Holding his warm palm tightly, letting the tears swirl in her eyes, she asked him with a light smile.


Outside the window, the sunlight falling into the room is covered by the blowing curtains.

With tears streaming down his face, Ji Tianmiao quietly looked at Mo Li who was sleeping soundly on the bed, thinking of her and his previous days.

I still remember that every Friday night, she would fly from City A to the base.

Then she lay on Mo Li's bed and waited for him to come back from training. At that time, she really felt that she was Mo Li's wife.

At the very beginning, Mo Li would mercilessly lift her out of the bed, and then throw her into her own room like trash.

In fact, Miaomiao's room is next door to Moli's room, of course, this is what Ji Tianmiao asked for.

Later, Ji Tianmiao couldn't remember when Mo Li didn't dislike her jumping on his bed.

But he still warned her not to disturb him to sleep. At that time, Ji Tianmiao's head was lighting up like a chicken pecking at rice.


Then, just like now, when Mo Li was sleeping on the bed, Ji Tianmiao stood next to him and stared at him with big eyes that were rounder than a lantern.

Mo Li is very honest when he sleeps, no, it should be said that he is like a wooden man--

Unmoving, lying flat on the bed.

Ji Tianmiao waited for Mo Li to fall asleep, and then began to behave like Monkey King in Mo Li's room.

After a while, he jumped into the closet and said that he was tidying up Mo Li's clothes, and the neatly hung clothes were folded into a mess in an instant;

After a while, I rolled to the desk and turned on Moli's computer, the so-called "wife inspection", to see if there are any A/movies or the like~~~;

After a while, he held Mo Li's cell phone, took a selfie with his head next to the sleeping man, and then set it as the cell phone wallpaper...

In the end, he was crazy and tired and obediently climbed into the bed, hung on the man's waist like a koala, and fell asleep.

However, every time Ji Tianmiao wakes up the next morning, she finds that she is sleeping in his room. Moreover, Mo Li always wakes her up.

In fact, Miao Miao knew that Mo Li was not asleep.

Mo Li would always pick her up and send her back to her own room after she crawled into the bed and hugged him to sleep.


"Mo Li, are you deliberately tricking me into pretending to be asleep now?"

Ji Tianmiao kissed the back of the man's hand, her dry voice trembling.

Ji Tianmiao stood up, gently lifted the swan quilt on the bed, and lay down on it.

Under the quilt, Ji Tianmiao carefully put her hand on Mo Li's waist, close to his ear, and said softly,

"Mo Li, I'm sleeping too, remember to wake me up."

In the dim light, the wet eyelids closed gently, like the wings of a tired butterfly, falling asleep.

Under the quilt, on the other side, the man's numb fingers moved slightly...


Outside the door of the room stood a group of people who had been kicked out.

Ji Shaojue was poking his butt and struggling to look into the room through the crack of the door, but he was unanimously disgusted by his brothers and sisters.

Ji Tianmo grabbed the back of his neck and carried it over.

A certain man shook his curly flaxen hair and yelled,

"Sister, little Miaomiao is so pitiful~~~"

Ji Tianmo slapped Ji Shaojue directly on the forehead, everyone knew it in their hearts, and it was really embarrassing to say it out!


Several people looked at each other, and then shouted at a certain man in a low voice, baring his teeth,

"Uncle Xiao~~~~"

Looking at the fierce eyes of a group of evil little brats, Xiao Zihan shuddered all over.

Then with trembling hands, he directly pushed away the nearest Ji Shaojue, and ran downstairs frantically, with the corners of his mouth twitching and howling,

"Don't call me old man! I don't know! I don't know~~~

Ji Zefeng, Ji Zeye, look at your little bastards, unite to bully me, an old man~~~"


Looking at Uncle Xiao who was running faster than a rabbit, the collective "baji" lowered their heads.

Ji Tianming's cold face sank, he also turned and walked downstairs.

Ji Tianmo and Ji Shaoting also followed, and a certain man was still poking his ass and pawing at the crack of the door, saying in a broken voice,

"Why can't you see anything?

I can't hear the sound, so it's possible... oh... oh... Boss, Queen, Brother Ting, wait for me~~~"

The three people walking in front are collectively ignoring...


"Shao Ting, are you done with what happened yesterday?"

In the living room of the villa, Ji Tianmo leaned lazily on the sofa.

The gorgeous bewitching eyes narrowed slightly, and she casually asked Ji Shaoting who was sitting on the opposite sofa.

Ji Shaoting nodded, a trace of disdain flashed in Xie You's brown eyes, and said with a sneer,

"We rebuilt the square, and the government is responsible for condolences to the families of the deceased."

Ji Tianmo's bewitching red lips curled up in a bewildering way, and he said with an evil smile,

"It's really hard for the Italian government~"

Hearing the queen's domineering and sarcastic words, Ji Shaoting raised his red wine glass in agreement.

There was no expression on Ji Tianming's cold face.

From behind, came the gasping voice of a certain male goblin,

"You all don't wait~~~"

Before he could finish howling, there was a sound of "whoosh", and an apple was thrown directly and accurately.

Ji Shaojue's eyes were sharp and his hands quickly caught it with his paw.

"Crackling" crunchy bite.

Then he walked to the sofa, looked around, and finally decided to sit next to the boss.

Although the boss is cold, he doesn't do it easily.

While deliberately patting his chest in shock, he yelled bitterly at the Queen.

Collective disgust.


Ji Tianmo kicked Ji Shaojue's calf and asked,

"What about Tianqi and Qianqian?"

Ji Shaojue took another bite of the apple, spouted a mouthful of apple juice and said,

"Little cousin and sister-in-law are still sleeping."

Ji Tianmo raised his eyebrows,

"What time is this, are you still sleeping?"

Ji Shaojue suddenly approached his head, smiling like a stunning goblin, who is more charming than a woman, and said with an extremely cold evil smile,

"I guess I was exhausted last night~~~"

Everyone raised their eyebrows in unison, and laughed evilly together knowingly.


Ji Tianmo looked at Ji Tianming again, and the cold eyebrows raised by the devil became even more evil,

"Boss, what about you?"

On the side, Ji Shaoting and Ji Shaojue sat up straight resolutely, and began to gossip excitedly with their ears pricked up.

They don't have the courage to ask the boss directly.

This time, the assassination of the Lien family, the general of the international federal government, by the dark fire king overnight has set off an unprecedented anti-terrorism climax/upsurge in the entire world.

Someone even made an open bid to kill the Fire King of Dark Fire~~~

However, the boss never killed the Lien family.

Obviously, someone framed...

Ji Tianming's stern face instantly became grim, and his pitch-black eyes released a chill as cold as a millennium's ice.

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