The hot pot soup was bubbling and bubbling, and the eight people at the table didn’t know if it was because of their own thoughts, and no one spoke at the moment, and it seemed extremely quiet.

“Would we like to have some wine?” Chu Yao glanced at the entire dining table, always feeling that something was missing, and proposed.

“I think it’s okay, it’s rare for such a crowd, a little drink to celebrate!” Wen Yiming responded positively, and the next second he got up and said, “I’ll go get the wine!”

At present, Lu Zhou was already hungry, and seeing that everyone was not moving, he took the initiative to pick up some dishes and put them in the pot to cook.

Seeing this, the other men finally started to pour vegetables into the pot.

Wen Yiming took a bottle of red wine and a decanter back to the table, “I only found this wine on the wine rack.”

When Zhang Chen heard this, he beckoned to him and said, “I’ll take a look.”

“You guys wake up the bar, I’ll go get the cup.” Wen Yiming handed over the bottle of red wine, and then turned around and went into the kitchen.

Zhang Chen took the red wine and glanced at the label on the bottle a few times, and then silently hooked his lips.

This wine is obviously sponsored by the sponsor of the show, which is an ordinary daily meal wine.

Lu Zhou caught his small expression and said in his heart: After seeing the red wine, he smiled because he was satisfied? Or is it because you are not very satisfied with laughing?

At this time, Zhang Chen had already opened the red wine with the bottle opener, and then poured it into the decanter.

“How long will I wake up?” Lu Zhou subconsciously asked.

“Fifteen minutes is almost it.” Zhang Chen replied casually, and then moved the wine to the middle of the table.

Now Lu Zhou knows, Zhang Chengongzi just smiled, should not be very satisfied with the quality of this red wine, after all, it is a man who wears millions of watches, and the red wine he usually drinks must be of high grade, right?

Lu Zhou picked up a piece of beef from the pot, dipped it in the special dipping sauce made by Chu Yao, put it in his mouth and tasted it, then nodded in satisfaction, and gave Chu Yao a thumbs up: “Delicious!” It’s a delicacy on earth!

Chu Yao was praised and asked, “Is it ripe?”

“When cooked, it should be eaten earlier, the taste will be a little more tender.”

Lu Zhou said as he picked up the spoon and scooped up all the shabu beef, and then divided the plates of each of the four of them into pieces.

Ye Fangfei was diagonally opposite him, far away, he was not very convenient to operate, and he had to stand up.

“Thank you, don’t be busy, I’ll come by myself.” Ye Fangfei said.

While chewing the beef, Zhang Chen secretly looked at Lu Zhou next to him.

Where did the boy come from, this courtesy is too obvious, right? There

is no valuable item in the whole body, and no matter how diligent you are in front of women, it is also a blind kung fu in the end.

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

“Fang Fei, beef meatballs, do you want it?”

Zhang Chen picked up another colander, scooped up two beef balls, and asked Ye Fangfei.

Ye Fangfei was eating beef, and after hearing the sound, he looked up from the dinner plate, glanced at the two beef balls that had just come out of the pot, and the corners of his mouth twitched, “I just put the beef balls in, and it only took less than two minutes to cook…” Zhang Chen

: “…”

Showing embarrassment, Zhang Chen quickly put the beef balls back into the pot and cooked.

Wen Yiming was already handing out wine glasses to everyone and asked, “Is there anyone who can’t drink?”

Ye Fangfei raised her hand at this time and said, “Me! Because of the nature of my work tomorrow, I won’t accompany you to drink today, another day.

Wen Yiming’s wine glass had just been sent to her table, and when she heard this, she finally put the wine glass in front of her and said with a smile: “Then I’ll go and get you a bottle of juice?”

Zhang Chen had already actively stood up at this time and said, “I’ll go and get it.”

Wen Yiming glanced at him, didn’t say anything more, and silently returned to his seat.

“Hey? Are you guys already eating? Don’t wait for me? It’s so inhumane, you guys! He saw that his group had silently eaten the hot pot, and suddenly screamed.

“Isn’t it all in your plate?” Qi Jiajia said while eating.

“Can’t wait for you, let the two girls accompany you hungry, right? And the meat must be eaten quickly, otherwise it will be cooked and old. Xu Junze patted Wen Yiming’s shoulder and soothed.

Li Jiayan sandwiched the lamb he had just cooked into Wen Yiming’s bowl and said, “Come, specially for you, hard work, Yiming.”

Wen Yiming showed a sunny smile, “It’s still good for me.”

The wine was almost awake, and Lu Zhou got up to pour wine for everyone.

“Come, let’s clink glasses together, thank Yaoyao and Yiming for the big meal they worked hard to prepare for us tonight!”

After pouring the wine, Lu Zhou took the lead in toasting.

“Thank you Yaoyao! Thanks Yiming!

Thanksgiving rose and fell at the table.

“Yaoyao, your hot pot dipping sauce is so delicious, I have to ask you for the recipe to take home and try it another day.” Qi Jiajia nibbled on the beef balls while looking at Chu Yao and boasting.

“No, people are the head gourmet V, and the cooking skills are not excellent, they are almost at the level of chefs.” Wen Yiming answered.

“I want to say that whoever marries Yaoyao in the future is really too happy.” Ye Fangfei interjected with a smile.

“If you want to marry Yaoyao, you must first be mentally prepared to gain 20 pounds, haha.” Xu Junze said amusedly.

“Huh? It doesn’t make sense, I see that there are no fat boys among the four of you, but if there is a little fatter, I must be the first to suspect that he is Yaoyao’s ex-boyfriend. Li Jiayan picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth and said.

Lu Zhou swallowed the enoki mushroom in his mouth and said with a smile: “You know it’s your ex-boyfriend, everyone has broken up, and the delicious food on weekdays is suddenly gone, and suddenly fell from heaven to hell, how fat you were before that will also lose weight.”

The others burst out laughing.

Chu Yao, who was in the center of the topic, couldn’t help but blush, she raised her hand to fan herself, and said:

“I suspect that you colluded and deliberately praised me to the sky, do you want to use this trick to fool me into making you food every day?” I won’t fall for you!

Wen Yiming: “Hahaha! Debunked by you.

Zhang Chen: “It seems that smart people are not very easy to fool.” The

atmosphere became lively in the joke, everyone relaxed a lot, eating and chatting at the dinner table, and the strange distance between each other became much closer.

When the hot pot was almost eaten, the door bell suddenly sounded in the villa.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while they didn’t know why.

“I’ll take a look.”

Lu Zhou got up actively and walked outside.

Opening the door of the villa, Lu Zhou looked around and didn’t see anyone outside, but there was a delicate basket on the floor at the door, and a tablet was placed in the basket.

Lu Zhou picked up the small basket and entered the house and closed the door again.

Back in the dining room, all eyes were on him.

“What is it?” Qi Jiajia asked curiously.

Lu Zhou picked up the tablet and shook it, and said: “This is put at the door, should the program team convey to us what new task?”

Wen Yiming: “Open it and see what to say.”

Lu Zhou returned to his position, pressed the tablet power button, scratched out the lock screen wallpaper, and saw the note page that had been opened in advance, and the first line of black bold text on it read:

[In the heart of the ex, what kind of person were you in the past?]

Let’s listen to how your ex introduced you to you! ]

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