Whichever way you choose to volunteer, it's important to be enthusiastic and patient, and to work with local teachers and community residents to understand their needs and cultural backgrounds.

Through genuine care and support, you will be able to make a positive impact and change for students in rural areas.

Villager PP: Teacher Cheng, thank you very much for your answer! I am very much looking forward to participating in the volunteer teaching activities and contributing to the students in rural areas.

I would also like to ask, what was your most memorable experience

in the process of volunteering?

Cheng Daodao: Villager PP, I am glad that you are looking forward to the volunteer teaching activities! In the process of teaching in my volunteer teaching, there are many unforgettable experiences, but one of them impressed me deeply was in a primary school in a remote mountainous area.

I was sent to teach at that primary school, which was in poor conditions and the students' families were from complicated backgrounds.

When I first arrived at the school, the students were a little resistant and suspicious of me, after all, I was a strange teacher.

They are not very interested in learning Xi and often lack self-confidence and motivation.

I was faced with a big challenge of how to stimulate students' interest in learning Xi and improve their Xi environment.

I took a series of steps to change this.

I have built trust and closeness

with my students, respecting their individuality and background.

I strive to create a positive Xi atmosphere and organize fun classroom activities and interactions to keep students engaged in the class.

At the same time, I also work closely with schools and parents to focus on the learning Xi and development of students.

After a period of hard work, I have seen the students change and grow.

They gradually show interest and motivation in learning Xi, participate in class discussions and activities, and show greater confidence and motivation.

In the final exam, they achieved good results, which made me very proud and satisfied.

This experience made me deeply aware that no matter how difficult the environment is, every student has the potential and ability to learn, Xi and grow.

By focusing on their individual needs, unleashing their potential, and working together with schools and families, we can create better Xi opportunities and futures for them.

Villager QQ: Mr. Cheng, thank you very much for sharing! Your teaching experience is really touching and encouraging.

I also hope to be able to contribute to the cause of rural education like you.

I would like to know, as a volunteer teacher, what

is the biggest gain in your work?

Cheng Daodao: Villager QQ, thank you very much for your praise and attention! As a volunteer teacher, my biggest gain is to see the growth and progress of the students.

When I see them making progress in their Xi, building confidence, and developing their interests and abilities, I feel extremely relieved and satisfied.

Interacting with the students has made me deeply appreciate the power and impact of education.

I saw a glint in their eyes with a desire for knowledge and a change in their destiny.

Every student is a unique individual with their own potential and unique value to contribute.

Through education, we can help them discover their talents and potential, and work towards achieving their dreams.

In addition, I also learned a lot from the students.

Their tenacity, courage and thirst for knowledge are all very inspiring and motivating to me.

Being with them every day, I feel the power of love, care, and dedication, which also makes me a better educator and person.

I believe that no matter how much we achieve in rural education, the growth and progress of each student is the most valuable reward.

This sense of harvest and accomplishment will stay with me for the rest of my life and motivate me to continue to devote myself to rural education and bring hope and change to more students.

Through the exchanges with Cheng Daodao, villager OO, villager PP and villager QQ, they have a deeper understanding and awareness of volunteer teaching activities and rural education.

They wanted to get involved in volunteering to help students in rural areas, and realized that by focusing on and supporting rural education, we could make a positive impact and change for students.

Cheng Daodao's experience and story inspire more and more people to devote themselves to the cause of rural education and contribute to the future of children.

Villager RR: Teacher Cheng, your teaching experience and insights are really admirable! I am also full of enthusiasm for rural education, I would like to know what is the biggest challenge you have encountered in the process of volunteering? How did you cope with and overcome this challenge?

Cheng Daodao: Villager RR, thank you very much for your appreciation! One of the biggest challenges I encountered in the process of teaching was the language and cultural differences.

Sometimes, I was sent to places where the dialect and cultural Xi were very different from what I was familiar with, which made it difficult for me to teach and communicate with students.

To address this challenge, I have adopted a number of strategies.

First of all, I worked hard to learn Xi and master the local dialect, which helped me communicate better with students and local residents.

I consult with local teachers and colleagues to learn Xi local language and culture.

Second, I focus on observing and listening.

I carefully observe the students' reactions and behaviors, understanding what they mean through their body language and expressions.

I actively listen to the perspectives and experiences of students and local residents, respecting their culture and values.

Thirdly, I flexibly adjust my teaching methods and teaching materials.

I try to choose teaching materials and teaching resources that are relevant to the student's environment and real-life experience.

I use a variety of teaching methods, such as pictures, objects, games, etc., to help students better understand and participate in the class.

Through these efforts, I gradually overcame the challenges posed by language and cultural differences.

I found that despite our linguistic differences, the goals and values of education are common.

By building good relationships with students and respecting their cultural backgrounds, I am able to build communication and trust with them to Xi pursue their academic goals together.

Villager SS: Teacher Cheng, thank you very much for sharing the challenges you faced and the ways to overcome them in the process of volunteering! I also hope to be able to contribute in rural areas, but I am worried that my ability and influence are limited.

Do you have any suggestions

that can help me teach and help students in rural areas more effectively?

Cheng Daodao: Villager SS, a very important issue! When it comes to teaching and helping students in rural areas, there are indeed some methods and strategies that can help you play your role more effectively.

I would like to share a few pieces of advice with you:

First, understand the needs and background of your students.

Every student in a rural area has their own characteristics and needs, so it's important to understand their background, family environment and Xi.

Communicate with students and parents to understand their expectations and challenges so you can provide targeted support and assistance.


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