Tsundere Star Mom: Teach a Male God To Be a Dad

Chapter 508: Reporters collectively dug a hole to bury themselves

The photo clearly captures an intimate photo of you and Mr. Mu Zinan. Miss Ai Qianqian, what evidence do you have to prove that the two of you in this photo are not kissing? "

After asking the question in one breath, the Tianyu reporter raised his eyebrows proudly.

He would ask this, so he was naturally 90% sure.

This morning, he received definite news that the surveillance line in the Paris Hotel's underground parking lot was burned out yesterday, so there was no surveillance video that could be used as evidence.

The Tianyu reporter looked at Ai Qianqian more aggressively, with a provocative look on his face. Other reporters also moved their fingers quickly on their computer keyboards.


Ai Qianqian was not as flustered as Tianyu reporters expected, not even a trace of nervousness.

She even looked like a sweet big sister, and her pure smile made people think that the reporter from Tianyu was simply a sinner. He asked back,

"I wonder if this reporter knows the noun phrase 'borrowing a camera'? It is often used in our acting filming."

In the audience, a group of filmmakers who had just been instantly killed nodded in unison like ignorant elementary school students answering the teacher's questions.

They are professional entertainment reporters, and cameras and pens are their bread and butter, ahem, so the method of "borrowing photos" is also often used in their journalistic circles...

Ai Qianqian took a deep breath,

"Dear reporters, because the surveillance system in the hotel parking lot was broken last night, there is no direct evidence, but I will provide you with a few photos as indirect evidence.

Please watch the big screen. "

After saying that, Ai Qianqian turned her face and looked at Lin Xiaoru, who nodded indicatively.

Then several consecutive photos appeared on the big screen behind the center stage.

The first one is the "scandalous photo" of Qian Qian and Mu Zinan's "secret/affection/kiss" that made the headlines this morning on China Entertainment.

When the reporters in the audience saw the second photo, they all looked at a certain couple sitting on the stage~~~

Lin Xiaoru turned her face away uncomfortably and turned red.

I just saw ---

The second photo shown on the big screen has the same location, background, and angle as the first photo, except that the two protagonists are replaced by Tang Baowang and Lin Xiaoru. It also shows that Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru are having a passionate kiss. picture.

However, when the reporters saw the next photos, they understood what Ai Qianqian meant by letting them see these photos.

In the next series of photos, all the subjects were Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru who seemed to be kissing in the parking lot. However, the photo angles were taken from various other angles in the parking lot.

And in these photo angles, you can clearly see---

Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru were not kissing passionately as everyone took it for granted, but simply the moment when Tang Yu hugged Lin Xiaoru who was about to fall, their postures seemed a little ambiguous.

Lin Xiaoru looked at the little white rabbit beside her who was chuckling. She raised her eyebrows arrogantly, and between her delicate willow-like brows, there was a smile of relief and embarrassment.

"Little White Rabbit, my sister has been an agent for so long, and her acting debut is dedicated to you. I want a salary increase~~~"

Ai Qianqian blinked her big eyes,

"Thank you, Sister Xiaoru. When Ji Moji comes back, I will ask him to double your salary!"

Lin Xiaoru's raised eyebrows stiffened slightly,


Then he turned around with a gloomy face and looked at Tang Yu.

As for the reporters in the audience, all of them looked confused, with sweat dripping from their foreheads.


None of them thought that Ai Qianqian would use such a "scene reenactment" method to clarify her innocence!

Suddenly, there was a feeling that they wanted to catch rabbits, but instead they collectively fell into the deep pit they had dug and buried themselves to death~~~

It feels so bad, my body aches, my heart is stuffed...

Ai Qianqian looked at the reporters in the audience again,

"Journalists, please understand, this is the truth of the photo."

The corners of their mouths all twitched, and they rolled down in sweat.

Everyone had realized that the little white rabbit was not as weak and easy to deal with as it appeared, so they turned against Mu Zinan.

A reporter stood up and asked a question,

"Mr. Mu Zinan, is this what happened?"

However, Mu Zinan looked a little confused, and his silent brows were covered with a deep sadness that could be felt by others.

Just now, Qianqian answered reporters that her relationship with him,

He is her stepuncle...

Stepuncle, these three extremely ironic words, he didn't want to admit, didn't want to admit, didn't even dare to admit...

Because once he admits it, he really has no reason to continue to watch and protect her.

Under the table, the clenched and white palm trembled uncontrollably...


Everyone looked at Mu Zinan in confusion. Ai Heng'an frowned and called him a reminder in a lowered voice.

Mu Zinan suddenly came back to his senses, looking at the eyes of everyone in the audience, his low voice was a little hoarse,

"Sorry, please say it again."

The reporter asked again,

"Mr. Mu Zinan, is this what happened?"

Mu Zinan said coldly,

"Yes, Miss Ai Qianqian is right."

"Mr. Mu Zinan, as Miss Ai Qianqian's step-uncle, why do you want to meet your niece at one o'clock in the morning?"

Mu Zinan's sword-shaped eyebrows were raised slightly, and his dark eyes looked coldly at the other reporter who asked the question, which shocked people's hearts.

"Because I have something urgent to come to see her for."

"Do you mind telling us what the emergency is?"

As expected of a professional journalist, I will do it no matter how afraid I am.

Mu Zinan's deep voice was even colder,

"Mayor Ai had a stroke some time ago and fell ill. Because Ai Qianqian was afraid that it would affect her work, she didn't tell her. Mayor Ai got better during this period, so he came over to tell her about it."

The reporters looked at Ai Heng'an, who was sitting next to him in a wheelchair, and seemed to be satisfied but not satisfied with Mu Zinan's explanation.

The China Entertainment reporter endured it for a long time and finally couldn't help but stand up and ask questions.

"However, since Mayor Ai has recovered from his illness, this matter can actually be told to Miss Ai Qianqian on the phone.

Why did Mr. Mu Zinan make a special trip from City A to City S at night? "

As soon as the Hua Entertainment reporter finished asking, he felt a chill down his spine and a chill rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Resolutely, I was met with thunderbolts and wild blows from a certain group of people~~~

There is Tang Baowang, Lin Xiaoru, Xiao Juejue, Xiao Xiaoxiao, and the entire crew of "Sword Love"...

The Hua Entertainment reporter's hand shook and he almost dropped the microphone in his hand. He silently wiped away the sweat and howled secretly with tears running down his face.

"Although our company reported the scandal, it was not me~~~"

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