Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 166 You Are My Best Actress Forever

"Next, please invite the special guest tonight to present the Best Actress of this year's Dae Bell Awards!


Mr. Ji Tianqi! "

When the host called out the name of the special guest, there was a shocking blankness for a second in the award ceremony scene, which was full of cheers!

She's no weaker than when the host just announced that Ai Qianqian won the Best Actress!

Because, everyone present, there is no one who does not know that the biggest boss in this circle is none other than Ji Sanshao, the president of the Ji Group.

However, Ji Sanshao has never been interested in this kind of awards show. Before, the organizers of the party didn't know how much work they had done, so they didn't invite this big Buddha because of crying and begging.

When they saw Ji Sanshao with his arms around Ai Qianqian in the outfield, everyone thought it was just a whim of the perverse young master who came here to play.

However, no one expected that Ji Sanshao would be the special guest of tonight's Big Bell Awards, presenting the Best Actress award!

Ji Sanshao, Ai Qianqian, what is the relationship between them...


on the stage---

Ai Qianqian was stunned.

Looking at the man under the luxurious spotlights under the stage, he emptied his head again, and suddenly remembered that he had dinner last night, and he was nestling on the sofa with her in his arms, watching her performance of "Prince of the Golden Age".

Ji Tianqi kissed Ai Qianqian, and said contentedly,

"Daughter-in-law, brother will walk the red carpet with you tomorrow night~"

Ai Qianqian was watching the show fascinated, suddenly turned around,

"Ji Moji, are you going to participate in the Grand Bell Awards too?"

Ai Qianqian no longer cared about what a certain man called her.

Ji Tianqi nodded excitedly.


Ai Qianqian's questioning tone was strongly suspicious, and the meaning was obvious ---

What does the Grand Bell Award have to do with you...?

Ji Tianqi laughed so hard that Ai Qianqian shuddered,

"Go to present the awards!"

Ai Qianqian was full of disgust, she didn't believe it at all, and dealt with it with a snort,

"Are you giving awards to others, or are they giving awards to you?"

Ji Tianqi blurted out,

"I'll present an award to my daughter-in-law!"

Ai Qianqian reached out her claws and grabbed Ji Tianqi's ears,

"Ji Moji, why are you so unreliable?"

Ai Qianqian leaned on Ji Tianqi's shoulder and giggled, not taking what Ji Tianqi just said seriously at all.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm serious... ah... little white rabbit, stop pulling..."

A certain man covered his ears and quickly shut up.

A certain woman gave a certain man a very arrogant look, the corners of her pink lips couldn't hide the smile,

"I told you to brag..."

"Daughter-in-law, I really... ah, it hurts~~~"



"The evildoer deserves it~~"

"young married woman……"


It turns out that what Ji Moji said is true...

Ai Qianqian stared at him blankly, and walked towards her step by step.

Under the spotlight ---

The man was wearing a perfectly tailored black suit, with a figure of golden proportions, exuding an ascetic temptation.

Evil cheeks, every outline, as if carved by the hand of God himself, black smoky eyes, evil charm, thin red cold lips, heart-eating, one glance is enough to devour the soul.

But he was the only one who smiled at her with such tenderness...


The moment Ji Tianqi stepped onto the awards stage, the stunned entertainers off the stage were so excited that they wished their hands would rot.

Amidst the applause, Ai Qianqian forgot to breathe...

Ji Tianqi held the best actress trophy with his back to the auditorium, and walked up to Ai Qianqian.

The faint scent of mint grass swept over, awakening Ai Qianqian's chaotic mind.

Fortunately, Ai Qianqian still remembered that she was on the stage of the Grand Bell Awards, she did not do anything "excessive", and could only look at the man standing in front of her.


Ji Tianqi smiled evilly, and gently handed the trophy for best actress to Ai Qianqian's hand.

Off the stage, the roaring applause became more and more heated!

The scene reached its climax tonight!

According to the award ceremony etiquette, the presenter will hug the winner.

Without exception, Ji Tianqi hugged the stiff little woman.

But at the moment when he let go, Ji Tianqi gently pressed against the woman's milk-like smooth skin, and said softly with a voice that only she could hear,

"Qianqian, you are my best heroine forever."

The man's thin and evil red lips seemed to touch that charming little face unintentionally, and then he let go of the woman he was embracing.

The stiff body trembled emotionally.

His eyes, the pure black eyes, reflected her silhouette.


Applause, cheers, and the climax of the music on the stereo...

Ai Qianqian couldn't hear anything.

The golden dazzling powder fell freely from the ceiling of the stage, blooming golden and luxurious romantic flowers all over the place.

The four eyes are facing each other, staring at each other.

At this moment, it seemed that only she and him were left in the whole world.

The only background music is his sentence,

Qianqian, you are my best heroine forever.


After the awards were presented, the host He Zhiqing also interacted with the award presenters as before.

Everyone knows that Ji Tianqi is the president of Ji's Group, and Ai Qianqian is the latest signed artist under Ji's Group.

So regarding this question, He Zhiqing smiled and asked,

"Mr. Ji, do you have anything to say to Best Actress?"

Ji Tianqi glanced at the woman beside him, smiled slightly, and then turned to the auditorium.

Everyone in the audience was stunned!

Ji Sanshao is... is he laughing... is he laughing?


Ji Tianqi picked up the microphone and said softly,

"I'll always be with her."

I will always watch over her...

The man's sexy voice spread to every corner of the scene, constantly going back and forth.

It is only natural for a boss to protect his employees.

People, that's how it explains itself.

However, Ai Qianqian knew what Ji Tianqi was talking about.

Under the trembling eyelashes, there was a thin layer of mist, flowing slowly in this bustling light, full of all the promises he made to her...

Ji Moji...

At that moment, the smile was like a flower.

On the stage, that stunning flaming red is like a newborn rose, blooming brilliantly...

At this moment, the music at the awards ceremony also played the theme song of "Princess of the Flourishing Age" starring Ai Qianqian.


One speck of dust, one Bodhi,

A shooting star and you,

Hold it wholeheartedly in the palm of your hand,



In the auditorium, Tang Yu was taking pictures with his mobile phone, while posting photos online,

"Ji San*** is so boring, I'm so in admiration!"

He actually hid until now, no wonder he didn't even fart in Linekong that day, and kept it hidden from them.

In an instant, the screen refreshed again!


(Haha, babes, the special guest is not Ji Shaojue, but the film king is about to make his debut~~hoho~)

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