Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 37 Royal Assets (Chapter 5, Please Collect!)

A month passed quickly, and the Supervision Department of the Tsarist Russian Empire achieved great results.

Almost all the officials of the various cabinet ministries of the Tsarist Russian Empire were interviewed. Among them, most of the officials were frightened and very honest, and voluntarily handed over the stolen money.

This is mainly because the cabinet ministers took the lead and played a good role model. And the hanging of Sergei Witte played a great deterrent effect.

Of course, there are also people who want money but not life. In other words, people who try to hand over only a small part of the stolen money and then get away with it. However, in front of these seasoned officials of the Ministry of Supervision, there is no way to hide it.

This is why Mikhail used retired intelligence personnel as officials of the Ministry of Supervision.

"Your Majesty, the ministries of the cabinet have basically been sorted out. At present, the officials voluntarily handed over, and the stolen money we have seized has reached a total of three billion rubles. Among them, Sergei Witte's family property accounts for half of it. ’” Akinfev reported.

Mikhail nodded again and again, and these were only officials from various cabinet ministries of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Next, the Ministry of Supervision will conduct an inventory of local officials from all over the Russian Empire. These local officials may not have as much stolen money from Mexico as cabinet officials. However, the number of local officials is even greater!

It is foreseeable that the Tsarist Russian Empire will be able to obtain more stolen money in the future. It is initially estimated that it should be no problem to get tens of billions of rubles of stolen money from these officials.

That's a lot of money in this day and age!

The current exchange rate is one pound to nine rubles. This also means that the stolen money alone is more than one billion pounds.

With this money, Mikhail's next series of plans can be carried out very well.

"The Ministry of Supervision has done a very good job. Next, you have to make persistent efforts and start to investigate local officials from all over the country. You can go state by state. Within three years, all local officials in the entire empire must be inspected. And , Regular checks must be carried out on officials at all levels to prevent those officials from reaching out again after the check by the Imperial Supervision Department." Mikhail urged.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" replied Akinfieff.

"In addition, officials of the Ministry of Supervision must also pay special attention to their own investigations. I believe that when the Ministry of Supervision conducts investigations, officials will definitely encounter various temptations. Among them, there must be There will be people who can't resist the temptation and will be bribed. These people must be cleaned up in time. Otherwise, it will cause even greater damage and loss!" Mikhail said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will pay attention." Akinfiev nodded repeatedly.

The integrity of the Ministry of Supervision itself is particularly important.

Otherwise, once the Ministry of Supervision itself is rotten, how can it investigate officials at all levels!

Thanks to Mikhail's efforts, everything in the Russian Empire was finally on the right track. And he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

At the end of July, Mikhail summoned the royal steward Christophe.

Christophe is over sixty years old and has served three generations of tsars. Since Alexander III, he has been in charge of the royal family's property.

Mikhail summoned him to find out how much assets the royal family now has. Especially how much money is in the royal treasury.

You must know that in another time and space, the successive tsars of the Tsarist Russian Empire did not have a good level of governance. However, the ability to make money is still very good.

This allowed the Romanov dynasty to accumulate a very considerable wealth over the centuries.

It is said that there are thousands of tons of gold alone. Coupled with other treasures, as well as real estate such as land, the royal family's assets are undoubtedly extremely amazing.

But it is a pity that Nicholas II did not use the money where it should be used, but guarded the wealth like a miser.

So much so that after the rule of Nicholas II was overthrown and the Tsarist Russian Empire collapsed, these wealth basically fell into the hands of the cloth party.

Relying on these wealth, the cloth party won the civil war and the intervention of the great powers. Moreover, the vigorous development of industry soon became stronger.

Mikhail was different from Nicholas II and the previous tsars. He didn't want the wealth of the royal family to stay in the dark gold mines and moldy, and finally fall into the hands of others. Wouldn't that be a big loss?

The current Tsarist Russian Empire can be described as poor and white.

The infrastructure construction is extremely backward, and the industry is also far behind other great powers.

Coupled with military construction and future war expenses, etc., a lot of money is needed.

If the empire's finances were not enough, Mikhail planned to temporarily lend all the wealth of the royal family to the empire's finances, first to make the Tsarist Russian Empire stronger.

"Your Majesty, the current assets of the imperial family include 6,000 tons of gold stored in various vaults, and other jewels. There are also lands in various places, and other real estate. According to the current market price, there are about 10 billion rubles!" Ke Christov reported to Mikhail.

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