Chapter 149: Defensive Battle!!

28 February 1804, Vladivostok.

The special train of Tsar Mikhail II arrived at the railway station in Vladivostok.

The commander of the 6th Army, General Kuropatkin, and others greeted them at the railway station.

Originally, General Kuropatkin was already preparing to lead the headquarters of the army group to Shenyang to form a former enemy command and be fully responsible for the battle on the front line.

But His Majesty the Tsar was coming, so he had to postpone the time.

“Your Majesty, welcome to the Far East.”

Admiral Kulopatkin stepped forward to greet ~

“In wartime, there is no need to rectify these imaginaries, go to the headquarters.”

Mikhail said.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Admiral Kulopatkin answered.

At the headquarters of the 6th Army, General Kulopatkin told Mikhail and the Chief of the General Staff, Colonel Brushilov, about the current situation.

“Your Majesty, there are two main directions of attack of the Oriental people at present. One is the Goryeo Peninsula and the other is the Liaodong Peninsula. Among them, on the Goryeo Peninsula, the Toyo people dispatched three infantry divisions to attack Seoul and Heeongyu respectively. However, in both places, they were blocked by the Imperial Army. In the direction of Seoul, the Imperial Army abandoned the area south of the Han River and retreated to the north of the Han River. Relying on the Han River, with powerful firepower, prevent the Dongyangs from crossing the river. Moreover, in the process, two infantry divisions of the Toyo were inflicted on great losses. The 62nd and 64th Infantry Divisions of the Imperial Army assembled in Seoul had no problem withstanding the attack of the two infantry divisions of the Orientals.

In the direction of Pingxiang, the 63rd Infantry Division along the Datong River also resisted the attack of an infantry division of the Orientals. The battle for the entire Goryeo Peninsula has entered a stalemate. Unless the Toyo continue to increase their troops.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to break the deadlock.

On the battlefield of the Liaodong Peninsula, the 65th Infantry Division and the 66th Infantry Division of the Imperial Army have retreated to the Lushun Fortress and, together with the 10th and 11th Marine Brigades, have held the Lushun Fortress. At present, the Toyons show no signs of attacking the fortress of Lushun. However, according to the information obtained, the Toyo troops in the country have begun to continue to board the ship.

It is expected that soon the Toyo will be engaged in the attack.

The Second Army of the Orientals, with a force of about 130,000 men, had begun to attack the northern part of the Liaodong Peninsula. The Imperial Army’s 67th Infantry Division, 68th Infantry Division, 69th Infantry Division, and 70th Infantry Division were already north of the Shahe River, building a defensive line and preparing to resist the attack of the Orientals. The 61st Infantry Division, the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade and the 6th Cavalry Brigade have also rushed to the front.

It is expected that the front line will be reached soon.

Chen will also go to Shenyang to command the front-line battle.

The courtier assured His Majesty that this time he would definitely be able to block the Oriental people in the Goryeo Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula! ”

Admiral Kulopatkin reported.

The entire 6th Army has been preparing for this battle for a long time.

In addition, the combat effectiveness of the troops of the entire 6th Army has also been greatly improved, and General Kulopatkin is also very confident in his own troops.

“Very good, the current performance of the 6th Army on the battlefield makes me very satisfied. The soldiers on the front line, he is very good.

However, although we have now resisted the attack of the Easterners on the battlefield. But the Oriental people will certainly not give up. Since they have been painstakingly preparing for this war for such a long time, how can they tolerate such a failure? You don’t have to think about it to know that the Toyo people will definitely send more troops to attack next. The 6th Army will face a bitter battle next. Even, in the face of the attack of the superior forces of the Easterners.

To this end, all units of the 6th Army must do a good job of battle-related! ”

Mikhail instructed.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Admiral Kulo Dynasty Baitkin replied.

“The 5th Army has already sent reinforcements. The first batch of troops should have entered the northeast region of the Qing Empire. ”

Mikhail continued.

“Yes, Your Majesty. The 51st Infantry Division, 52nd Infantry Division, 5th Cavalry Brigade and 5th Heavy Artillery Brigade of the 5th Army are advancing towards the Liaodong Peninsula. ”

Admiral Kulopatkin said.

“The second batch of troops of the 5th Army is also already on the way.

In this battle, the 6th Army and the 5th Army will be the main forces of the Imperial Army on the battlefield.

I believe that with the combat strength of the two group armies of the Imperial Army, it is enough to make the Oriental people pay an extremely heavy price…

Of course, under the frenzied mobilization of the Orientals at all costs, it was not easy for the Imperial Army to defeat them. Therefore, the side of the 1st Army, as well as the rest of the group armies, are also making preparations. As soon as the need arises, a steady stream of more reinforcements will arrive on the Far Eastern front.

The Oriental people want to step on us and rise to become a world-class power, it is simply delusional! ”

In this time and space, Mikhail will not have the same thing happening again.

Admiral Brushilov and Admiral Kulopatkin nodded one after another, and they will definitely not let the Tsarist Empire be humiliated, and they will not let such a small country as the Oriental people ride on the neck of the Tsarist Empire.

“At present, the Imperial Navy’s home fleet has set out from Europe. However, because the sun does not set on people’s difficulties, it will take a lot of time for the fleet to reach the Far East. Therefore, during this time, the army had to resist the attack of the Orientals.

I do not ask the army to defeat the Orientals at this stage, as long as it can stabilize the front and resist the Orientals on the Goryeo and Liaodong Peninsulas, it will be enough. Wait until the navy destroys the navy of the Toyos, cutting off the logistical supply lines between the Toyo homeland and their army. Then, the army of the Oriental people will become the jaw in the urn.

At that time, it will undoubtedly be much easier for the Imperial Army to defeat them and annihilate them! ”

Mikhail took it and said.

With the strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire, it is actually not too difficult to defeat the Eastern Empire.

As long as the Russian Empire began to mobilize and then sent a large number of troops to the Far East to deal with the Orientals, the final victory would belong to the Russian Empire.

However, the price to pay for such words is too great.

Let the 6th Army and the 5th Army of the Russian Imperial Army first resist the attack of the Orientals, and destroy the effective forces of the Orientals as much as possible in defensive operations.

After the navy wins, there is a chance to solve the Toyo.

In that case, Shazuo can win this victory for a long time at the least cost…

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