Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 136 Qian Qian fell into the swimming pool!

The three people who walked into the reception together chatted while walking,

"Sister, do you know that goddess?"

"Which goddess?"

Ji Tianmo followed the little white rabbit's heart-warming eyes and looked over.

Sure enough, he saw the graceful figure of his old lady.

Ji Tianmo touched the little white rabbit's head, and said very seriously,

"Little White Rabbit, that goddess is our relative..."


No wonder I thought you two looked very, very alike at first glance! "

A certain little white rabbit screamed excitedly.

A certain sister and brother who were looking at each other quietly jumped a few times with their eyelids aligned...


Among the whispering crowd---

A gaze has been falling on that charming figure like a lotus in water. From the moment Ai Qianqian got off the car, she never looked away.

Looking obsessively at the smiling little face, the crooked eyebrows and eyes were shining with a light that no longer belonged to him, and his burning heart was once again in pain.

Sure enough, that night, he really read correctly, the man who took Qianqian away was the man who was hugging Qianqian now---Ji Sanshao!

He has also found out that during this time, Ji Tianqi has been living in Qianqian's house...

Just now, the attitude of Mrs. Ji and Miss Ji's family towards Qianqian...

Could it be that Qianqian is really with Ji Tianqi?

Eyes turn slightly ---

In the crowd, the gazes of the two men met coldly.

With Ji Tianqi's savage black eyes, he cast a contemptuous glance at Mu Zinan who was also looking at him in the crowd, and then turned his head indifferently.

He will never forgive someone who hurts Qianqian...


"Ji Moji, where is the bathroom?"

Ai Qianqian tugged at the corner of Ji Tianqi's clothes, and asked in a low voice with embarrassment.

"Honey, I'll take you there."

Ji Tianqi held Ai Qianqian's hand and was about to leave while talking.

Ai Qianqian hastily pushed aside the man's big hand, and jumped back a step, her flushed face and cheeks puffed up and she whispered,

"don't want!

Ji Moji, tell me where the bathroom is, and I'll go by myself.

I go by my own! "

Ai Qianqian finally repeated it very firmly.

Seeing the little girl's dodging movements, Ji Tianqi couldn't laugh or cry,

"Where's Lin Xiaoru? Then let her accompany you."

Ai Qianqian rolled her eyes,

"Sister Xiaoru was dragged away by Director Tang just now.

Ji Moji, I'm not a child, tell me where the bathroom is! "

I'm so anxious~~~


Ji Tianqi was looking around, where did the old lady who was here just now go?

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Ai Qianqian's swollen little face.

Ji Tianqi's eyelids twitched, and he quickly pointed the little white rabbit to the bathroom in the garden.

Ai Qianqian turned her head and ran towards the bathroom.

Seeing that delicate figure running wildly, Ji Tianqi wanted to rub the long-haired hand, but he lightly shook it and let it go, smiling dotingly and shouting,

"Qianqian, run slowly, don't run so fast---"

Still wearing a skirt...

Ji Tianqi didn't shout out the second half of the sentence.

Listening to the broken thoughts of the man behind him, the corners of Ai Qianqian's eyes twitched bitterly, thinking secretly,

Smelly, grinding, grinding.

It's all your fault, slow down, I don't know people have three urgencies~~~



Sure enough, the personal problem was solved, and I felt relaxed.

Ai Qianqian bypassed the swimming pool on the side of the garden, and walked back with her skirt slightly lifted, admiring the luxurious and grand reception garden.

Gorgeous night lights, swaying lights, not dazzling, not ostentatious, softly sprinkled in the garden under the night scene, elegant and charming.

Ai Qianqian turned her beautiful eyes, and saw male gods who were smiling evilly at her in the crowd not far away, and---

That tall and straight white figure looked at her tenderly.

Just now, when Ai Qianqian went to the bathroom, the group of male gods who had been gossiping all the time rushed up to surround Ji San.

Ai Qianqian raised her pink lips, raised her hand and waved at the men in the crowd, her brisk steps became more joyful.

Ji Tianqi also pushed aside the gossip girls who surrounded him in disgust, and was about to walk towards the little woman.



Ai Qianqian's happy steps froze all of a sudden!

Then I heard a "squeak" from behind---

The icy silk skirt of the evening dress that was dragged on the grass instantly opened a long wound, splitting from the side to above the knee, exposing the woman's white and attractive thighs.

At the reception, the people who were chatting casually all looked over.

The women, who had been jealous for a long time, wanted to burst out laughing when they saw Ai Qianqian's embarrassment, but the men instantly fixed their eyes on the alluring snow white with greedy eyes.

Ai Qianqian panicked all of a sudden.

In a hurry, she wanted to cover her exposed thighs, but she didn't expect that the hem of the skirt caught by something under her feet would pull her back with force.


Ai Qianqian exclaimed.

The high heels under my feet twisted, and my whole body couldn't maintain my balance, so I fell into the swimming pool beside me!

Ai Qianqian's eyes widened for a moment, and she saw the transparent and cold water in the swimming pool below her, she closed her eyes tightly in shock, waiting for the moment when she fell into the water without a doubt. ...


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Not only did Ai Qianqian not feel the icy cold and suffocation of being drowned in water, on the contrary, she was surrounded by warmth all over her body.

There is also a faint refreshing fragrance of mint grass, which soothes the panicked heart.

mint grass...

On Ai Qianqian's already pale face, her tightly closed eyelids opened a gap trembling slightly.

In the soft yellow light, Ai Qianqian saw the man who was holding her tightly in his arms.

That monstrously handsome face was full of tension, worry, fear, and distress...

Undisguisedly released from those black eyes.

Ji Moji...

For some reason, at this moment, Ai Qianqian suddenly wanted to cry.

In the soft light, a thin layer of mist floated on those bright eyes, which gently rippled away...

Just now, at the moment when Ai Qianqian was about to fall into the water---

Everyone saw that the white figure in the crowd rushed towards Ai Qianqian like a gust of cold wind.

With a strong pull, he tightly grasped the woman's fallen wrist, and pulled it into his arms.

When everyone hadn't recovered, Ji Tianqi had already firmly hugged the sweet girl in his arms.


Looking at Ai Qianqian's reddened eyes, Ji Tianqi's heart ached, but he parted his mouth, and chuckled enchantingly,

"Honey, it's okay, it's okay, let's not cry~"

With that said, Ji Tianqi took off his white suit and put it on Ai Qianqian.

In the crowd, the two women who had been hiding behind and watching, looked at each other viciously with jealous eyes, cursed something with gritted teeth...


(Babies, it's four o'clock, give the rabbit a reward~ Meme~)

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