Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 80 The Crisis Of The Ottoman Empire (Fifth, Please Subscribe!)

Ottoman Empire, Yi Si Tambul, Royal Palace.

The current ruler of the Ottoman Empire, the Sultan, Caliph Abdul Hamid II, is like an ant on a hot pot, his face is full of anger.

Every morning when he wakes up, he can receive bad news from the front line, which also makes his temper more and more irritable.

Abdul Hamid II can be regarded as a quite capable monarch. Otherwise, he would not be able to control the power of the entire Ottoman Empire. Will be reduced to a puppet like other sultans.

"Your Majesty, the Russian cavalry is rapidly advancing towards Yi Si Tanbul. At present, it is less than 50 kilometers away from here. For your safety, you must immediately evacuate Yi Si Tanbul and retreat to the Bosphorus Go to the south of the Perth Strait." The imperial prime minister looked worried. "eight fifty"

"No! I'm not going anywhere. Yi Istanbul is the capital of the empire, and I will never leave here!" Abdul Hamid II gritted his teeth and said.

Once, the city was called Constantinople and was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

After the Ottomans captured here and destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire, it has been the capital of the Ottoman Empire, witnessing the peak and decline of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Once the city falls, you don't need to think about it, what a blow it will be to the entire Ottoman Empire. Even, even his rule will be greatly affected.

Therefore, Abdul Hamid II is absolutely unwilling to leave here.

"Your Majesty, all our troops have been sent to the battlefield. However, the Russians are too strong. We have lost a lot of troops on the battlefield. At present, we have no strength to stop the Russians. We must retreat to the south of the Dardanelles Strait, the Marmara Sea and the Bosporus Strait, relying on the strait as a natural barrier to resist the Russian attack. Otherwise, there is no other way!" Foreign Minister Law Tisha suggested.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we are mobilizing more troops. We have not been completely defeated by the Russians, and we still have the strength to continue fighting the Russians. However, we need time!" General Ilhan, Minister of War, also said.

Abdul Hamid II's eyes were red: "Do you mean that we want to give up the whole of Rumelia and all the territories of the empire in Europe? If we give up these territories now, then we want to take them back again." Territory, I'm afraid it will never be possible again!"

All the top officials of the Ottoman Empire were silent, and they naturally knew this very well.

Once the Russian Empire occupied Rumelia, with the current strength of the Russian Empire and the gap between the two countries, it would be impossible for the Ottoman Empire to regain Rumelia.

But even so, they don't want to stay in Yi Sitanbul anymore.

Once the Russians call, they will be dead!

"Your Majesty, let's leave Yi Sitanbul first. We can also ask for help from the people on whom the sun never sets and the Germans. Before the sun never sets, the people promised to provide us with support. The relationship between the Germans and us is also very good. If If they are willing to help us and put pressure on the Russians, we may still get Rumelia back!" said Fatih Pasha.

Abdulhamid II couldn't help but frowned. Is he pinning his hopes on the people on whom the sun never sets and the Germans?

However, is it possible that they want to get back what they have lost on the battlefield at the negotiating table?

Perhaps, the Empire on which the sun never sets and the Germanic Empire will stand on their side in order to contain the Russian Empire.

However, if a war with the Tsarist Russian Empire were to break out, the Germans would probably not do it even if the sun never sets. For the benefit of the Ottoman Empire, let their two countries be involved in the war, let the soldiers of the two countries die, how could they agree?

Anyway, Abdul Hamid II has no hope for this.

But he had to admit that the Ottoman Empire, which had been driven to a desperate situation, seemed to have no other choice at all.

"Your Majesty, we can no longer hesitate, we have no time!" General Ilhan said.

At this moment, a general rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the Russians broke through our defense line and quickly approached Yi Si Tanbul. It is less than 30 kilometers away from Yi Si Tanbul. With the advancing speed of their cavalry, they can fight in two hours at most. We have come to Yi Si Tanbul." The general looked terrified.

A trace of worry and panic also flashed in Abdul Hamid II's eyes, and he didn't seem to expect that the situation would deteriorate so quickly.

"Your Majesty, let's set off immediately. If we are late, it will be too late. Once we all fall into the hands of the Russians, the Ottoman Empire will be over!" said the Prime Minister of the Empire.

Abdul Hamid II hesitated, but finally nodded.

Subsequently, Abdul Hamid II and a group of senior officials of the Ottoman Empire all evacuated Yi Sitanbul and fled to the south of the Bosphorus.

A large number of residents in the entire Yi Si Tanbul are also fleeing frantically.

In the Bosphorus Strait, there are almost all ships, large and small.

In this battle, the Ottoman Empire has already suffered a crushing defeat.

Not only lost a large number of troops, but even the entire Rumelia, and even their capital, will be occupied by the Tsarist Russian Empire.

At the same time, the offensive of the 4th Army of the Tsarist Russian Empire in the Caucasus region was also very smooth. The 2nd Army of the Ottoman Empire Army has been defeated, General Mehmet led the remaining troops to retreat to Van City, and 0.6 large areas of the territory fell into the hands of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army.

It can be said that the Tsarist Russian Empire has won a brilliant victory in this battle.

The Ottoman Army has lost hundreds of thousands of troops on the battlefield. The remaining troops were also fleeing in embarrassment.

The Tsarist Russian Empire Army pursued them relentlessly.

The entire Ottoman Empire has been cornered. If the Russian Empire continues to attack like this, the Ottoman Empire may collapse.

As a last resort, the Ottoman Empire could only let go of its dignity and ask for help from the Empire on which the sun never sets and the Germanic Empire, begging them to stop the Russian Empire from attacking, and to pull them three palaces at such a critical juncture.

Otherwise, the Ottoman Empire may really be finished this time. .

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