Cheng Daodao: (happily speaking) We succeeded! We have changed the destiny of the future!

Boss Zhang: (excited) Yes, this is our common victory! You are a true communication wizard!

(In the end, Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang guarded the communication security of the past and the future together, and became a legend.) Their story has become a legend that will be told forever.

(After a while, Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang were sitting in the company's conference room, discussing the future direction of development.) Boss

Zhang: Cheng Daodao, it's incredible that we managed to prevent that global communication system from collapsing! Now it seems that you are indeed a communication wizard who has traveled through time and space.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for the compliment, Boss Zhang. But we can't stop because of this success. There are still infinite possibilities for future communication technology, and we should continue to strive for innovation.

Boss Zhang: You're right. We must remain forward-looking and constantly innovate. However, I've also heard that you've had some personal troubles lately, haven't you?

Cheng Daodao: (nodding slightly worriedly) Yes, I received an email from the future that mentions my family, and it seems that they are in some kind of danger. I'm worried about them.

Boss Zhang: This is not to be underestimated. Since you're a communication wizard, try using your skills to find out where this email came from and see if that solves the problem.

Cheng Daodao: You're right. I will do my best to find out the source of this email and protect my family. At the same time, I would like to thank you for your understanding and support.

(Cheng Dadao decided to use his skills and knowledge to track down the source of this email from the future.) He delved into network technology, analyzing the source IP and other information of the email, and finally found some clues.

Cheng Daodao: (excited) Boss Zhang, I found some clues, the source of this email seems to be a mysterious organization, and they have power beyond modern technology.

Boss Zhang: (serious) That sounds dangerous. You have to be careful not to act rashly.

Cheng Daodao: Don't worry, I'll be careful. However, I can't sit idly by. I decided to track down the organization to see what their true purpose was.

(After a painstaking investigation, Cheng Daodao gradually came into contact with this mysterious organization, and discovered that they did have abilities beyond modern technology.) Their goal is to manipulate the real world using futuristic technology.

Cheng Daodao: (secretly swears in my heart) I can't let them succeed! I must stop them and protect my family and this era!

(Cheng Daoguo launched a desperate battle against this mysterious organization.) He used his understanding of communication technology to engage in an electronic warfare between reality and fiction with the other side. In the end, Cheng Daoguo, with his firm will and wisdom, defeated the organization and stopped their conspiracy.

Cheng Daodao: (gasps, smile) Finally, it's all over.

Boss Zhang: (Walked over) Cheng Daodao, you are amazing! Not only have you changed the communications of the past and the future, but you have also guarded our safety.

Cheng Daodao: (humbly) I'm just doing my best, and I have to thank you for your continued support. Now, I can go back to the future with peace of mind.

Boss Zhang: (with a slight regret) Yes, time can't stay long. But your contribution in this era will always be remembered.

(Cheng Daodao left the sixties and returned to his own time.) He wrote a book about this wonderful experience through time and space, and let the world know his story. And his partner in the sixties, Boss Zhang, has also become a legend in the field of communication technology. Their story has become a legend that will never fade.

(A few years later, at Cheng Daodao's company headquarters, Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang met again.) Boss

Zhang: Cheng Daodao, I haven't seen you for many years, but the development of your company is really eye-catching!

Cheng Daodao: Thank you, Boss Zhang. Over the years, we have been innovating with a spirit of innovation. Moreover, we have never forgotten our original intention, and have always taken the protection of communication security as our most important task.

Mr. Zhang: Your company has now occupied a pivotal position in the field of communication technology. But I'm not just here to praise your accomplishments. There's one more thing I have to tell you.

Cheng Daodao: Please, Boss Zhang, what's the matter?

Boss Zhang: You know, things that go back in time or travel back in time to the past have not only happened between us. Recently, our company received a letter from a mysterious young man who claimed to be a traverser and also claimed that he needed our help.

Cheng Daodao: (surprised) Really? Then this young man is...

Boss Zhang: Yes, he calls himself "Cheng Xiaoguo" and says that he is your descendant. According to him, he traveled to the present, and he wanted to get technical support from our company to return to the future to prevent an impending disaster.

Cheng Daodao: This is incredible! If that's true, then we'll have to help him as much as we can.

Boss Zhang: I think you'll say that. That's why I invited him to meet you, and we'll discuss how to deal with it.

(After a moment of silence, a young man walks in outside the door, looking exactly like Cheng Daodao did when he was young.)

Cheng Xiaoguo: (excited and nervous) Hello, I'm Cheng Xiaoguo. Thank you so much for your willingness to meet me.

Cheng Daguo: (smiles) Hello, Cheng Xiaoguo. I've heard about your intentions, and it's a little incredible, but I believe you. We will fully support you in stopping future disasters together.

Cheng Xiaoguo: Thank you for your understanding and support. I will do everything in my power to protect the future and my family.

(Cheng Daoguo and Cheng Xiaoguo will act together to resist impending disasters with the help of past and future communication technologies.) They kept talking and discussing countermeasures, and eventually succeeded in stopping the disaster.

Cheng Daguo: (looking at Cheng Xiaoguo proudly) You're doing a great job, young man. Your courage and wisdom deserve my respect.

Cheng Xiaoguo: (gratefully) Without your help and guidance, I would not have been able to succeed. Thank you, Cheng Daodao.

(Cheng Xiaoguo smoothly returned to his own time, and continued his life with gratitude to Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang.) Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang continue to unite and cooperate, develop and grow the company, and continue to lead the innovation of communication technology. Their legends will forever be the driving force that inspires people to explore the unknown.

(A few years later, Cheng Daodao and Boss Zhang met again at the company's headquarters.) They sit on comfortable couches and reminisce about their past adventures. Boss

Zhang: Over the years, we have experienced too many incredible things. From the time you travel to the invention of the mobile phone in the sixties, to Cheng Xiaoguo's time travel to the present to ask for help, it is like a fantastic adventure.


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