Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 250 Reckless And Tasteful (Fifth More, Please Subscribe!)

Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple is not a member of the military, but a leader of the civil service faction. In addition, he has a noble status and aristocratic background, and he also has great influence in the top management of the Eastern Empire.

Mingzhi Tianhuang was very dissatisfied with the performance of the military. Therefore, this time, civil servants will be allowed to come to power to form a cabinet.

However, even if a civil servant is appointed as the prime minister of the cabinet. However, Mingzhi Tianhuang was still brooding about the defeat of this war, and was still very unwilling.

He hoped that the Eastern Empire could quickly prepare its army for war, become stronger, and find another chance to defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire.

In front of Mingzhi Tianhuang, Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple naturally promised to do his best to defeat the Russians. However, he also deeply felt that this was a very serious problem.

After Xiyuan Temple Gongwang came to power, he reorganized the "July 13" cabinet and nominated candidates for new cabinet ministers. Mingzhi Tianhuang also approved all the candidates for these cabinet ministers. He has very high expectations for this term of the cabinet.

In the new cabinet of the Eastern Empire, Kato Takaaki will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Takaaki Hara will be the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Terauchi Masayoshi will continue to be the Minister of War, Lieutenant General Saito Minoru will be the Minister of the Navy, and Sakatani will be the Minister of Inzoku. Yoshiro is in charge.

Lieutenant General Masaki Terauchi continued to serve as Minister of the Army, because there was no suitable candidate in the Army. As for the navy, because of the disastrous defeat of the navy, it directly caused the defeat of the Eastern Empire in this war. Therefore, even if Lieutenant General Gonbei Yamamoto is known as the father of the navy, he must bear the responsibility for it. Just stepping down is already a very lenient punishment. Some radicals even demanded a seppuku apology from him. It's just that Lieutenant General Gonbei Yamamoto was more sensible and remained unmoved by these voices.

After Prime Minister Gongwang Xiyuanji came to power to form a cabinet, he immediately held a cabinet meeting. He needed to formulate the next development plan for the Eastern Empire.

"Gentlemen, the empire has just experienced a disastrous defeat, so that the empire has paid a huge loss this time. Not only did we lose the island of Hokkaido, but we also have to bear more than 1.6 billion yen in war reparations. At the same time, Our navy has been almost wiped out, our army has suffered heavy losses. The whole country has become extremely weak.

Coupled with the previous naval blockade by the Russians, the empire's industry, economy, and even people's livelihood are facing extremely serious problems. Next, we must find a way to tide over the difficulties. And let the empire restore its strength as soon as possible!"

Prime Minister Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple said to the crowd.

Thousands of cabinet ministers are very clear that the current situation is very critical. If it is not handled properly, the Eastern Empire will decline step by step, or even face collapse.

As the top executives of the Eastern Empire, they naturally don't want the Eastern Empire to collapse. In that case, the whole country will be doomed!

"Your Excellency, the loan promised by the man on whom the sun never sets has been in place. The major banks of the empire on which the sun never sets provide the empire with a loan of 100 million pounds. However, the empire needs tariffs as collateral. After this loan is in place, In addition to the 500 million rubles paid to the Russians, there is still a lot left. We can use this loan to restore the economy and promote the development of industry!" said Minister of Finance Yoshiro Sakatani.

"What about the army? The Imperial Army lost a large number of soldiers in this battle, and many people were disabled. They all need a lot of pensions. In addition, the Imperial Army needs to rebuild its army so that it can defeat the Russians in the future. !” Lieutenant General Terauchi Masaki, Minister of the Army, put forward his own opinion. Although the Eastern Empire Army lost this battle. However, they are not reconciled. There is even a common view among the Eastern Empire Army that the reason why they lost was entirely because the navy did not live up to expectations.

If the Eastern Ocean Empire Navy can defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire Navy and win the naval battle. Then, the Eastern Empire Army can continuously send more troops to the battlefield.

Even if the Eastern Army is at a disadvantage on the battlefield, they can defeat the Tsarist Russian Empire and win the final victory of the war by further exerting their superiority in strength.

Therefore, after the war ended, the Eastern Empire Army couldn't wait to rebuild a powerful army.

"Terauchi-kun, right now we don't have any extra financial resources to build the army... We have to find a way to restore the economy first. Then we can talk about the rebuilding of the army. However, I can assure you that all of this It is temporary. After our financial situation improves, we will definitely revive our armaments." Said Xiyuansi Gongwang

"Wait until the financial situation improves? When will we have to wait? Don't forget, the Russians have already occupied Hokkaido Island. Their warships often appear in the waters near the empire. Everyone knows what the Russians are thinking. If If we don't have strong military strength, how can we resist the Russian invasion?" Lieutenant General Masaki Terauchi asked rhetorically

"People who never set the sun will not tolerate the Russians continuing to invade us. They will definitely stand by our side and provide us with help." Gongwang Xiyuansi explained.

"Hmph! Do you expect the sun to never set? They are unreliable at all. They just use us as pawns. And they are pawns that can be discarded at any time." Lieutenant General Zhengyi in the temple snorted coldly.

"The people on whom the sun never sets are indeed unreliable. However, they have provided us with a lot of help. Among other things, the loans provided to us this time will allow us to have money to pay war reparations. Otherwise, , Even if we sell everything we can, we still can’t get so much war reparations together. If we can’t pay the war reparations, the Russians won’t let us go.” Foreign Minister Takaaki Kato said.

"The reason why Luoren did this on the 3.8th day is just to use us. They want to use us as cannon fodder and continue to let us deal with the Russians." Masahiro Masahiro said.

"No matter what ulterior secrets the people on whom the sun never sets have. However, the empire is now in extreme difficulties. The support and help of the people on whom the sun never sets will help the empire to tide over the difficulties

has been of great help. Therefore, we cannot do without the support of people who never set the sun.

From now on, we need to live our lives. After we get out of the current predicament, we will definitely rearm our armaments. When the time is right, I will definitely challenge the Russians again and strive for avenge of shame!"

Prime Minister Gongwang Xiyuanji expressed his attitude to everyone. .

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