Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 82 Let Them Look Good Sooner Or Later (Seventh More, Please Subscribe!)

Tsarist Russian Empire, Moscow, Kremlin.

In Tsar Mikhail's office, an exquisite vase fell to the ground and shattered.

"Bastards! These damn bastards actually took advantage of me. They really don't know what to do!" Mikhail was very annoyed.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Tsarist Empire fought desperately with the Ottoman Army on the front line. However, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Montenegro, and the Kingdom of Greece dared to snatch the fruits of victory from the Tsarist Russian Empire, which naturally made Mikhail very annoyed.

If possible, he would like to let the frontline army turn their guns and kill them all now.

You must know that whether it is the Kingdom of Serbia or the Kingdom of Greece, they are nothing more than small countries with a population of just over two million. Compared with the Tsarist Russian Empire, it is not even a fraction. Especially in Montenegro, there are only more than 200,000 people, they are simply extremely small ants!

Such a small and weak country still dares to take advantage of the Tsarist Russian Empire at this time, it is simply life and death to the extreme!

However, Mikhail had to suppress the anger in his heart.

On the one hand, although the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have actually ceased war. Diplomatic contacts between the two sides also began. Moreover, the Germans also intend to mediate the war between the two sides. Therefore, the two sides are preparing for peace talks in Bolin. Imperial Foreign Minister Izvorski has already rushed to Berlin. At this juncture, it is not easy for the Tsarist Russian Empire to cause extra problems.

On the other hand, the war between Tsarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire is still going on, and Tsarist Russia is about to complete the scheduled combat goals. However, the war is still going on after all. At this time, the Tsarist Russian Empire was unable to mobilize more forces to devote itself to fighting other countries.

The last point is that the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Montenegro and the Kingdom of Greece are all under the banner of war against the Ottoman Empire. Among them, the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro are still countries composed of Slavs. Behind the Greek people is the empire on which the sun never sets.

Therefore, the Tsarist Russian Empire cannot act rashly now, and must be more cautious.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Greece and Montenegro are obviously provoking the empire this time. They are clearly robbing the empire of the fruits of victory. The empire absolutely cannot accept it"||. said the Minister of War, General Sukhomlinov.

"Yes! The Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro are both countries composed of Slavs, and the empire provided them with great support before. But now, they are stabbing us in the back!" Chief of the General Staff Bruhilo Admiral Husband was also full of anger.

"Their ambition to expand the territory is actually understandable. However, they are now touching the cheese of the empire, which is not something the empire can tolerate. Cabinet Prime Minister Pobie Donoschaf also said.

Almost all the high-ranking officials of the empire are very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Greece and Montenegro, who attempted to steal the fruits of victory of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

In addition, the excellent performance of the army of the Tsarist Russian Empire on the battlefield also gave them a lot of confidence, and even their waists were straightened.

This makes everyone naturally unable to tolerate the shameless behavior of these small countries.

"Gentlemen, I can understand everyone's anger. In fact, I can't wait to destroy them. However, judging from the current situation, the empire is about to start negotiations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the same time, between the empire and the Ottoman Empire The war is still going on. The enemy is now, and we need to focus on the overall situation." Mikhail said.

"Your Majesty, are we going to swallow this bad breath?" General Sukhomlinov still couldn't get over his hatred.

"Of course we can't just let it go. The most important thing for us now is to obtain favorable conditions in the negotiations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and end the war with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the same time, we must completely defeat the Ottoman Empire and complete the The empire’s predetermined goal. And, to stabilize and confirm the victory of the empire this time. After that, we have plenty of time to deal with them. They want to steal the victory of the empire, that is simply delusional!” Mikhail’s eyes Full of murderous intent.

Although, the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro are both countries composed of Slavs. However, they dare to deal with the Russian Empire at this time. Then, he will never let them go.

What's more, Mikhail's goal is to build a big empire composed of Slavs. Then, the countries composed of Slavs such as the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro are naturally also the targets of the annexation of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Serbia has a good relationship with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. King Alexander I of the Kingdom of Serbia and Prince Milan, the commander of the army, are both pro-Austro-Hungarian. Once we deal with them, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may jump again. Come out." Finance Minister Ivan Goremykin reminded.

`"The Austro-Hungarian Empire was hit hard by us this time. Even if the war is over, they will not be so easy. Even if they have a close relationship with Serbia, the Serbs will ask them for help. Is it possible that they dare to Go to war with the empire again? Next time, if they want to pass the level easily, it will not be so easy!" Mikhail looked disdainful

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a complete waste snack, with a huge population and a powerful industry. However, the internal contradictions are too serious and the internal friction is too great. So much so that their strength is nothing among many big countries.

The current Tsarist Russian Empire does not take the Austro-Hungarian Empire seriously at all.

"Your Majesty, the sun never sets behind the Greek people, but we need to be vigilant." Ten thousand Goremykin continued.

"The Xiwa people are nothing to worry about. However, the people on whom the sun never sets are indeed very strong. However, the strength of the people on whom the sun never sets (Nuozhao's) lies in their navy. The current imperial navy is not yet powerful. Opponents are even more unable to compete with the people who never set the sun. However, the Imperial Army does not need to be afraid of the people who never set the sun. If the people who never set the sun dare to intervene, or even dare to send the army to join the battle, the Imperial Army will definitely be able to hit them hard!" Miha Earl looked confident.

Indeed, there is a huge gap between the navy of the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the sun never sets. However, the armies of both sides are not at the same level.

The Tsarist Russian Empire Army can completely crush the Empire Army on which the sun never sets. This is true no matter in terms of scale or combat effectiveness.

"Okay, gentlemen, let's put aside the matter of those small countries for the time being. Let's talk about the most urgent issue first. We will make them pay the price sooner or later!" Mikhail ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the ministers answered one after another. .

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