Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 126 The Dark Lord's Man

London, England.

The underground chamber of the Capitol.

On the ceiling, the huge crystal chandelier scattered bright lights, as if silently highlighting the supreme status of this building, silently declaring war on people...

On the long oval conference table, the members of the international anti-terrorism federal government are all present, sitting neatly in two rows on the side of the conference table.

Even though they are members of the National Assembly, they gathered in such a grand gathering, and they should be arrogant, but they all sat upright like elementary school students, looking at the people directly opposite each other, and didn't even dare to move.

And all this, just because ---

The man sitting at the front of the conference table.


I saw ---

The man was wearing a black suit, just like the black robe of the King of Darkness. It was cut perfectly and concisely, but it could overturn the entire dark world.

Under the short black and capable broken hair, he has the most perfect cheeks like God's favorite son.

Cold eyebrows, deep black eyes, noble and luxurious, elegant and charming, but exuding the most terrifying deadly oppression...

Of course, no one knew that the man's face was actually wearing a mask.

In other words, everyone on the underworld talked about the dark fire King of Fire, but no one had ever seen his true face. Of course, no one knew what the name of the Fire King was.

There are even rumors that Fire King is a bad old man in his seventies~~


When all the old guys who have already stepped into the coffin saw that the culprit who made all their countries fly like dogs and dogs turned out to be such a young and handsome man, their mood was really chilling~ ~

After all, they really struggled and intrigue all their lives before they could climb to where they are today...

Behind the man, there were two other people standing on the left and the right, Jason and Dylan in the dark fire, men who were also shocking.


It's already three minutes past eight o'clock, and this negotiation, as agreed, will start at eight o'clock.

Jason was obviously the first to lose his temper.

The domineering step forward caused all the old guys on the conference table to tremble, and they couldn't help but lean back to ask for it.

Obviously, among the three men, Jason seems to have the hottest temper, and whoever's head might be blown open in the next second~~

Jason rolled his angry eyes with disgust, Chi/Guoguo's contempt, Chi Guoguo's contempt, then leaned over to Ji Tianming's ear.

All the councilors watched Jason say something to the man, and after that, the man, who had no expression on his face, actually smiled, smiled...

However, they laughed so hard that the hearts of the crowd suddenly rose to their throats, and the breath that they had held slightly was completely suffocated.


With Ji Tianming's cold black eyes, Ling Ran glanced around, and finally, his shuddering gaze fell directly on the opposite side of the conference table---the seat that had been vacant all this time...

very good.

The man's reddish thin lips hooked slightly, but a layer of even colder air appeared.

The bright lights that fell on the entire conference hall were forced back, and a layer of cold and dark haze was enveloped, invading the body and freezing the blood flowing from the people...

It seems that these old guys want to give him a blow first.

The thin lips of the man's sneer were raised again, and the congressmen on the conference table were so frightened that they almost had a heart attack and high blood pressure.


Suddenly, there was a "chi"---

The councilors, whose faces were livid from fright, looked as if they were about to die. As if seeing a life-saving straw, they all looked at the brown door behind the man that was slowly opening.

"唰" all of a sudden---

The legislators, whose legs were weakened by Ji Tianming's scare, decided to find a backer. Qiqi stood up from the chair, stood at attention and nodded slightly to the person who walked in.

I saw a man in his fifties walking in through the brown-yellow door---

Ricky, the most senior member of the International Anti-Terrorist Federal Government, behind him, there are two escorts, one on the left and one on the right.

Karen, the captain of the International Anti-Terrorist Special Forces.

Bai Xue, the only female member of the International Anti-Terrorist Special Team.


Now, everyone is here.

Ricky nodded to his companions on the conference table, and then sat down collectively, with their backs straightened.

I saw Dylan and Jason laughing together.

It's that kind of mocking smile, this group of hypocritical politicians, TMD is really disgusting.


Only the man who had been sitting was sizing up the person across from him, with a piercing coldness in his cold eyes.


When Ji Tianming saw the woman standing opposite him, his cold-killing aura suddenly fluttered! There was also a fissure in the cold eyes!

At the same time, the woman's eyes also looked straight over.

A head of long hair that fell straight like ink was tied up high, revealing that cold and charming cheek that was so cold that it was hard to take one's eyes away.

The woman's dark and cold eyes met the man's sight without fear, and the hatred and hatred of justice towards evil were revealed in her eyes!


Ji Tianming's black eyes turned coldly, and he once again looked at Ruiqi who was opposite him.

At that moment just now, in less than a second before and after, no one noticed anything unusual...

"Negotiations begin now."

Ricky's sophisticated voice spread out in the huge conference hall.

With a sound of "chi", the brown door was closed tightly again with the sound of a heavy lock.

Accompanied by this, the hearts of the old guys who had been hanging on for a long time also fell back into their hearts, and some people began to show ugly and wicked smiles like mice on their ashen faces...

Ji Tianming saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and the coldness on his cheeks recovered, and the shudder became even more compelling.

Sure enough, this negotiation was really a grand banquet.

However, the trick of catching a turtle in a urn is used by a group of blond and blue-eyed foreign old men. I am afraid that if it is not used well, it will cause trouble for the upper body...


"Having said so much, what compensation do you want?"

After a group of old guys fell silent, and at the end they wanted to fight each other, scrambling to count how much the terrorist riot in the Middle East brought to their respective countries at Ji Tianming ---

With a black and charming figure, Ji Tianming leaned back coldly, staring at the red-faced people at the table, and asked in a cold voice.

All of a sudden, the politicians at the conference table fell silent again.

Originally, they were still thinking about how to talk about the issue of compensation for the loss, but they didn't expect that the Fire King of Dark Fire would bring it up first, which made them suddenly feel that they were a bit of a villain.


A cold voice oozes from the man's thin lips, and the question is compelling.


(My dears, the boss is coming out, so I’m not excited~! I haven’t seen the first part of Tsundere Star Mom, Tutu recommends watching it, "The God of Men Strikes: Adorable Wife Buy One Get Two"~ Forgive the rabbit for being so Late update, the dormitory is disconnected again, the rabbit covers his face and walks away...)

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