment of the Toyo Army, each artillery wing has three artillery brigades under its command. Each artillery brigade has three artillery squadrons.

Each artillery squadron has three artillery squads.

Each artillery squad is armed with two 75 mm field guns, as well as an ammunition squad.

So, each field artillery wing was fitted with 54 75-mm field packs.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

A large number of Trinity 75-mm field guns of the Toyo Army began to fire fiercely.

This type of gun is the first self-developed gun of the Toyo Army.

Although smokeless powder was used, this was an old 750 rack gun.

So much so that in terms of the rate of fire, it is completely incomparable with the new tube bag.

However, in this attack, the Toyo people directly invested in a field artillery wing, and its strength can naturally be imagined.

Shells continued to hit the positions of the Russian army, shrapnel was everywhere, and gunpowder smoke filled the air, leaving craters one after another.

Although each infantry regiment of the Russian army was also equipped with a field artillery battery with six 75-mm field guns.

Moreover, it is also an advanced tube retraction.

However, a field artillery battery was clearly unable to deal with a field artillery wing of the Orientals.

This allowed the Russian army to be suppressed in terms of artillery as soon as the battle began.

At the same time, the positions on the front line were also under heavy shelling by the Orientals, with heavy losses.

Seeing this situation, the commanders of the 186th and 185th infantry regiments of the Russian army immediately issued orders to retreat.

If you carry the Toyo people here, you will inevitably suffer heavy losses under the artillery fire of the Toyons.

Instead of this, it is better to withdraw and join the main forces of the division headquarters.

It was even possible to retreat to the north bank of the Han River and rely on the Han River to resist the attack of the Orientals.

The Russian army took the initiative to retreat, which made it easy for the Toyo Army to capture Bucheon and Gwangmyeong, and approach Seoul.

This also boosted the morale of the Toyo people again…

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