Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 24 Cavalry Showdown (Second Update, Please Collect It!)

Grand Duke Mikhail has ten cavalry brigades under his command. Even after deducting the brigade artillery and other directly subordinate units, there are nearly 60,000 pure cavalry units capable of fighting on horseback.

These cavalry have long been ready for battle.

After receiving the combat order, these cavalry immediately detoured from the side of the battlefield and launched an attack.

At the same time, Grand Duke Mikhail also gave orders for another five infantry divisions to go into battle.

Now, it's time to fight back, so naturally there is no need to hide. All the main forces can be invested in the attack. So as to ensure their victory in this battle.

"Da da! Da da!"

A large number of cavalry appeared on the battlefield, which quickly attracted the attention of Grand Duke Nicholas.

"Your Excellency, Mikhail has invested his cavalry and attacked us from the north!" Admiral Mirolav reported.

"Order the remaining cavalry to go into battle immediately and stop Mikhail's cavalry!" Grand Duke Nicholas immediately issued an order.

When investing cavalry to launch an attack, Grand Duke Nicholas also left room. He did not invest all the cavalry, but left more than 20,000 Cossack cavalry to protect the flanks of the troops.

Now, those troops could come in handy.

"Ulla! Ulla!"

Twenty thousand Cossack cavalry with sabers on their waists and spears bravely charged.

Although they face three times as many enemies. However, these Cossack cavalry are still fearless.

In other words, they are definitely the kings of cold weapons in this era.

The Cossack cavalry of the Tsarist Russian Empire were not equipped with rifles, only sabers and spears, and a small amount of artillery.

These skilled riding and brave Cossack cavalry can be called the most powerful cavalry of this era.

However, the cavalry of Grand Duke Mikhail they faced was different, not only every cavalry was equipped with a carbine. Moreover, the rest of the configuration is no different from infantry units. In layman's terms, these cavalry are just infantry who can ride horses. Of course, their cavalry tactics are still very good. Even if it can't be compared with elite cavalry, it's not too bad.

Therefore, when facing the attack of the Cossack cavalry, these cavalry did not charge tit for tat, but stopped immediately.

The cavalry got off their horses, blocked the horses in front of them, and put their lances on the horses' backs. In this case, there is no doubt that a simple line of defense is formed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and mortars quickly got ready to fire.

"Hahaha! A bunch of cowards!"

"Ulla! Ulla! We are the strongest cavalry!"

"Down with those cowards, kill them all!"

The Cossack cavalry shouted loudly with mocking expressions on their faces.

They may have never seen this kind of cavalry who dismounted when fighting. In their eyes, this is a sign of cowardice.


When these Cossack cavalry rushed to a distance of only more than a hundred meters, Lieutenant General Gurko, the cavalry general of Grand Duke Mikhail, ordered.

"Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

A series of mortars and a series of light and heavy machine guns began to shoot violently.

Dense shells and bullets enveloped the Cossack cavalry like a storm.

"Boom! Boom!"

The shell exploded, killing many Cossack cavalry, and many fell off their horses.

"Da da da!"

The dense bullets of light and heavy machine guns even made the offensive momentum of these Cossack cavalry stagnate.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The lances in the hands of the cavalry were also firing violently, shooting and killing the Cossack cavalry.

For a while, the heroic Cossack cavalry were hit by intensive firepower.

This kind of combat mode is something they have never encountered before. In other words, they never thought that they could still play like this in cavalry combat?

So much so that when these Cossack cavalry attacked, they were directly hit by the firepower of Grand Duke Mikhail's cavalry unit and paid extremely heavy losses.

Their brave charge, in the face of the powerful firepower of the enemy, did not have much effect at all, but seemed to seek their own death.

The harder the charge, the worse the death.

"Bastard! These damned guys, they are a disgrace to the cavalry!"

"Are they cavalry or infantry?"

Many Cossack cavalrymen had such questions in their minds before being shot.

In their eyes, Grand Duke Mikhail's cavalry played their cards too unreasonably.

Isn't it a cavalry duel? You still play more and less, how can you play like this? This is simply bullying!

The soaring losses caused the blood of these Cossack cavalrymen to cool down quickly.

Many Cossack cavalry began to retreat in embarrassment. However, at this time, they collided with the cavalry behind them, and those who collided were turned on their backs.

This also allowed Grand Duke Mikhail's cavalry to fully display its powerful firepower at this time, causing greater casualties to these Cossack cavalry.

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