Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 100 The Sorrow Of A Small Country (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

"We are forced to do nothing, not because we want to open the border to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and allow their troops to enter the country, but because of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's persecution, we have no other choice. All this is not because of us, we They are also innocent. If the Tsarist Russian Empire wants to be held accountable, it should go to the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Ambassador Antonis immediately began to complain, and pushed all the responsibilities to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which seemed that they were extremely innocent.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire has already paid a corresponding price in this war. Next, it should be you." Ambassador Ivanov said coldly.

It is ridiculous that the Kingdom of Romania wants to evade its responsibility in this way.

Since the Tsarist Russian Empire finally seized such a good opportunity, how could it give up like this? The Kingdom of Romania must pay the price for this.

"Your Excellency, the war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire has ended immediately. Moreover, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has already paid a sufficient price. There is no need for the Tsarist Russian Empire to hold on. This matter, just Let’s go on like this. In this case, it’s good for everyone.” Bernhard von Bilow said.

Obviously, the Germans are on the side of the Kingdom of Romania.

Ambassador Ivanov shook his head: "Your Excellency, His Majesty the Tsar's attitude is very clear. That is, the Kingdom of Romania must pay the price for this.

Bernhard Von Bilow couldn't help frowning. The resolute attitude of the Tsarist Russian Empire made him very annoyed. He can naturally see that the Tsarist Russian Empire is simply making use of it.

If it weren't for the Germanic Empire not wanting to tear themselves apart with the Tsarist Empire now, they wouldn't have tolerated the Tsarist Empire like this at all.

"Okay, Your Excellency, what is the Tsarist Empire going to do?" Bernhard von Bülow asked.

"It's very simple. The Roman Luya Kingdom ceded the Bessarabia region and the South Dobroga region to the empire. The empire will forgive the behavior of the Kingdom of Romania this time!" Ivanov said in an envoy.

"What? It's impossible! The kingdom is not wrong at all, and it will not cede these territories to the Russian Empire!" Ambassador Antonis immediately expressed strong opposition.

The eyes he looked at Ambassador Ivanov were full of anger.

If eyes could kill, it is estimated that Ambassador Ivanov would have been torn to pieces long ago.

In his opinion, the Russians were too ruthless and directly demanded that the Kingdom of Romania cede half of its territory! Moreover, they still ceded the entire coastline to the Tsarist Russian Empire. In this case, wouldn't the Kingdom of Romania become a landlocked country? This is an absolutely unacceptable condition for the Kingdom of Romania.

Bernhard Von Bilow's complexion was also very ugly. He also believed that the requirements of the Tsarist Russian Empire were too harsh.

"Your Excellency, your country's conditions are indeed too harsh. Even if the Kingdom of Romania did something wrong this time and offended the Tsarist Empire, it doesn't have to pay such a high price!" Bernhard Feng Bilow said.

Your Excellency, the Empire has only this request. Moreover, this is already the bottom line of the empire. The Kingdom of Romania has only two options, either accept it or reject it. However, if they refuse, they should be very clear about the consequences. After Ambassador Ivanov finished speaking, he left without giving them a chance to refuse.

Both Bernhard von Bilow and Ambassador Antonis were very dissatisfied with this.

"Your Excellency, the Russians' demands are too harsh, and we absolutely cannot agree to them! But, if we refuse, they will definitely invade us. The Germanic Empire will help us!" Ambassador Antonis looked pitiful. .

He knew very well that once the Tsarist Russian Empire used force against the Kingdom of Romania, they would never be opponents of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Therefore, they can only ask the empire for help.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador, I will report all this to His Majesty. The empire will not tolerate the wanton expansion of the Russians." Bernhard von Bilow said.

Immediately, Bernhard von Bülow went to the palace and reported the situation to the German Emperor Wilhelm II.

William II was also very annoyed by the greed and aggression of the Russians.

If possible, William II would like to immediately mobilize the whole country and start a war with the Tsarist Russian Empire..

However, his rationality told him that this is absolutely impossible.

The current Germanic Empire is still on the rise. Their national strength, especially military strength, is still being accumulated. If we go to war with the Tsarist Empire now

It is not so easy to defeat the Russian Empire. In other words, even if he wins, he will inevitably pay a huge price. For the Germanic Empire

Undoubtedly very disadvantageous.

Although the Germanic Empire is willing to stand for the Kingdom of Romania, their concerns are not small. The biggest point is that you cannot tear yourself apart from the Tsarist Empire.

You know, because the Germanic Empire rose too late. So much so that they didn't get many rich colonies at all in the colonial wave of carve up the world.

A large part of the industrial raw materials of the Germanic Empire came from the Russian Empire. Moreover, the Tsarist Russian Empire was also an important sales market for the goods of the Germanic Empire.

Once the two countries are torn apart, the economic development of the Germanic Empire will be hit hard.

If the Germanic Empire had enough military strength to crush the Tsarist Russian Empire, that would be nothing. However, the problem is that the Germanic Empire does not have the confidence to win at all.

In addition, the old enemies Gauls, as well as the people on whom the sun never sets, are eager for the Germanic Empire to go to war with the 0.3 Tsarist Russian Empire. At that time, they can pick up the bargain.

This made the Germanic Empire only able to swallow this breath after comprehensively considering these factors.

Without daring to use force against the Tsarist Russian Empire, the help that the Germanic Empire could provide to the Kingdom of Romania was undoubtedly much smaller.

Facing the pressing force of the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Romania simply cannot resist it!

Especially when the army of the Tsarist Russian Empire crossed the border and entered the territory of the Kingdom of Romania, King Carol I of the Kingdom of Romania ordered the army to retreat and not to open fire on the army of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

I am afraid that a war will break out with the Tsarist Empire because of this, and it will be destroyed and annexed by the Tsarist Empire. The Kingdom of Bulgaria is a lesson for them! And this is undoubtedly the tragedy of a small country. .

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