Tsarist Russia: Please Call Me Your Majesty The Tsar

Chapter 96 The 7Th Army Group (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

"Gentlemen, my plan is to place the Balkans under the direct rule of the Empire. Although the Balkans are still separated from the Empire by the Kingdom of Romania. However, the Black Sea is now almost completely under the control of the Empire. We It is possible to connect the mainland of the empire with the Balkans by sea.

Even, we may not have the opportunity to annex the Kingdom of Romania in the future. This time, the Kingdom of Romania let go of its borders and allowed the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to cross their territory to attack the Empire. This is already an enemy of the Empire. The empire can take advantage of a great victory, threaten the Kingdom of Romania, and demand benefits. "

Mikhail said to the ministers.

All the ministers nodded repeatedly. The Kingdom of Romania is just a small country with a population of more than eight million. Although, they have been vacillating between the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire before. But this time, the Tsarist Russian Empire severely damaged the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As long as the Romanians are not stupid, they will know that the Tsarist Russian Empire is stronger.

Of course, the relationship between the Kingdom of Romania and the German Empire is relatively close. In the Second World War in another time and space, they were even called the Fourth Axis, providing a large amount of oil and other materials to the Germanic Empire. Otherwise, the army of the Germanic Empire would not be so brave.

With the strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire, if the time is right, it can completely swallow the Kingdom of Romania. Before the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Romania didn't even have a chance to resist. Big deal, just immigrate to the Kingdom of Romania at that time. Anyway, the territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire is vast, and some Romanian residents can be moved out and some Slavs can be moved in. That's it.

In this era, a large population was also a huge advantage of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

Of course, even if the Tsarist Russian Empire now has a population of more than 120 million, it is already the most populous country in the Western world. However, in Mikhail's eyes, this is still far from enough. Next, he plans to further stimulate population growth, so that the population of the Tsarist Russian Empire will continue to maintain rapid development. It is best to increase the population of the Tsarist Russian Empire to about 500 million within a few decades. In that case, the Tsarist Russian Empire will have the foundation to dominate the world.

"Except for the Balkans currently occupied by the empire, the Kingdom of Serbia on the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro, and the states controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire all belong to the Slavs. One day, the empire will unify the entire Slavic world. These areas may become the territory of the empire in the future. Now the empire directly rules the Balkans, which will help the empire to further expand the territory of this area." Mikhail continued.

Mikhail still did not forget his goal, which was to unify the entire Slavic world. In that case, the Tsarist Russian Empire will be greatly improved both in terms of territory and population. It will be easier for the Tsarist Russian Empire to compete for world hegemony in the future.

The ministers of the Tsarist Russian Empire naturally had bright eyes on this and fully supported it.

If they can see the rise of the Tsarist Empire in their lifetime, they will undoubtedly die without regret.

"Your Majesty, the Empire defeated the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire in this battle. At the same time, it also angered the Empire on which the sun never sets. They will definitely be very dissatisfied with the Empire's occupation of the Balkan Peninsula. The Austro-Hungarian Empire will definitely make great efforts in the future." Developing military power, they want to seek revenge from the Empire. And the Ottoman Empire is the same. They will not accept that the entire Rumelia region is occupied by the Empire. Coupled with the fact that the sun never sets, they will inevitably regard the Balkans controlled by the Empire as their own. It is a thorn in the side. The situation in the entire Balkan region may still be very tense. To ensure the safety of the Balkan region, the empire must deploy a very strong military force." Chief of General Staff General Brusilov reminded road.

Mikhail nodded again and again, but he knew that the Balkan Peninsula was called a powder keg in another time and space. Another space-time world war broke out from here.

Moreover, there are still several battles that took place here. The entire Balkan Peninsula can be described as the site of the Four World Wars. If the Tsarist Russian Empire wants to completely swallow the Balkan Peninsula and ensure the stability here, it must garrison a fairly powerful force.

Even the current countries on the Balkan Peninsula are just small countries. The Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Greece only have a population of just over two million. Montenegro has a population of just over 200,000. Even the Kingdom of Romania has a population of just over five million.

However, don't forget that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is one of the world's powerful countries with a population of tens of millions. Although the Ottoman Empire has weakened, its population is still as high as nearly 30 million.

Especially the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsarist Russian Empire are now enemies.

Once given the chance, they will definitely launch an attack on the Balkan Peninsula.

This also made it necessary for the Tsarist Russian Empire to deploy a fairly strong military force.

"How about this, the ten infantry divisions mobilized by the Imperial Army, and from the troops under the General Staff, the enemy's heavy artillery brigade and a cavalry brigade form the 7th Army. The Balkans are the 7th Army's defense zone. 377 Mikhail said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" replied General Brusilov and General Sukhomlinov, Minister of War.

It is enough for the 7th Army to garrison the Balkans. Unless the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire really went to war against the Russian Empire. Otherwise, the rule of the Tsarist Russian Empire in the Balkans would be very stable.

Even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire went to war against the Tsarist Empire again, the troops of the Tsarist Empire stationed in the Balkans would still be able to persist until the Tsarist Empire sent reinforcements to arrive.

"And, until the situation in the Balkans stabilizes, the 1st Army is temporarily stationed in the Balkans. After the situation stabilizes, it will gradually withdraw." Mikhail continued.

In this case, the Tsarist Russian Empire has stationed two army groups in the Balkans, which is enough to deal with all crises.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Both Admiral Brusilov and General Sukhomlinov had no objection to this.

Although, another group army was added, bringing the field troops of the Tsarist Russian Empire to 7 group armies, with more than 1.4 million people. However, the Tsarist Russian Empire received a large amount of war indemnity in this battle, which can fully support the expenditure of the army. Therefore, the cabinet has no objection to this. .

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