Chapter 152: Bloody Battle Sand River!!

“Your Excellency, what do we do next? Do you want to continue the offensive? ”

Major General Haruno Okubo asked.

Senior General Ao Baogong’s face was very ugly, originally they planned to first bombard the defense line of the Russian army with artillery, and then send infantry to launch a surprise attack, breaking the defense line of the Russian army in one fell swoop and defeating the Russian army.

However, problems arose from the initial fire preparations.

This undoubtedly encountered great obstacles to the next actions of the Toyo Army.

A trace of ferocity flashed in General Ao Baogong’s eyes.

“Order the 3rd Infantry Division, even if it is not sufficiently prepared for fire, to launch an attack on time. There are not enough shells, then let the soldiers fill them with courage. Let the Russians know that the warriors of the Empire are invincible! ”

General Ao Baogong gave the order in cold blood.

The generals of the Toyo Army have never cared about human lives.

Neither do they care about the enemy’s orders, nor do they care about their own lives.

This is also why the Toyo people are devils after they go to the battlefield, they even put their own life and death on the line, do they care about anything else? Therefore, often the Oriental people will unscrupulously launch a big house killing.

“Hi, Your Excellency, Commander!”

Major General Haruno Okubo replied.

Headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Toyo Army.

After receiving the order, Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Shima, commander of the division, and Chief of Staff Masao Shimamura, their faces were equally ugly.

“Your Excellency, division commander, it seems that we have to be prepared to pay heavy losses. Our soldiers had to cross the Shahe River under heavy Russian fire. ”

Shimamura Kanio said.

Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima nodded: “Order the 6th Infantry Wing and the 18th Infantry Wing under the 5th Infantry Brigade. The 6th Infantry Brigade and the 19th Infantry Wing are under the command of the 6th Infantry Brigade. As well as the 3rd Cavalry Brigade Wing, the 3rd Engineer Wing, and the 3rd Heavy Wing, all ready. This time, we will launch a large-scale attack without reservation, do our best, and break through the Russian defense line in one fell swoop”! ”

Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima knew very well that Senior General Obogong had given a very stern order.

Therefore, they have no other choice at all, they can only do their best in the next big war,

“Hey, Your Excellency the division commander!”

Shimamura Kanao Daisa replied.

The various infantry wings, cavalry wings, engineer wings, and heavy army wings under the 3rd Infantry Division of the Toyo Army will all be engaged in the attack.

This undoubtedly also shows the determination of Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima.

At the same time, the 4th Infantry Division, the 6th Infantry Division, and the 8th Infantry Division of the Toyo Army also received orders from Senior General Oho Gong.

However, the 3rd Infantry Division devoted almost all its strength to it.

These three infantry divisions were responsible for containing and assisting the 3rd Infantry Division.

Therefore, all three divisions only invested one infantry wing to participate in the attack.

But even so, the Toyo Army has invested seven infantry wings on the Shahe line, plus the cavalry wing, engineer wing, and heavy army wing of the 3rd Infantry Division, all of which add up to more than 30,000 people.

The Second Army of the Toyo Army undoubtedly attached great importance to this attack.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Toyo Army, personally gave the order to attack.

The 3rd Infantry Division of the Toyo Army had 4 infantry wings and 12 infantry brigades, as well as cavalry wings, engineer wings and heavy artillery wings, all of which went into the offensive.

More than 20,000 Toyo soldiers marched on a front more than 10 kilometers long to the Sha and I attack the army’s spoon square line.

“Your Majesty Tianhuang is on board! Toyo Empire onboard onboard! ”

“Kill all the Russians, defeat them!”

One by one, middle and low-ranking officers, waving command knives in their hands, were at the front of the queue.

This kind of attack method of the Oriental people in which officers lead by example can undoubtedly greatly boost the morale of the soldiers.

Those oriental soldiers, their eyes were red, as if the beastly nature in their bones had been aroused, and they were not afraid of death at all.

Armed with thirty-year-old rifles, they retreated in circles and bravely charged.

“Yo West! This is what the soldiers of the empire should be. Even without powerful artillery fire, our gate is the most powerful batter in the world! ”

Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima’s face was proud.

Of course, he knew very well that launching such an attack would cost great casualties and kill many people.

However, Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima did not care at all.

Even if the entire 3rd Infantry Division is exhausted, as long as they can win, they can be rebuilt quickly.

Moreover, not only will he not be punished, but on the contrary, he will be rewarded.

Therefore, in the eyes of Lieutenant General Yoshimasa Oshima, those Eastern soldiers are like cattle, even if they die, he will not have the slightest distress.

The fierce attack launched by the Toyo Army threatened all units of the Russian Army.

The powerful artillery immediately shifted its target and began to write bags to these oriental soldiers.

Those 75-mm field guns, which had been silent, also joined the shelling at this time.

“Boom! Rumble! ”

Dense shells fell like raindrops, and stone turns were in the line of the Toyo people’s well attack.

Shells exploded, shrapnel was fired, a large number of Toyo people were blown to pieces, stumps and broken arms, and so on, and they were scattered everywhere.

But even so, those Orientals were not frightened.

It’s as if the soldiers who were blown to pieces are not human at all.

These Toyo soldiers continued to scream and charge until they were killed.

“Boom! Rumble! ”

As the Toyo got closer to the lines of the Russian Army, mortars of various calibers began to fire.

For a time, the artillery fire became more intensive, which naturally caused greater casualties to those Orientals.

Although the Oriental people are brave, they are not invulnerable after all, and in front of the shells, they are still like paper paste, and they will easily be blown to pieces.

However, these Chen Yangren have a strong and courageous horn.

The artillery fire of the Russian army was so fierce that it could not stop their advance.

They trampled on the bones of their dead comrades and continued to charge.

“Rush! Do not be afraid of the Russian artillery, Amaterasu will bless us. ”

“For the empire, for the Tianhuang to be loyal to the time has arrived!”

“Lords, Kudan Sakami!”

Shouting all kinds of slogans, the Toyo bravely attacked the defense line of the Tsarist army until they were blown to pieces…

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