Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 503 People who love each other protect each other

And in the nightmare I woke up the next morning, I saw a pale and silent world...

That strong uneasiness once again grew and spread from the bottom of my heart like a vine, biting into Ai Qianqian's panicked heart...

"Tick" ---

A crystal tear.

Falling from those eyes filled with sadness, slowly sliding down, streaking a trail of cold tears...

Looking at Ai Qianqian's pale and bloodless face, Lin Xiaoru's scalp suddenly went numb.

Xiao Xiaoxiao held Ai Qianqian's hand and gestured vigorously from behind.

It's over, it's over, the little white rabbit guessed it.


Lin Xiaoru's expression remained unchanged, her tone was the same and she even said relaxedly to Ai Qianqian,

"Little White Rabbit, let me ask you, what are you thinking about all day long?"

After saying that, Lin Xiaoru raised her hand and deliberately gently poked Ai Qianqian's plump and beautiful forehead.

Next to him, Xiao Xiaoxiao let go of his tightly held paws, held Ai Qianqian's hand with his eyelids twitching wildly, and yelled,

"that is!

Little White Rabbit, who is your husband? !

Even if the whole world is in trouble, he will be fine, how is Third Young Master Ji~~~? "

Xiao Xiaoxiao's naughty howl was so arrogant that she wanted to do it →_→.

Lin Xiaoru rubbed Ai Qianqian's head again and continued,

"Qianqian, don't think too much.

You didn't know that you were still sleeping just now, but the Third Young Master had already called me.

Qian Dingzhu and Wan told me to take good care of you, don't run around anywhere, and wait for him to come back. "

Lin Xiaoru couldn't help but roll her eyes to the right as she spoke.


After being in the entertainment industry for a long time, she, as a "gold medal agent", has also heard and heard about it, and has developed gorgeous acting skills →_→...

Ai Qianqian's eyelashes tremble slightly, just like the injured transparent wings of a butterfly,

"Really? Ji Moji called you?!"

The hoarse and low voice became obviously excited.

Lin Xiaoru nodded calmly, but she was sweating silently in her heart,

"Little White Rabbit, my sister definitely didn't mean to deceive you on purpose! Third Young Master Ji, you won't just hit me when you come back~~~"

Ai Qianqian's sad little face suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

"Then why didn't Ji Moji call me? Besides, no one answered when I called him."

Lin Xiaoru immediately said to Ai Qianqian seriously,

"Because you are sleeping! I told Mr. San that you were feeling unwell, so I didn't ask you to answer the phone.

Look at the time yourself, it's three o'clock in the morning in Italy now.

Little White Rabbit, it’s not that my sister is telling you that your husband feels sorry for you, and you also feel sorry for him! After a whole day of meetings, I must have slept like a dead pig! "

After listening, Ai Qianqian suddenly raised her head and glanced at the clock on the wall of the living room. It was almost ten o'clock.

Ai Qianqian's white mouth was slightly deflated, and she felt a little relieved, but she still continued to ask worriedly,

"Sister Xiaoru, did Ji Moji tell you when he would be back?"

Lin Xiaoru's eyelids twitched and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Little White Rabbit, are you a hundred thousand whys now?

Sister is very busy now. When Third Young Master comes back, you can ask him yourself~~~"

With that said, Lin Xiaoru glanced at Xiao Xiaoxiao and Deng Wanting, then decisively turned around and walked towards the door of the living room, saying,

"Girl Xiao, Wanting, you two help me take good care of the little white rabbit. I'll go down and see how Tang Yu and the others are doing."

Xiao Xiaoxiao had already silently praised Lin Xiaoru in his heart. He was indeed the "gold medal agent" in the industry~~~

As soon as he received the look, Xiao Xiaoxiao shouted decisively at the top of his voice,

"Qianqian, just be obedient.

It’s hard to take a day off, it’s time to eat, drink and sleep! Those who don’t have all of these will go to hell! "

With that said, Xiao Xiaoxiao hooked Ai Qianqian's neck and took her to the bedroom. He also howled at Lin Xiaoru who walked out,

"Sister Xiaoru, my stomach is telling me that it hasn't had breakfast yet.

Look how hungry they are! I can’t even stand up anymore~~~”

Lin Xiaoru raised her hand and waved,

"I got it. Breakfast for three people, I'll have it delivered later."

Everyone was outraged by the Huayu headlines early in the morning. Not only Xiao Xiaoxiao, but none of them had breakfast.


Lin Xiaoru had just opened the door, but before she could walk out, Ai Qianqian suddenly broke away from Xiao Xiaoxiao's arm and raised the back of her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

Ai Qianqian looked at Deng Wanting and Xiao Xiaoxiao, then called Lin Xiaoru,

"Sister Xiaoru, I'll go with you."

go together?

Lin Xiaoru's eyelids twitched.

Seeing the little white rabbit's pale face but serious look, all the alarms went off, and he asked deliberately to confuse the topic,

"I'm going to have breakfast, little white rabbit, do you want to follow me?"

Ai Qianqian shook her head, her hoarse voice still had a nasal sound, but her tone was calmer and calmer,

"Sister Xiaoru, I'll go down with you to face the reporters."

Lin Xiaoru's heartbeat accelerated immediately, she stroked her forehead and waved her hand quickly and said,

"No need, little white rabbit!

Just be obedient and stay in the room and don't go anywhere. Sister Xiaoru will take care of it. "

Let the little white rabbit go against those iron-toothed and bronze-toothed people. The third young master will come back and really want to crush her to death in seconds~~~

Xiao Xiaoxiao almost slapped Ai Qianqian on the back of the head. The raised claws were like a ferocious broken bone, and there was a "crack" sound.

"Little White Rabbit! Hurry up and slap your horrible thoughts in the cradle, pia-pia-pia!"

Deng Wanting also changed her expression.

Although at this time, as the protagonist of the "scandal revelations", it would be better for Qianqian to speak directly, but Qianqian should not be criticized by people.

Ai Qianqian gave them all a calm smile, and clenched her small hands slightly tightly.

Say softly,

"All along, no matter what happened, Ji Moji always stayed by my side, protecting me in his arms and preventing me from any harm.

Today's scandal is that I failed to protect myself, causing him to suffer undue harm and grievance.

So, this time, it's my turn to stand up. Even in the face of everyone's unbearable insults, I have to clarify the facts, clear my name, and protect him. "

Two people who truly love each other protect each other.

The moment he finished speaking, a firm brilliance filled his bright eyes, becoming darker and firmer in an instant.

Ai Qianqian's pale lips suddenly smiled softly, the sadness in her eyebrows faded away, and she said,

"The little white rabbit is not as fragile as you think. Moreover, after being with the gray wolf for so long, he has already become the arrogant red wolf holding a pan."

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