Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 72 The Army Is Defeated Like A Mountain (Fifth Watch, Please Collect It!)

"Your Excellency, Commander, our troops have successfully broken through the defense line of the Austro-Hungarian Army and are continuing to launch attacks. The Austro-Hungarian Army has suffered huge losses, and many troops have already begun to collapse!" Major General Boris had a smile on his face. .

The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Army was undoubtedly a great victory for the Tsarist Russian Army. It can be predicted that they are about to win a brilliant victory.

Admiral Gurko couldn't help but get excited too.

In war, when the casualties of troops are the greatest, it is often the time of collapse.

If the Tsarist Russian Army seized this opportunity, it would certainly be able to severely damage the Austro-Hungarian Army.

"Order all front-line units to continue the attack. In addition, the cavalry units must speed up to block the enemy's rear. This time, we will strive to wipe out the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and capture the Crown Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Grand Duke!" Admiral Gurko ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Major General Boris replied.

The main force of the 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire launched a fierce attack. The frontline units of the Austro-Hungarian Army suffered heavy losses and collapsed. One after another, the troops were almost on the verge of collapsing.

Even, a large number of troops have surrendered to the Tsarist Russian Empire Army on the battlefield.

This made the Austro-Hungarian Army lose a complete defeat in this battle, and there is no chance of a comeback.

At this point in the war, the 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Imperial Army can almost be regarded as having won a decisive victory. Next, you only need to launch an attack step by step according to the plan, and you will be able to defeat the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the main force of the 3rd Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire also made great progress in its attack on the 1st Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army. The previous attack of the 1st Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army was not strong. Therefore, the loss is not large.

But even so, they were also unable to withstand the attack of the main force of the 3rd Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army.

It's just that Archduke Friedrich, who commanded the 1st Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army, has been in the army all his life and has rich experience. The troops were ordered to retreat immediately instead of confronting the Tsarist Russian Empire Army.

Therefore, although their line of defense was broken through by the 3rd Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army. However, the loss was not great.

Looking back at the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army, the current situation is very bad.

"His Royal Highness, the Tsarist Russian army's offensive is too fierce, and our losses are very large. The frontline troops have collapsed, and they can't hold on at all." Admiral Auffenberg said anxiously.

Originally, Archduke Ferdinand wanted to wait for reinforcements until the arrival of domestic reinforcements.

But now it seems that this is simply a delusion!

Before reinforcements arrive, they will be wiped out by the Russian Imperial Army.

"Order the troops to retreat immediately and return to the mainland!" Archduke Ferdinand knew that he could no longer persist. Otherwise, they really would all be screwed.

Although, it was completely different from the victory he expected. But if they retreat now, as long as they can successfully withdraw to the mainland, at least they can save their lives.

Besides, he is the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even if he fails this time, it will certainly damage his prestige. However, his position is still very stable.

In the current Austro-Hungarian Empire, no one can replace him at all.

Although the former Crown Prince Rudolph committed suicide, did Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire have no other sons?

Besides, Franz Joseph I is not young anymore, and has no energy to train another heir.

Therefore, Archduke Ferdinand was not worried at all that he would be replaced because of this failure.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Admiral Auffenberg replied.

It's just that it is too late for the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army to retreat now.

The main force of the 1st Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire is pursuing them frantically.

After the order to retreat was issued, the units of the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army lost even more courage and thought to fight, and wanted to escape.

Many soldiers even threw away their weapons and equipment in order to escape faster.

But even so, under the frantic pursuit of the Tsarist Russian Army, a large number of Austro-Hungarian troops were still surrounded and then annihilated.

What does it mean to be defeated like a mountain? This is the current situation of the 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army.

The entire 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army has more than 200,000 remaining troops. If they stick to the line of defense and resist the attack of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army, they may be defeated. However, it wouldn't be such a miserable defeat. At least it can cause considerable losses to the Tsarist Russian Empire Army.

But now, the entire 2nd Army of the Austro-Hungarian Army is in defeat.

So much so that the Tsarist Russian Empire Army was able to win this battle cleanly at a very small cost.

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