Chapter 147: Sooner or Later, the Sun Will Not Fall!!

On the battleship Ivan V, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the commander of the fleet, Vice Admiral Makarov and the chief of staff, Rear Admiral Enkvist, have already received a reply from the sun never sets.

“Your Excellency, the people of the Sun Never Set have refused our request, claiming that the Sun Never Sets Empire will remain neutral in this war and will not allow warships from either side to pass through the Suez Canal!”

Major General Enkvist said.

“Humph! Sure enough, as His Majesty expected, the sun never sets, which is already clearly on the side of the Oriental people. What so-called neutrality is nothing more than a fig leaf for them. ”

Lieutenant General Makarov snorted coldly.

Even though he had expected this for a long time, Lieutenant General Makarov was still very dissatisfied with the behavior of the sun not setting.

“Your Excellency, according to the plan, we must immediately cross the Mediterranean Sea and go to join the Northern Fleet.”

Major General Enkvist said.

Vice Admiral Makarov nodded: “Order the fleet, immediately turn and head towards the Atlantic.” ”

Immediately, the Black Sea Fleet of the Imperial Russian Navy began to turn, leaving this sea area, preparing to go to the sea west of the Strait of Gibraltar to join the Northern Fleet.

Before leaving, Vice Admiral Makarov took a deep look at the battleships of the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet of the Empire.

Although, at the moment the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet has 14 battleships.

However, Lieutenant General Makarov was not afraid.

The performance of the Mikhail I-class battleships already in service with the Russian Imperial Navy can definitely show more of the Wen Lay ships that do not set the sun.

It’s just that the gap in numbers between the two sides is too large.

In a situation of three to fourteen, the Black Sea Fleet has a difficult chance of winning.

If they join the Northern Fleet, six to fourteen, Vice Admiral Makarov believes that their chances of victory are still very good.

But now the Tsarist Empire and the Eastern Empire are in the middle of the war, and the first enemy that the Tsarist Russian Empire wants to defeat is the Eastern Empire.

At this time, it is better to provoke other countries less.

Besides, the Empire of the Sun Never Sets does not only have a Mediterranean fleet, but also other powerful fleets.

The current Russian Imperial Navy is far from being able to compete with the Royal Navy where the sun never sets.

However, Lieutenant General Makarov also hated the sun never set this time.

In his opinion, the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet prevented the Russian Imperial Navy from passing through the Suez Canal, which was completely a difference to the less empire!

“No empire can escape prosperity and decline. One day, we will surely defeat the people who never set and make them pay a heavy price for today’s actions”! ”

Lieutenant General Makarov secretly swore in his heart.

“Your Excellency, the strategic location of the Suez Canal is too important, and the control of this canal by the sun never sets is equivalent to controlling the throat of the east-west route! It would be great if we could take this place away from the hands of the sun never sets. ”

Major General Enkvist said.

Vice Admiral Makarov shook his head: “There is no such possibility for the time being, unless the Imperial Navy can fully compete with the Royal Navy.” Even, the Imperial Navy was able to defeat the Royal Navy. Otherwise, once the empire moves the Suez Canal, it will inevitably be fiercely counterattacked by the people who never set. At that time, they will even fight with us. The Imperial Navy is not yet able to compete with the Royal Navy. So, I need to wait for the opportunity slowly.

Under the rule of His Majesty the Tsar, our country is getting stronger and stronger. Although, the navy was not a priority for the development of the empire. However, I believe that sooner or later His Majesty will attach importance to the Imperial Navy. At that time, the Imperial Navy will definitely be able to become more powerful.

The battle of the Royal Navy, which does not fall on the same day, is definitely not a problem! ”

Lieutenant General Makarov has great confidence in Mikhail.

After all, when he was still unknown, Mikhail chose him to serve as the deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet and assist Mikhail in developing the sea car.

“Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Major General Enkvist nodded.

On the other side, Admiral Arthur Wilson, commander of the Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Empire where the sun never sets, and Vice Admiral Yangzhi Callahan, chief of staff, couldn’t help but smile when they saw the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Imperial Navy turning.

In their opinion, the Black Sea Fleet of the Tsarist Imperial Navy is the core, and this is not daring to confront the powerful Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Empire where the sun never sets.

Therefore, the signs that can only be left in ash are gone.

This further made them feel the strength of the Royal Navy of the Empire where the sun never sets.

It makes them even more proud.

“Haha, the Russians still fled. They couldn’t pass through the Suez Canal and had to take a detour to the Cape of Good Hope. So, how much combat power will their warships have left when they arrive in the Far East? Perhaps, the Toyo people really have a chance to defeat them. ”

Lieutenant General George Callaghan had a smile on his face.

Admiral Arthur Wilson nodded repeatedly.

From the standpoint of the Empire where the sun never sets, if the Imperial Navy of the East Ocean can defeat the Imperial Navy of Tsarist Russia, this is undoubtedly the most advantageous.

Although the strength of the Russian Imperial Navy is obviously stronger than that of the Oriental Imperial Navy, the Empire does not set as much as possible to create an advantage for the Eastern Imperial Navy.

Provide all-round assistance to the Imperial Navy of the East Ocean without personally playing the scene.

Constantly create trouble for the Russian Imperial Navy, and increase the chances of victory for each army of the Eastern Empire.

In addition to preventing the passage of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Imperial Navy through the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal Navy of the Empire never sets, also sent a fleet of armored cruisers and two protective cruisers to track the Black Sea Fleet.

In order to be able to grasp their whereabouts at all times, report to the Easterners the location of the main fleet of the Tsarist Russian Navy, and facilitate the Easterners to prepare for battle.

It can be said that the sun does not set on people, which is already a clear bullying of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Mikhail was on a special train to the Far East when he learned that the people of the sun would not set to refuse the Black Sea Fleet to pass through the Suez Canal and also sent out to see the news that the Black Sea Fleet was followed.

Although he had long known that this would be the result, he was also very unhappy.

“The sun never sets is too overbearing. I hope that in more than ten years, you will still be able to be so domineering. At that time, Lao Tzu must overturn you! ”

Mikhail said viciously.

More than a dozen years later, after the weakening of the world war.

The Empire will be even weaker.

At that time, every army of the Sha I Empire will also be able to overtake the Royal Navy of the Empire in all aspects…

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