Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 91 Never Back Down (Sixteenth More, Please Subscribe!)

The Tsarist Russian Empire took Rumelia with great difficulty and realized the goal of the entire empire to find an outlet to the sea for many years. How could it give up so easily? In other words, in order to keep Rumelia, the Tsarist Russian Empire has already spared no effort to fight.

The empire on which the sun never sets naturally regards the Tsarist Russian Empire as its great enemy, and wants to prevent the Tsarist Russian Empire from gaining access to the sea. The territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire is too vast, the population is too large, and the resources are too rich. Even if the Tsarist Russian Empire is trapped on the Eurasian continent, it can develop into a powerful country only by relying on domestic resources. Once the Tsarist Russian Empire begins to set foot in the sea, it will inevitably pose a huge threat to the hegemony of the empire on which the sun never sets. Therefore, they will do their best to chase and intercept the Tsarist Empire and stop the Tsarist Empire.

The Ottoman Empire naturally hoped to regain Rumelia and Yi Si Tanbul with the support of the Empire on which the sun never sets. But now it seems that this is undoubtedly very difficult.

Negotiations have directly entered a stalemate.

Fortunately, as a diplomat, you can't act on your emotions in 02, and you must stay rational at all times.

Therefore, Izvorski, Robert Cecil and Fatih Pasha saw that the negotiation could not continue, so they proposed to temporarily suspend the negotiation to let everyone calm down

Negotiations continued the next day. However, because of the resolute refusal of the Tsarist Russian Empire to back down, the negotiations still failed to make any progress.

Robert Cecil stood in front of the window of the conference room, looking out at the Bosporus Strait, and said to Izvorski.

"Your Excellency, the Tsarist Russian Empire has always wanted to find an outlet to the sea, a good ice-free port. The empire is very clear about this. However, the Tsarist Russian Empire is too greedy to do so. You already have the world's largest The land is now, and it has the largest population in the world, so there is no need to compete for the ocean anymore.

If the Tsarist Russian Empire can realize this and give up voluntarily. Well, that would mean world peace. It's the best for both of us, and for all the nations of the world!"

Robert Cecil said sincerely.

"Your Excellency, the Tsarist Russian Empire is also qualified to pursue maritime interests. On this point, even the empire on which the sun never sets cannot stop us!" Izvorsky shook his head repeatedly.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil smiled, and then continued: "Your Excellency, look outside!"

Isivorski went to the window, but then his face became very ugly.

I saw that in the Bosporus Strait, nine huge battleships like hills, under the protection of a group of cruisers, looked so majestic and powerful

A series of large-caliber naval guns have already aimed at Yisi Tanbul.

"Your Excellency, the empire on which the sun never sets is the world's hegemon. We have developed on the sea for many years. No country in the world can challenge us. Any country that tries to challenge us will be destroyed by us. Tsarist Russia Empire If you want to do this, there is no exception. In the Bosporus Strait, there are only nine "Majestic" battleships that the Imperial Navy has just commissioned. In the Aegean Sea, the Imperial Navy still has 11 battleships and ten battleships. In addition, in the shipyard of the Imperial Navy, there are still a large number of battleships under construction. Even if the Tsarist Russian Empire captured Rumelia and set foot in the ocean, then the Tsarist Russian Empire can really challenge the sun never sets on the sea Empire?

At that time, I'm afraid it will all be nothing in the end. Moreover, the navy is very expensive, and each warship needs a lot of money. If the Tsarist Russian Empire wants to vigorously develop its navy, it must invest a lot of money. But even so, it is also not the opponent of the Imperial Royal Navy. If so, then why bother?

Robert Cecil looked like he was thinking about the Russian Empire.

But in fact, the confidence and pride on his face could not be concealed.

The strength of the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets makes the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is not afraid of the challenges of any powerful country in the sea.

However, the Tsarist Russian Empire was also a powerful country after all. It would be best if the Tsarist Russian Empire could voluntarily give up its challenge to the empire on which the sun never sets.

Izvorski's complexion is very ugly, the sun never sets, this is completely ignoring the Tsarist Empire, wanting to let the Tsarist Empire retreat in spite of difficulties!

"The Tsarist Russian Empire has no ambition to challenge the hegemony of the Empire on which the sun never sets. We are just looking for another ice-free harbor. No one can stop us!" Izvorski's attitude was very firm, as if he had not been caught The sun never sets and people are frightened.

"Your Excellency, you are too stubborn. This is not good!" Robert Cecil shook his head again and again.

After a while, Robert Cecil made another suggestion.

"According to the "Treaty of Foggy City" signed at the beginning, the naval warships of the Tsarist Russian Empire cannot pass through the Bosporus Strait. If the Tsarist Russian Empire is willing to give up Rumelia, we can abolish this treaty. In this case, for the Tsarist Russian Empire , there will be no impact." Robert Cecil said.

Yizifuer827ski still shook his head.

Even if the "Treaty of Fog City" signed at the beginning was abolished, the strait was in the hands of the Ottomans, and the warships of the Tsarist Russian Empire wanted to pass through the strait, but they were still monitored by the Ottomans. Even, it will be blocked.

If the Tsarist Empire swallows Rumelia and Yi Istanbul. Then, the strait will be in the hands of the Russian Empire. In this case, when the warships of the Tsarist Russian Empire pass through the strait again

You will no longer be restricted, and you will no longer have to look at people's faces.

Seeing Izvorski rejecting his proposal one after another, Robert Cecil's face was also very ugly.

"Okay, Your Excellency, the Empire has one last suggestion. That is, the Russian Empire can retain most of the territory of Rumelia, but the coastline must be handed over to the Ottoman Empire." Robert Cecil said.

Under the circumstances that the Tsarist Russian Empire refused to back down, he could only continue to make concessions and retreated to the next best thing.

However, Izivorski still refused.

For the Tsarist Russian Empire, the most important thing in the entire Rumelia is the coastal area. Here, it will be the main anchorage of the Tsarist Russian Empire Navy in the future. Lost these coastal areas, what should the Tsarist Empire do?

Therefore, if the sun never sets, people who want the Tsarist Russian Empire to retreat are doomed to waste their efforts. .

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