Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 93 Force The Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets (18Th More, Please Subscribe!)

"There must be nothing wrong with the Tianzhu Peninsula! We must not allow the Russians to invade the Tianzhu Peninsula. Otherwise, there will be very big trouble!" The Minister of Indian Affairs, Lord George Hamilton, reacted most violently.

If the Tianzhu colony is attacked, it may even be taken away by the Russians. Doesn't he, the Minister of Indian Affairs, exist in name only?

"The Tianzhu colony is the core interest of the empire, and it must not be lost!" Sir Frederick Richards, the Secretary of the Navy, was also very firm.

Financial support from the Tianzhu Peninsula has become an important source of military expenditure for the empire on which the sun never sets. Without the support of these funds, the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the sun never sets would not be able to build warships on a large scale, nor would it be possible to maintain such a large scale.

Don't you see, another empire in time and space on which the sun never sets has completely declined after Tianzhu Peninsula became independent? In the extremely powerful Royal Navy, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left.

It can be seen how important the Tianzhu Peninsula is to the empire on which the sun never sets.

You know, the empire on which the sun never sets now earns as much as 100 million pounds or more from the Tianzhu Peninsula every year. And the local fiscal revenue of the empire on which the sun never sets is only 110 million pounds a year.

"The cabinet will issue an order. The Ministry of War will order the troops stationed in the Tianzhu Peninsula to enter a state of combat readiness. And, prepare to send more troops to the Tianzhu Peninsula. The natives of the Tianzhu Peninsula must also be mobilized." Minister of War, Marquis Lansdowne also said.

Although, the strength of the Imperial Army on which the sun never sets is not very good. The Tsarist Russian Empire Army performed even more prominently in this battle. It is very difficult for the Imperial Army on which the sun never sets to defeat the Russian Imperial Army. But even so, in order to keep the colonies of the Tianzhu Peninsula, the Imperial Army on which the sun never sets must summon up courage and prepare to fight desperately with the Tsarist Russian Imperial Army.

Sir Michael Beach nodded. The Tsarist Russian Empire was preparing to launch an attack on the Tianzhu Peninsula. This undoubtedly touched the scale of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, and it was absolutely unbearable for the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

"Gentlemen, maybe things are not so bad. The Russians have put on a stance to march on the Tianzhu Peninsula. However, after all, they have not launched an attack, and there is still room for recovery (acdj). They are probably doing this because they want to Let's deal with the negotiations in Tanbul, Yisi. The negotiations are not progressing at present. Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, is very tough, and he does not hesitate to threaten the Russian Empire with force. Under such circumstances, the Russians are ready to attack the Tianzhu Peninsula [should be Just to get us to back down," said Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain.

The other cabinet ministers nodded again and again. Everyone is not a fool, and it is easy to guess the purpose of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

However, this still made them very angry.

As world hegemons, they cannot tolerate someone who can threaten them with their core interests, which is absolutely unacceptable.

"So, gentlemen, what shall we do now? Go to war with the Russians, or hold back for a while?" asked Sir Michael Beach.

If possible, they naturally want to go to war against the Russians, and let the Tsarist Russian Empire know the consequences of daring to provoke the overlord.

However, war would also cause huge losses to the empire on which the sun never sets. This is especially true when fighting against a powerful country like the Tsarist Russian Empire.

"If possible, we'd better resolve this matter peacefully. Once the empire goes to war with the Tsarist Empire, the Imperial Navy can block the Tsarist Empire. It can even bombard the coastal cities of the Tsarist Empire. However, for the Tsarist Empire, it will not Dealing a fatal blow. Their territory is too vast and their population too large. It is difficult for the empire to hurt them.

Coupled with the combat power of the Tsarist Russian Empire Army, compared to before, it can be said that there has been a radical change. The combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. Combined with their huge population, they can easily mobilize millions of troops. It is undoubtedly very difficult for us to defeat them on land.

Furthermore, once the Russians launch an attack on the Tianzhu Peninsula, it will be difficult for us to completely keep them out of the Tianzhu Peninsula. Once the flames of war burned on the Tianzhu Peninsula. Even if we defeat the Russians in the end, the loss outweighs the gain. Those Tianzhu natives are not so honest. "

Lord Lansdowne, Secretary of State for War, said.

If there is no other choice, for the sake of the Tianzhu Peninsula, even if it is a war with the Tsarist Russian Empire, it will not hesitate.

But if the situation can be eased, war can naturally be avoided, which is the best.

"That's right, the natives of Tianzhu are not as obedient as before. Their national awakening has already begun. Once a war breaks out, it may further promote their national awakening. If the war can be avoided, it is undoubtedly for us It is the most beneficial!" Lord George Hamilton, Minister of Indian Affairs, also echoed.

"If we compromise and give in to the Russians this time, will they make progress?" Sir Frederick Richards, Secretary of the Navy, had different opinions.

After all, once the navy of the Tsarist Russian Empire is allowed to enter the Mediterranean Sea, it will be a great threat to the Royal Navy of the Empire on which the sun never sets.

"There is no way around this. What's more, we are only compromising temporarily. If there is a chance in the future, we can make full preparations and directly kill the Tsarist Empire, and we will not give them another chance!" Colonial Minister Joseph Chamberlain said.

Sir Michael Beach, the chancellor of the exchequer, also nodded repeatedly.

"Well, gentlemen, if you have no objections, then report this situation and the cabinet's opinion to the Prime Minister." Sir Michael Beach said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" All the ministers answered one after another.

Soon, Robert Cecil, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Empire on which the sun never sets, who was still in Yi Si Tanbul, learned of the cabinet's briefing.

Knowing that the Tsarist Russian Empire dared to threaten them with an attack on the Tianzhu Peninsula, this naturally made Robert Cecil furious.

"Damn Russians, they are looking for death!" Robert Cecil was extremely angry.

However, soon Robert Cecil calmed down.

He knew very well that the Tsarist Russian Empire had really hit the weakness of the Empire on which the sun never sets this time.

Facing the threat of the Russian Empire, they had to compromise. .

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